wlrush@water.waterloo.edu (Wenchantress Wench Wendall) (06/22/89)
Apple Computer, will speak on ``An In-Place Image Zoom Algorithm.'' DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO SEMINAR ACTIVITIES COMPUTER GRAPHICS SEMINAR -Monday, June 26, 1989 Mr. Paul Heckbert, University of California-Berkeley and Apple Computer, will speak on ``An In-Place Image Zoom Algorithm'' TIME: 3:30 p.m. ROOM: DC 1302 ABSTRACT Standard image processing algorithms operate in scanline order. If one attempts to translate or scale an image with overlapping source and destination windows using such an algorithm, information-destroying feedback results. Borrowing tricks from block transfer firmware, we can make slight modifications to the scanline algorithm to eliminate all feedback. Happily, the technique generalizes easily to allow arbitrary finite impulse response filtering. The resulting algorithm for in-place filtered image zooming appears to subsume previous one-pass scanline algorithms for both in-place FIR filtering and in-place zooming, with no loss in efficiency.
wlrush@water.waterloo.edu (Wenchantress Wench Wendall) (02/22/90)
will speak on ``Simulation of Dynamic Systems with Solid Modeling Support.'' DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO SEMINAR ACTIVITIES COMPUTER GRAPHICS SEMINAR -Friday, March 2, 1990 Dr. George Vanecek Jr., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, will speak on ``Simulation of Dynamic Systems with Solid Modeling Support''. TIME: 3:30 p.m. ROOM: DC 1304 ABSTRACT Newton is a system developed jointly at Cornell and Purdue for simulating systems of physical objects. Much of Project Newton depends on the support of a solid modeler. This includes the ability to create, and modify solid objects, as well as to obtain mass properties of objects, or to determine the spatial interaction between two objects. To provide such broad support, a solid modeling system called ProtoSolid has been connected to Newton. ProtoSolid is a solid modeling system developed at the University of Maryland. It supports the creation and modification of arbitrary polyhedral solids. ProtoSolid is written in Common Lisp and runs on Lisp machines such as the Symbolics and the TI/Explorers. It can also be easily ported to any all-purpose UNIX machine. Internally, ProtoSolid models the boundaries of solids. The solids are polyhedral objects including solids with nonmanifold topologies. In addition to the boundary representation, two other representations are provided for solids. The first is a high level language for specifying the operations and the parameterized primitives for creating solid. Among the operations are Boolean set operations for combining, intersecting and subtracting two solids, and Euler operators for making local changes to the boundary of a single solid. Simple solids can be instantiated from parameterized primitives such as block, cone, cylinder, sphere and - 2 - torus, or may be created as solids of revolution or extrusion from contours. ProtoSolid can translate objects into a second, volume-based representation. Here, the volume of a solid is given by a binary space partition (BSP) tree. It can be easily constructed from the boundary representation. Volume-based operations such as point/solid and line/solid classification, and detection of the interpenetration of two solids are efficiently supported by BSP trees. With this solid modeler it is possible to implement algorithms that determine collision times of two moving objects, and to analyze the point or surface contacts of the collisions. With the ability to detect and resolve collisions, and obtain mass properties such as volume, surface area, center of mass, and various moments of inertia, the modeler readily supports the Newton simulation system. Currently, Project Newton is a distributed system consisting of a graphical user interface on a Personal Iris that utilizes two Symbolics 3620s, one with ProtoSolid, and the other with the Newton simulation system. This talk presents project Newton with emphasis on the solid modeling support.