[bionet.sci-resources] wanted: clinical training

os@trillian (03/20/90)

Path: trillian

We're four senior medical students from West Germany (Universities of Muenster
and Essen) and we're searching for a clinic or hospital in the USA to do
4 weeks (in the month of July) of clinical respectively practical training
on a ward. In Germany this is called 'Famulatur' (Latin:'famulare'='to serve'),
so we don't expect to get any remuneration or payment for our work. But all
german students of medicine have to fulfil 12 weeks of this as an integral
part of their studies, and it's natural very interesting to do some of it
in  a foreign country.
If You have an offer for us or further information where to ask, please answer
or - which we'd like better - mail directly to :

os@unido.uucp                                  or
os@unido.bitnet                                or
os@unido.informatik.uni-dortmund.de             .

                                              - Oliver Schlageter -