[comp.unix.aux] SyQuest 40MB removable won't mount under unix

shani@TAURUS.BITNET (02/27/91)


Could anyone help me with mounting a SyQuest 40MB removable disk under A/UX ?

The disk is formatted for Mac/OS (with the MacOS standard formatter) and
when A/UX boots, it says:

generic disk c1d0s30 Retry limit: Logical block 0, physical block 0
Disk write c1d0s30 Error: More data than SCSI device requested

and doesn't mount the disk.

? HELP ???

Thanks in advance,


ryan@amc-vlsi.UUCP (Ryan Jorgenson) (03/01/91)

In article <2399@taurus.BITNET> <shani%math.tau.ac.il@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU> writes:
>Could anyone help me with mounting a SyQuest 40MB removable disk under A/UX ?
>The disk is formatted for Mac/OS (with the MacOS standard formatter) and
>when A/UX boots, it says:

[specific error messages deleted]

>and doesn't mount the disk.

This sounds like another case of the standard problem with SyQuests and A/UX--
You need a copy of Tony Cooper's scsi-fix-error-page utility which is available
in the info-mac archives.  If you can't get it yourself (its under:
   info-mac/util/scsi-fix-error-page.hqx  )
let me know and I'll mail you a copy.

ryan@amcvlsi.uucp		|	Ryan Jorgenson
amcvlsi!ryan@cpsc.ucalgary.ca	|	The Alberta Microelectronic Centre
Phone: +1 403 289 2043		|	Calgary, Alberta Canada

domo@tsa.co.uk (Dominic Dunlop) (03/10/91)

In article <12385@goofy.Apple.COM> rick@apple.COM () writes:
> In article <2399@taurus.BITNET> <shani%math.tau.ac.il@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU> writes:
> >Could anyone help me with mounting a SyQuest 40MB removable disk under A/UX ?
> >when A/UX boots, it says:
> >generic disk c1d0s30 Retry limit: Logical block 0, physical block 0
> >Disk write c1d0s30 Error: More data than SCSI device requested
>     The error you see is due to a bug in 2.0 (fixed in 2.0.1) wherein
>     the disk driver issues a "mode-select" command to the Syquest in order
>     to set the error-recovery parameters.
>     It is possible to set these error-recovery bits permanently by use
>     of one of the multitude of Mac disk utilities out there.
>     Now for the technical details:
>     Find a utility that will do the mode-select "permanent" for you,
>     and set the byte accordingly.

What Rick omits to mention is that there is a program which claims to do
just that on Apple's own support system, aux.support.apple.com.  It's in
a uuencoded compressed tar file by the name of
/usr/spool/ftp/aux.patches/unsupported/fix_error.uu.  Snarf it, unencode
and unarchive it, and you'll get a Mac application called Fix Error Page
and a TeachText README file.  For those with ftp, the internet address
of the system is; for those without, call +1 408 559 3066 and
login as aux.  (Twice.  You'll see what I mean.)  For anybody, the
system is  S L O W , but a whole lot better than nothing.

By the way, I haven't tried the thing.  I thought it might be a fix for
> --
> Rick Auricchio	 rick@apple.COM 	 Mooney N894AR    	 (408) 974-4227
> Apple Computer Inc, A/UX Engineering,10300 Bubb Rd, MS 50-UX Cupertino CA 95014
> 		Work is for people who don't know how to fly.
> My opinion is my own. My employer? They use a windsock and a fire extinguisher.

Dominic Dunlop