[bionet.sci-resources] UH Server moving

davison@MENUDO.UH.EDU (Dan Davison) (09/09/90)

The University of Houston Gene-Server, which provides GenBank and PIR entries,
PIR library searching, and Macintosh, VMS, Unix, and DOS molecular biology
software is moving to a new machine.  As announced previously, if you are
using the address
you will not have (many) problems.  The address is an "MX record" and
if you have trouble *reaching* the server consult your local mail expert.

The server will update GenBank (tm) to Release 64 this weekend, and add files
to the DOS, Unix, VMS, and Mac software archives.  FTP access will also

There are a few bugs that remain to be worked out; the current addresses
will work until September 13, 1990, when the previous machine, uhnix2.uh.edu,
will be turned off.

I ask your patience in this transition period; the server is now a one-
person operation, and I have many other duties which must come before the
server.  Progress reports will be posted to bio-software and science-
resources; brief summaries will be posted to bionews and genbank-bb.

Please report any problems to "genbank-server-management@bchs.uh.edu";
since it is frequently misspelled, "genbank-server-managment@bchs.uh.edu"
will also work.  However, you can expect long delays in response to messages
because of the other responsibilities.

If you are interested in helping manage the molecular biology software archives,
please contact "davison@uh.edu".

dan davison