[net.micro] Microsoft linker query.

CSvax:Physics:piner (11/18/82)

The problem with the Microsoft linker is that it links a program
in memory. Since the linker itself takes at least 10k of memory,
you can not link a program that takes all of memory. There is only
one way around this; write a new linker which links the code in
a disk file, instead of memory. This is a major task, I know,
because I have done it. The result is slow, because of all the
disk I/O required to satisfy external references, but you can
link a program which runs in 64k. Actually my own linker will do
overlays, so I can run programs which runs in more than 64k. I do
not know if anyone is selling such a linker. Anyone on the net
know of such a product? Let us know if you do, because it could
be very useful. 
					Richard Piner
					Physics Dept.
					Purdue University
					West Lafayette, IN  47907