[comp.unix.aux] A/UX installation troubles

deboni@diego.llnl.gov (Tom DeBoni) (06/26/91)

I'm trying to getA/UX installed and running on my Mac IIx, using a nonstandard
partitioning scheme, but it fails on me. I'm unable to get any advice from Apple
because my 90 days of free questions ran out. I'd appreciate any wisdom that
exists on the matter.
oHere's the setup: I have a 300 MB internal in my Mac, which I would like to 
set up with an 80 MB partition for straight Mac stuff. I'd like to be able to
either launch A/UX and run some Mac stuff under it, or just run the Mac OS. I
have tried to install the A/UX software from the CD, following the procedures
in the manual, but have had problems. First I bypassed the disk partitioning
and Mac System installation steps, because they were already done. When I got
to the step where I ran Floppy Launch and it asked for the Floppy Kernel disk,
it claimed to be launching but in fact lacked up and required rebooting. This
happened several times. I tried trashing the existing System Folder, which
was full of custom stuff and contained software explicitly for the IIx, and
going through the installation step I'd skipped, and was eventually able to
get the whole thing to work. 

Then I got "smart" and decided to set up a small partition on that 300 MB drive
to hold a minimal A/UX launching System Folder and nothing else. That way I
could keep my regular System Folder on the 80 MB partition and continue to 
boot from it when I didn't need A/UX. I used Silverlining to set up these
two partitions, and now I find that (1) I can't boot from the "MacPartition"
containing System Software for any Macintosh, and I also cannot do the install-
ation of the A/UX software from CD-ROM. WHen I try to install, I get the same
bahavior as before - it locks up while trying to load the flopy kernel.

So, I must not be understanding the voodoo underneath the setup for A/UX on
a large drive. Are multiple partitions impossible? Is Silverlining the
wrong tool? What else can I be doing wrong?

All answers are welcome

Tom DeBoni (deboni@diego.llnl.gov)