(Rich Thomson) (05/27/88)
[ Sorry about the large number of groups in the Newgroups: line, but I'm trying to reach a large audience of initial viewers in the hopes of getting some kind of response. ] I'm interested in gathering information about parallel implementations of object oriented programming systems where objects may communicate across processors. I will post a summary to comp.parallel if there is enough response to warrant it. I've been tossing the idea around of building a distributed object oriented system on top of FORTH. The idea would be to extend FORTH to an object oriented approach by modifying the vocabulary and dictionary search mechanisms. Objects would then communicate by message passing, generalized to message passing to a different processing node if the object did not reside on the current node. I haven't seen anything in the literature that's passed my way about such a system, but then again, I don't carefully peruse the parallel literature. Any article references, personal anecdotes, or general information would be appreciated. Thanks in advance, Rich -- Rich Thomson, Oasis Technologies, 3190 MEB, U of U, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112 (801) 584-4555 {bellcore,ihnp4,ut-sally}!utah-cs!thomson Science: the modern mythology
smryan@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Steven Ryan) (05/30/88)
Some object-oriented-ish programming languages, referred to as Actor systems, are specifically designed for parallel processing. There is a book on actors by Agha which includes further references. Whether actors are OOPS is debatable. Hafa an godne daege. sm ryan (Les Gasser) (06/01/88)
See the book OBJECT ORIENTED CONCURRENT PROGRAMMING by A. Yonezawa and M. Tokoro, MIT Press, 1986, and also the two proceedings of the OOPSLA conferences which contain several articles on languages such as POOL, ABCL/1, and ORIENT84/K. Also Gul Agha is organizing a workshop on object-oriented distributed programming systems, in San Diego, I believe, later this year. The book on Actors is Gul Agha, ACTORS, MIT Press, 1986. You might also check out A. Bond and L. Gasser, READINGS IN DISTRIBUTED ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, to be published by Morgan Kaufman later this summer, as well as Mike Huhns, ed. DISTRIBUTED ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, Pitman/Morgan Kaufman, 1987.
fpst@hubcap.UUCP (Steve Stevenson) (06/01/88)
Take a look, for example, at NeWS, the window imaging model from Sun Microsystems. This is a multitasking, dictionary based, object oriented, forth-flavored (Postscript) language with class inheritance for window/tool management and design. FYI. -- jack Spoken: Jack Callahan ARPA: callahan@mimsy CSNet: callahan@umcp-cs UUCP: {seismo,allegra}!umcp-cs!callahan XNSIP: callahan:Computer Science:UofMaryland "A cute and witty disclaimer" -- Steve Stevenson (aka D. E. Stevenson), fpst@clemson.csnet Department of Computer Science, comp.parallel Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634-1906 (803)656-5880.mabell