kristoff@GENBANK.BIO.NET (Dave Kristofferson) (05/26/90)
NOTE: The NIH Guide may be split into more than one mail message to avoid truncation during e-mail distribution. The first message always begins with the RFP/RFA summary sections followed by the appended texts of the full RFP/RFAs. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NIH GUIDE - Vol. 19, No. 20, May 25, 1990 NOTICES OF AVAILABILITY (RFPs AND RFAs) CHEMICALLY INDUCED DNA MODIFICATIONS (RFP) .............(84/119)............. 1 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Index: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SCIENCES COMMUNITY CLINICAL ONCOLOGY PROGRAM (RFA CA-90-13) ...(122/226, 484/2085).... 1 National Cancer Institute Index: CANCER COURSES RELATED TO GENOMIC ANALYSIS (RFA HG-90-01) ...(241/394, 2088/2349)... 3 National Center for Human Genome Research Index: HUMAN GENOME RESEARCH NOTICES OF AVAILABILITY (RFPs AND RFAs) CHEMICALLY INDUCED DNA MODIFICATIONS RFP AVAILABLE: NIH-ES-90-03 P.T. 34; K.W. 0760053, 1002028, 1215018 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences The purpose of this contract is to examine the effects of chemicals on specific regions of the genome. Specifically, the contractor shall examine chemical adduction and its repair to specific genes (not to bulk DNA), and to relate these effects to mutagenesis or carcinogenesis. The offeror also may propose to develop new or existing assays to examine DNA modifications at specific regions of the genome. The contractor shall study a total of 8 compounds both in vitro and in vivo over the duration of the contract. The project shall be conducted in accordance with the following standards: NTP Health and Safety Minimum Requirements for Contract Laboratories Performing Work for the Systemic Toxicology Branch; NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant DNA Molecules, Federal Register, May 7, 1986, Vol. 51, No. 88, pp. 16958-16985; and NCI Safety Standards for Research Involving Chemical Carcinogenesis, DHHS Pub. # NIH (76-900). The Government estimates that approximately 2.4 professional person years and 1 technical person year will be required on an annual basis. A term form, level-of-effort type contract is contemplated with an estimated period of performance of 5 years. All responsible sources may submit a proposal which shall be considered by the Agency. Expected release date of the RFP is May 24, 1990, with proposals due July 23, 1990. Requests should reference RFP NIH-ES-90-03 and should be forwarded to: National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Contracts and Procurement Management Branch, OM ATTN: Marilyn B. Whaley, Contract Specialist 79 T.W. Alexander Drive, 4401 Building P. O. Box 12874 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 COMMUNITY CLINICAL ONCOLOGY PROGRAM RFA AVAILABLE: CA-90-13 P.T. 34; K.W. 0403004, 0715035, 0755015, 0795003 National Cancer Institute Letter of Intent Receipt Date: June 15, 1990 Application Receipt Date: August 24, 1990 The Division of Cancer Prevention and Control (DCPC), National Cancer Institute (NCI), invites applications from domestic institutions for cooperative agreements to the Community Clinical Oncology Program (CCOP). New community and research base applicants and currently funded programs are invited to respond to this Request For Applications (RFA). This reissuance of the CCOP RFA seeks to build on the strength and demonstrated success of the CCOP over the past seven years by: 1) continuing the program as a vehicle for supporting community participation in treatment and cancer control clinical trials through research bases (clinical cooperative groups and cancer centers supported by NCI, and public health departments); 2) expanding and strengthening the cancer control research effort; 3) utilizing the CCOP network for conducting NCI-assisted cancer control research; and 4) evaluating on a continuing basis CCOP performance and its impact in the community. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Over 80 percent of patients with cancer are treated in the community. The CCOP was initiated in 1983 to bring the benefits of clinical research to cancer patients in their own communities by providing support for physicians to enter patients onto treatment research protocols. The CCOPs clearly were very effective in accruing patients to treatment clinical trials. The second RFA, issued in 1986, expanded the focus to include cancer control research. NIH GUIDE - Vol. 19, No. 20, May 25, 1990 - Page 1 The development of cancer control research in the CCOP network has been increasing steadily since funding began in 1987. Protocols are developed by the research bases and reviewed by DCPC's Cancer Control Protocol Review Committee (CCPRC). Protocols cover the full spectrum of cancer control research, including chemoprevention, marker studies, smoking cessation studies, screening and early detection, and pain control and other supportive care interventions aimed at reducing cancer incidence, morbidity, and mortality. RESEARCH GOALS AND SCOPE The CCOP initiative is designed to: o Bring the advantages of state-of-the-art treatment and cancer control research to individuals in their own communities by having practicing physicians and their patient/subjects participate in NCI-approved treatment and cancer control clinical trials; o Provide a basis for involving a wider segment of the community in cancer control research; o Increase the involvement of primary health care providers and other specialists with the CCOP investigators in treatment and cancer control research; o Facilitate wider community participation, including minorities, women, and other underserved populations, in treatment and cancer control research approved by NCI; and o Reduce cancer incidence, morbidity, and mortality by accelerating the transfer of newly developed cancer prevention, early detection, treatment, patient management, rehabilitation, and continuing care technology to widespread community application. There will be two types of grantees: community programs and research bases. Community applicants may be a hospital, a clinic, a group of practicing physicians, a health maintenance organization (HMO) or a consortium of these. Community programs (CCOPs) will be required to enter patients onto NCI-approved treatment and cancer control clinical trials through the research base(s) with which each CCOP is affiliated. Research base applicants must be either an NCI-funded clinical trials cooperative group or cancer center or a public health department. Research bases will be required to provide clinical research treatment and/or cancer control protocols, monitor the quality of protocol conduct, and follow CCOP accrual. MECHANISM OF SUPPORT CCOP and research base awards will be made as Cooperative Agreements. The cooperative agreement is an assistance mechanism involving cooperation by NCI staff as described in the RFA. It is anticipated that up to $4.4 million in total costs per year for 5 years will be committed to specifically fund applications which are submitted in response to this RFA. Of the total, approximately $3.9 million will be committed to research bases and approximately $450,000 to CCOPs. It is anticipated that up to 17 research base awards and up to 5 CCOP awards will be made. Awards will be for three, four, or five years as described in the RFA. STAFF CONTACT Leslie G. Ford, M.D. Community Oncology and Rehabilitation Branch, DCPC, NCI Executive Plaza North, Room 300-D National Institutes of Health Bethesda, MD 20892 NIH GUIDE - Vol. 19, No. 20, May 25, 1990 - Page 2 COURSES RELATED TO GENOMIC ANALYSIS RFA AVAILABLE: HG-90-01 P.T. 44; K.W. 1215018, 0755045, 0720005, 0710030, 1002058, 1004017, 1014004 National Center for Human Genome Research Application Receipt Date: August 24, l990 The National Center for Human Genome Research invites applications for support of short, advanced-level courses emphasizing new laboratory techniques in genome analysis, informatics as it relates to the human genome, principles of genomic analysis for scientists trained in fields other than biology or scholars trained in the humanities, social sciences, or law and principles and methods of studying the social, ethical and legal issues relevant to the human genome program. These courses are meant to enhance the skills of individuals interested in pursuing laboratory or scholarly research relevant to the goals of the Human Genome Program. BACKGROUND For the genome project and the field of genomic research to develop rapidly enough to meet these goals in a timely and cost-effective manner, it will be necessary to disseminate technological advances and new information as rapidly as possible and to recruit scientists from many disciplines, both biological and non-biological, into this research area. The development of many fields, such as molecular biology and genetics, has been enormously abetted by the availability of short, intensive, advanced level courses. Properly designed courses in areas of relevance to genomics could be of similar utility to the development of the genome project itself and to the application of the information produced by the project. RESEARCH OBJECTIVE The goal of this Request for Applications (RFA) is to stimulate the development of courses in subjects relevant to the Human Genome Program and appropriate to the broader scientific community. The following list of potential subjects for such courses is not intended to be limiting but to provide examples. The goal of each course should be to improve the level of the cross-disciplinary training of practicing scientists and other professionals to enable them to participate more effectively in the Human Genome Program and to utilize the information and technology produced by the Human Genome Program in other areas. o Important techniques, including new technological developments relevant to genomic analysis. Examples of techniques that could be included are automated DNA sequencing, use of large fragment cloning vectors such as yeast artificial chromosomes, experimental mouse genetics, linkage analysis, or in situ fluorescence cytogenetics. Courses of this type should be addressed to practicing biologists who wish to learn new skills; o Various aspects of informatics as they relate to the Human Genome Program. Examples include data management, database design, algorithm development for map and/or sequence assembly. Such courses should be addressed to biologists who wish to become conversant with informatics; o Principles of genetics as related to current issues of genomic analysis. Such courses would be directed at scientists trained in other disciplines, such as mathematics, information science, computer science, physics, chemistry or engineering, interested in applying their skills to the scientific problems raised by the Human Genome Program; o Principles of genetics and genomic analysis for scholars trained in appropriate areas of the humanities, social sciences and law who are interested in examining the social, ethical and legal ramifications of the acquisition of detailed information about the human genome; o Principles and approaches for the analysis of ethical, legal and policy issues related to human genome research, including historical and social perspectives. Such courses should be designed for biologists and health professionals who are interested in contributing their expertise to a multidisciplinary approach to these issues. NIH GUIDE - Vol. 19, No. 20, May 25, 1990 - Page 3 Courses should be designed to address the needs and interests of advanced graduate students, post-doctoral trainees, established scientists and other professionals who want to learn particular new skills or become more knowledgeable about genomic research in order to pursue research problems relevant to the Human Genome Program. Efforts should be made to select for participation students who are currently under-represented in the field of genomic research such as women and under-represented minorities. Courses will typically be one to two weeks in length and offered annually, although other terms will be acceptable. Applicants may initially request support for two years. Course offerors are expected to be academic or research institutions experienced in training and faculty are expected to consist of established investigators or scholars actively working in the area of instruction. MECHANISM OF SUPPORT Support for this program will be through the Continuing Education Training Grant mechanism (T15). Policies that govern research grant programs of the NIH apply to this program. It is anticipated that up to six awards will be made. APPLICATION AND REVIEW PROCEDURES Only domestic institutions are eligible to apply for support under this announcement. These applications will be reviewed within the National Center for Human Genome Research for both initial review and final review. Review criteria include the following: o Overall scientific and didactic merit; o Potential value of the course for furthering the training goals of the Human Genome Program, including, when appropriate, the potential effectiveness in attracting scientists and scholars into working on problems important for the success of the genome project; o Quality of the course content and adequacy of the syllabus; o Training, experience and research competence of the faculty; o Criteria for selecting participants; o Plans for publicizing the availability of courses to the appropriate community of scholars and scientists; o Adequacy of available facilities including the library; o Appropriateness of the requested budget for the proposed course. METHOD OF APPLYING Applications should be submitted on Form PHS 398 (rev. 10/88). The RFA label available in the revised application kit must be affixed to the bottom of the face page. The original and six copies of the application should be submitted to: Grant Application Receipt Office Division of Research Grants Westwood Building, Room 240 Bethesda, MD 20892** Applications received in August will be reviewed for scientific merit in October/November 1990, and will be considered by a National Advisory Council or Board for the NCHGR in January 1991. The earliest an award can be made is April 1, 1991. Inquiries: Prospective applicants are encouraged to contact the program official below to discuss this RFA. Bettie J. Graham, Ph.D. Building 38A, Room 613 National Center for Human Genome Research/NIH Bethesda, MD 20892 Telephone: (301) 496-7531 NIH GUIDE - Vol. 19, No. 20, May 25, 1990 - Page 4 **THE MAILING ADDRESS GIVEN FOR SENDING APPLICATIONS TO THE DIVISION OF RESEARCH GRANTS OR CONTACTING PROGRAM STAFF IN THE WESTWOOD BUILDING IS THE CENTRAL MAILING ADDRESS FOR THE NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH. APPLICANTS WHO USE EXPRESS MAIL OR A COURIER SERVICE ARE ADVISED TO FOLLOW THE CARRIER'S REQUIREMENTS FOR SHOWING A STREET ADDRESS. THE ADDRESS FOR THE WESTWOOD BUILDING IS: 5333 Westbard Avenue Bethesda, Maryland 20816 NIH GUIDE - Vol. 19, No. 20, May 25, 1990 - Page 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Full text of RFAs ---------------------------------------------------------------------- COURSES RELATED TO GENOMIC ANALYSIS RFA Available: HG-90-01 P.T. 44; K.W. 1215018, 0755045, 0720005, 0710030, 1002058, 1004017, 1014004 National Center for Human Genome Research Application Receipt Date: August 24, l990 The National Center for Human Genome Research (NCHGR) invites applications for support of short, advanced-level courses emphasizing new laboratory techniques in genome analysis, informatics as it relates to the human genome, principles of genomic analysis for scientists trained in fields other than biology or scholars trained in the humanities, social sciences, or law and principles and methods of studying the social, ethical and legal issues relevant to the human genome program. These courses are meant to enhance the skills of individuals interested in pursuing laboratory or scholarly research relevant to the goals of the Human Genome Program. BACKGROUND The National Institutes of Health, in coordination with several other federal, private, and international organizations, is currently engaged in a research program designed to characterize the human genome and the genomes of selected model organisms. The primary aim of the Human Genome Program is to produce a set of research tools, comprising both materials and information that will improve the capability and efficacy of a wide range of biological research. As outlined in a five-year plan recently prepared in conjunction with the Department of Energy and available from the address listed below, the initial objectives of the program include the construction of a high-resolution genetic linkage map of the human, the development of detailed physical maps of both the human genome and the genomes of model organisms, and the improvement of technology for both DNA sequencing and data management. Assuming that these initial goals can be met, the longer term goals of the program include determination of the human DNA sequence and the sequences of the DNA of important model organisms. An additional important objective throughout the entire course of the research program is the analysis of the ethical, legal, and social policy issues that are raised by the availability of such detailed genetic information. For the genome project and the field of genomic research to develop rapidly enough to meet these goals in a timely and cost- effective manner, it will be necessary to disseminate technological advances and new information as rapidly as possible and to recruit scientists from many disciplines, both biological and non-biological, into this research area. The development of many fields, such as molecular biology and genetics, has been enormously abetted by the availability of short, intensive, advanced level courses. Properly designed courses in areas of relevance to genomics could be of similar utility to the development of the genome project itself and to the application of the information produced by the project. RESEARCH OBJECTIVE The goal of this Request for Applications (RFA) is to stimulate the development of courses in subjects relevant to the Human Genome Program and appropriate to the broader scientific community. The following list of potential subjects for such courses is not intended to be limiting, but to provide examples. The goal of each course should be to improve the level of the cross- disciplinary training of practicing scientists and other professionals to enable them to participate more effectively in the Human Genome Program and to utilize the information and technology produced by the Human Genome Program in other areas. o Important techniques, including new technological developments relevant to genomic analysis. Examples of techniques that could be included are automated DNA sequencing, use of large fragment cloning vectors such as yeast artificial chromosomes, experimental mouse genetics, linkage analysis, or in situ fluorescence cytogenetics. Courses of this type should be addressed to practicing biologists who wish to learn new skills; o Various aspects of informatics as they relate to the Human Genome Program. Examples include data management, database design, algorithm development for map and/or sequence assembly. Such courses should be addressed to biologists who wish to become conversant with informatics; o Principles of genetics as related to current issues of genomic analysis. Such courses would be directed at scientists trained in other disciplines, such as mathematics, information science, computer science, physics, chemistry, or engineering, interested in applying their skills to the scientific problems raised by the Human Genome Program; o Principles of genetics and genomic analysis for scholars trained in appropriate areas of the humanities, social sciences, and law who are interested in examining the social, ethical, and legal ramifications of the acquisition of detailed information about the human genome; o Principles and approaches for the analysis of ethical, legal and policy issues related to human genome research, including historical and social perspectives. Such courses should be designed for biologists and health professionals who are interested in contributing their expertise to a multidisciplinary approach to these issues. Courses should be designed to address the needs and interests of advanced graduate students, post-doctoral trainees, established scientists and other professionals who want to learn particular new skills or become more knowledgeable about genomic research in order to pursue research problems relevant to the Human Genome Program. Efforts should be made to select for participation students who are currently under-represented in the field of genomic research such as women and under-represented minorities. Courses will typically be one to two weeks in length and offered annually, although other terms will be acceptable. Applicants may initially request support for two years. Course offerors are expected to be academic or research institutions experienced in training and faculty are expected to consist of established investigators or scholars, actively working in the area of instruction. MECHANISM OF SUPPORT Support for this program will be through the Continuing Education Training Grant mechanism (T15). Allowable costs include personnel, supplies, travel and per diem for faculty; other costs such as printing, telephone, audio-visual, postage, promotional materials, and 8 percent indirect cost. Although it is envisioned that applicant institutions will have the necessary equipment to support course offerings, the NCHGR will consider, on a limited basis, requests for equipment if properly justified. It is also expected that the courses will be partially supported through registration fees paid for by participants. Policies that govern research grant programs of the NIH apply to this program. The total amount of support for grants under this RFA is contingent upon the appropriation of funds for this purpose. The number of awards will be determined by the merit of the proposals and by their relevance to program goals, as well as by the availability of funds. It is anticipated that up to six awards will be made. This number may be increased if a large number of highly meritorious applications are received and if funds are available. APPLICATION AND REVIEW PROCEDURES Only domestic institutions are eligible to apply for support under this announcement. Applications received in response to this announcement will be reviewed in accordance with the usual NIH peer review procedures. Potential applicants are encouraged to discuss the plans and objectives of their proposed courses with NCHGR staff before applying. Applications will first be screened for responsiveness to this RFA by NCHGR staff. Those deemed non-responsive will be returned to the applicant. If a large number of applications is received, a preliminary peer review may be conducted to identify the most meritorious ones. Applications that are deemed non-competitive by this peer review will receive only a brief critique and will not be reviewed further. The remaining applications will then be reviewed for scientific and technical merit by an initial review group (IRG) within the NCHGR composed mostly of non-Federal scientific consultants. Subsequent to IRG review, the applications will be considered by a National Advisory Council for the NCHGR. Review criteria include the following: o Overall scientific and didactic merit; o Potential value of the course for furthering the training goals of the Human Genome Program, including, when appropriate, the potential effectiveness in attracting scientists and scholars into working on problems important for the success of the genome project; o Quality of the course content and adequacy of the syllabus; o Training, experience, and research competence of the faculty; o Criteria for selecting participants; o Plans for publicizing the availability of courses to the appropriate community of scholars and scientists; o Adequacy of available facilities, including the library; o Appropriateness of the requested budget for the proposed course. Funding decisions will be based on the recommendations of the IRG and the appropriate second level review group regarding scientific merit and program relevance. METHOD OF APPLYING Applications should be submitted on the Form PHS 398 (rev. 10/88). The RFA label available in the revised application kit must be affixed to the bottom of the face page. Failure to use this label could result in delayed processing of the application, such that it may not reach the review committee in time. Application kits are available in most institutional business offices and from the Office of Grants Inquiries, Division of Research Grants, National Institutes of Health, Westwood Building, Room 449, 5333 Westbard Avenue, Bethesda, Maryland 20892; (301)496-7441. Applications will be processed in accordance with the following schedule: TIMETABLE Receipt date: August 24, 1990 IRG review date: October/November 1990 Council review: January 1991 Earliest funding date: April 1, 1991 It is essential that applicants type "Courses Related to Genomic Analysis" and the RFA number HG-90-01 in Item 2 on the face page of the application form. The original and four copies of the application should be submitted to the following office: Grant Application Receipt Office Division of Research Grants Westwood Building, Room 240 National Institutes of Health Bethesda, Maryland 20892** Telephone: (301) 496-7273 Because these applications will be subjected to an expedited review, the NCHGR must receive two copies of the applications at the same time they are submitted to the Division of Research Grants. Copies should be sent to: Office of Scientific Review National Center for Human Genome Research Building 38A, Room 604 Bethesda, MD 20892 For more information, applicants may contact: Bettie J. Graham, Ph.D. National Center for Human Genome Research Building 38A, Room 613 National Institutes of Health 9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20892 Telephone: (301) 496-7531 The program official welcomes the opportunity to clarify any issues or questions related to this RFA and encourages written or telephone inquiries.