[comp.unix.aux] 7.0 Finder under A/UX 2.0 AND Localtalk <-> Ethernet question

wmd@tippy.cs.purdue.edu (Malcolm Duncan) (05/07/91)

Does the new 7.0 finder work under A/UX 2.0?  I have been afraid to try it.

When can we expect 7.0 features under A/UX?  shortly, soon, next year???


Is there a way to make A/UX act like a FastPath gateway and route MacTCP 
packets on the Localtalk interface onto the ethernet and vice-cersa?

Malcolm Duncan            | Internet: wmd@tippy.cs.purdue.edu
Dir. Exec. Ed. Computing  |
News Administrator        | Krannert Graduate School of Management
Phone: (317) 494-7700     | Purdue University, W. Lafayette, IN  USA