(C.Fry - Inst. Computer Research) (09/29/88)
The Mjolner Environment: Direct Interaction with Abstraction by Dr. Boris Magnusson of Lund Institute of Technology Lund Sweden Abstract This talk discusses the user interface to programs and their exe- cution in the Mjolner Programming Environment. The key idea is to present the programming language abstractions, such as classes and procedures, as individual windows which the user can interact with directly. This approach is used consistently to visualize both a program and it execution. The windows are arranged hierarchically reflecting the static nesting of blocks. The win- dow hierarchy gives powerful support for interaction and naviga- tion in a program. Incremental compilation techniques are used to make a high level of interaction and integration possible. DATE: Friday, October 7, 1988 TIME: 3:00 p.m. PLACE: University of Waterloo, Davis Centre, Room 1302 Everyone is welcome. Refreshments served.