[comp.unix.aux] General A/UX questions

esink@turia.dit.upm.es (04/05/91)

I'm certain many of these are faq's; my apologies in advance, but
a recent event turned A/UX into an interesting possibility for me.

1.  What does it cost ?  I know I've seen this lately in some
    magazine - Byte maybe... Is there any way to not pay retail ?
    For example, is there any kind of educational discount ?  Please
    ignore the fact that I am posting from Spain.  I am a student
    at a major University in the U.S., on leave.

2.  What sort of a disadvantage is the fact that this is SVR2 instead
    of the more current SVR4 ?  Is an upgrade to R3 or R4 being
    planned ?

3.  Am I right in assuming that the Mac as a UNIX box can run
    general UNIX software like I might do on a Sun ?  Yes, I know
    that SysV is not the same as the Berkeleyish thing in the
    Sun box, but I can still run things like the following can't I ?
       perl, gnu emacs, gcc, g++, f2c, nethack, zoo, rn, most
       other gnu software..., patch, sc, kcl...

4.  How *Mac* is it ?  I have 'heard' that the integration of the
    Mac interface with UNIX is very well done.  Can I fiddle with
    hypercard while I compile in the background in another window ?
    Can I fiddle with Hypercard while I calculate an Excel
    spreadsheet in the background ?

    (The aim of the previous 2 questions is this : since A/UX would
     appear to be a mix of the Mac OS and UNIX, what from each camp
     am I sacrificing.  The benefits of the mix appear obvious, I
     just want to know if anything got loss during the marriage)

5.  What's a minimum and recommended disk space need for this OS ?

6.  Does X come with the system (a non-question, I don't care about
    this except for trivia)

7.  How is the file system handled ?  Separate partitions for Mac
    and A/UX ?

8.  Can I switch to a purely Mac System/Finder configuration easily ? Is
    there any need to do so ?

9.  What kind of documentation comes with it ?

A.  Do you LIKE A/UX ?

B.  Is it possible to use UNIX development tools to write Mac
    applications ?

C.  How fast is it on a lower end Mac, like a IIsi or maybe an
    SE/30 ?  The IIfx is not really an option for me.

Well, I came up with more questions than I thought I would.
Respond to all or a subset, whatever you like.  Mailed
responses would probably be better - I doubt you all want
comp.unix.aux clogged with stuff like this...

Any comments, opinions welcome; thanks in advance !


Eric W. Sink                     | Putting the phrase      |All opinions
Departamento de Telematica       | "Frequently Asked"      |are mine and
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid| in your kill file is    |not necessarily
esink@turia.dit.upm.es           | not recommended.        |yours.