(C.Fry - Inst. Computer Research) (10/12/88)
On Algorithmic Applications of Well-Partial-Order Theory and Constructive Search Complexity by Michael A. Langston of Department of Computer Science Washington State University Pullman, WA 99164-1210 Abstract I shall demonstrate how recent advances in the theory of well- partially-ordered sets can be employed to prove the existence of decision algorithms with low-degree polynomial running times for a number of seemingly difficult combinatorial problems. Some of these problems were not previously known to be in P at all; oth- ers were only known to be in P by way of brute force or dynamic programming formulations with unboundedly high-degree polynomial running times. The methods I shall describe include the applica- tion of the powerful Robertson-Seymour theorems on the well- partial-ordering of graphs under both the minor and immersion orders. I shall also discuss the complexity of associated search prob- lems, presenting a general line of attack that interleaves self- reduction with obstruction testing to identify correct algo- rithms. Curiously, this approach can extended, using a novel idea originally suggested by Levin, so that (in principle) one can write down an algorithm that is guaranteed to run in asymptotically-optimal time even though its time complexity can- not be deduced from its description or its behavior. An in- teresting corollary of all this is that if the inherently Inon- constructive tools from well-partial-order theory should be used to prove P=NP (admittedly an unlikely event, but one with the po- tential to render NP-completeness proofs useless as polynomial- time algorithms), then the aforementioned approach insures a con- structive proof as well. This talk reflects work performed jointly with Michael R. Fellows. DATE: Wednesday, October 19, 1988 TIME: 3:30 p.m. PLACE: University of Waterloo, Davis Centre, Room 1302 Everyone is welcome. Refreshments served.