[bionet.sci-resources] Support for Post-docs from USSR


I have support for a Moscow University scientist for 6 mo. and I am
looking for further 1.0-1.5 yr support. Anybody have ecperience of
supporting agencies ? DFP

|Donald F. Parsons MD              | BITNET:  dfp10@albnyvm1            |
|Wadsworth Center                  |          dfp10@albnydh2            |
|New York State Dept.Health        | Internet:dfp10@uacsc2.albany.edu   |
|Empire State Plaza                |          dfp10@tethys.ph.albany.edu|
|Albany, NY 12201. (518) 474-7047  | Compuserve: 71777,212              |
|FAX (518) 474-8590.               | Usenet:  dfp10@leah.albany.edu.    |
|Home: 150 Mosher Rd, Delmar, NY 12054.                                 |
|      (518)439-0049                                                    |