[comp.parallel] Parallel Architectures for Multigrid methods

swm@unccvax.UUCP (swami manohar) (10/19/88)

                   Proposal for a Workshop on
  Parallel Algorithms and Architectures for Multigrid methods
                   Participation solicited

I am putting together a proposal,
to be submitted to the organizing committee
of the 16th International Symposium on Computer Architecture
to be held in Jerusalem/Eilat, Israel (May 28th to June 1st, 1989),
for a workshop on ``Parallel algorithms and architectures
for multigrid methods''. If this proposal is accepted, the
Workshop will be held just prior to the Symposium
between May 26th and 28th.

I solicit your participation in this workshop in any one of
a number of ways: (1) Give a presentation of 
your current (proposed) research in this area, (2) lead a 
panel discussion or (3) be a panelist. 
A record of the workshop events will be published 
later in one of the special issues of
ACM SIGARCH Computer architecture news letter (CAN).

If you are interested in participating in this workshop,
and will be able to do so, please respond, as soon a possible,
by sending mail to me at mcnc!unccvax!swm@mcnc.org
The format of the workshop is still very much in its formative
stages and hence will benefit by your feedback. Any
suggestions and comments will be greatly appreciated. Also,
please inform your colleagues who might be interested in such a workshop.

Thanks very much for your prompt attention.

Swami Manohar

PS: My PhD thesis (which I finished this summer from Brown
University) deals with special purpose VLSI architectures for
computation-intensive problems. My current research is the 
development of such an architecture for multigrid methods.

Swami Manohar	                        Email:  mcnc!unccvax!swm@mcnc.org
Computer Science Department             Phone:    704-547-4883
University of North Carolina
Charlotte, NC 28223