(Eugene Miya) (11/23/88)
Unfortunately, a colleague has had time to make his annotations so I'm posting Cube volume II. I'm not currently working on Cubes, so I am not planning to be in Monterey. SC'88 in a week or so. This will be the last conference for the year for me. I would personally like to thank all the net hackers I met in Florida. %A Geoffrey C. Fox %Z Caltech %T What Have We Learnt from Using Real Parallel Machines to Solve Real Problems? %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 897-955 %r cccp-522 %K review, survey, speculation, (not strict) domain decomposition, %X Cocktail/dinner/conference keynote speech. This paper presents yet another taxonomy of parallelism. What is interesting about this taxonomy is that it tries to includes a taxonomy of applications so that better algorithm to architecture matching might take place: machine: 1. multicomputers, 2. shared memory, 3. SIMD; algorithms: S == synchronous, PLS == properly loosely synchronous, PA == properly asynchronous, EP-S == embarrassingly parallel, seemingly suitable for SIMD [this is a good category], EP-M == embarrassingly parallel seemingly requires MIMD. Foxes then scores entire disciplines: physics, chemistry, CS, etc. A large reference list. %A Peter Gorham %A Thomas Prince %A Stuart Anderson %Z Caltech %T Hypercube Data Analysis in Astronomy: Optical Interferometry and Millisecond Pulsar Searches %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 957-962 %r cccp-571 %K applications in astronomy and astrophysics, NCUBE, VLBI, %A John Apostolakis %A Christopher S. Kochanek %Z Caltech %T Statistical Gravitational Lensing on the Mark III Hypercube %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 963-970 %r cccp-581 %K applications in astronomy and astrophysics, ray-tracing, parallel algorithm, %A Mike Warren %A John Salmon %Z Caltech %T An O(N log N) Hypercube N-Body Integrator %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 971-975 %r cccp-593 %K applications in astronomy and astrophysics, FFT, decomposition, CrOS, crystal router, %A J. M. Bower %A M. E. Nelson %A M. A. Wilson %A G. C. Fox %A W. Furmanski %Z Caltech %T Piriform (Olfactory) Cortex Model on the Hypercube %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 977-999 %r cccp-404B %K applications in biology, robotics, and vision, neurophysiology, folding algorithm, NCUBE, neural network, %A Roberto Battiti %Z Caltech %T Collective Stereopsis on the Hypercube %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1000-1006 %r cccp-583 %K applications in biology, robotics, and vision, CrOS III, neural network, correspondence of random points, %A Alan H. Bond %A David Fashena %Z Caltech %T Parallel Vision Techniques on the Hypercube Computers %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1007-1010 %r cccp-632 %K applications in biology, robotics, and vision, image analysis, edge finding and detection, histogram, %A Alex Ho %A Wojtek Furmanski %Z Caltech %T Pattern Recognition by Neural Network Model on Hypercubes %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1011-1021 %r cccp-528 %K applications in biology, robotics, and vision, perceptron, AI, image processing, Chinese characters, Mark III, %A Judson P. Jones %Z ORNL %T A Concurrent On-Board Vision System for a Mobile Robot %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1022-1032 %K applications in biology, robotics (HERMIES), and vision, NCUBE, VME, Hough transform, image processing, component classification, %A Marc Willebeek-LeMair %A Anthony P. Reeves %T Region Growing on a Hypercube Multiprocessor %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1033-1042 %K applications in biology, robotics, and vision, iPSC, MIMD, image, homogeneity, parallel split/merge, dynamic load balancing, %A Hong-Qiang Ding %Z Caltech %T Polymer Simulation on the Hypercube %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1044-1050 %r cccp-574 %K applications in chemistry and chemical engineering, Mark III, CrOS, Monte Carlo, %A Paul G. Hipes %A Tim Mattson %A Mark Y.-S. Wu %A Aron Kuppermann %Z Caltech %T Chemical Reaction Dynamics: Integration of Coupled Sets of Ordinary Differential Equations on the Caltech Hypercube %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1051-1061 %r cccp-570 %K applications in chemistry and chemical engineering, SHC (symmetrized hyperspherical coordinates), local surface functions (LHSF), %A Anthony Skjellum %A Manfred Morari %Z Caltech %A Sven Mattisson %T Waveform Relaxation for Concurrent Dynamic Simulation of Distillation Columns %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1062-1071 %r cccp-588 %K applications in chemistry and chemical engineering, CONCISE, VLSI, circuit simulation, TRAY, %A John Bruno %A Peter R. Cappello %Z UCSB %T Implementing the Beam and Warming Method on the Hypercube %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1073-1087 %K applications in engineering, fluid dynamics, CFD, implicit factoring, cell to node mapping, %X Interesting: no references. %A Ruel H. Calalo %A James R. Lyons %A William A. Imbriale %Z JPL %T Finite Difference Time Domain Solution of Electromagnetic Scattering on the Hypercube %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1088-1100 %r cccp-596 %K applications in engineering, FDTD, radar cross-section (RCS), Maxwell's equations, Mark III, EM, parallel decomposition, %A Paulett C. Liewer %A Viktor K. Decyk %A John M. Dawson %A Geoffrey C. Fox %T A Universal Concurrent Algorithm for Plasma Particle-in-Cell Simulation Codes %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1101-1107 %r cccp-362 %K applications in engineering, UC-PIC, Mark III, FFT, %X Compared with several supercomputers (Crays). %A F. Ozguner %A C. Aykanat %A O. Khalid %Z OSU %T Logic Fault Simulation on a Vector Hypercube Multiprocessor %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1108-1116 %K applications in engineering, VLSI, deductive methods, task precedence graph (TPG), bottleneck processors, %A David W. Walker %A Geoffrey C. Fox %A Gary R. Montry %T The Flux-Corrected Transport Algorithm on the NCUBE Hypercube %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1117-1126 %r cccp-495 %K applications in engineering, Kelvin-Helmholtz, VERTEX, %A D. A. Weissbein %A J. F. Mangus %A M. W. George %Z Northrup Aircraft %T Solution of the 3-D Euler Equations for the Flow about a Fighter Aircraft Configuration using a Hypercube Parallel Processor %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1127-1136 %K applications in engineering, FLO57, CFD, iPSC-MX, vector, %A C. A. Addison %A Jeremy M. Cook %A L. R. Hagen %Z Chr. Michelsen Inst., Bergen, Norway %T An Interactive System for Seismic Velocity Analysis %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1138-1145 %K applications in geology, iPSC, normal movout (NMO) correction, CDP (common depth point), %A Lawrence J. Baker %Z Exxon %T Hypercube Performance for 2-D Seismic Finite Difference Modeling %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1146-1156 %K applications in geology, ACOUS2D, %A Robert W. Graves %A Robert W. Clayton %Z Seismo Lab, Caltech %T Acoustic Wavefield Propagation using Paraxial Extrapolators %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1157-1175 %r cccp-613 %K applications in geology, finite element/difference, %A Michael Gurnis %A Arthur Raefsky %A Gregory A. Lyzenga %A Bradford H. Hagar %Z Caltech %T Finite Element Solution of Thermal Convection on a Hypercube Concurrent Computer %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1176-1179 %r cccp-595 %K applications in geology, %A Vijay K. Madisetti %A David G. Messerschmitt %Z UC Berkeley %T Seismic Migration Algorithms on Parallel Computers %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1180-1186 %K applications in geology, sequential/parallel phase shift algorithm, finite difference, PCP (parallel communication protocol), %A Rosemary Renaut %A Johnny Petersen %Z Chr. Michelsen Inst., Bergen, Norway %T Evaluation of a Vector Hypercube for Seismic Modelling %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1187-1192 %K applications in geology, iPSC-VX, acoustic wave equations, finite difference, %A John Salmon %A Jeff Goldsmith %Z Caltech %T A Hypercube Ray-tracer %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1194-1206 %r cccp-592 %K applications in graphics, tiled decomposition, pipelining, %A David Edward Orcutt %Z U NV LV %T Implementation of Ray Tracing on the Hypercube [A Preliminary Report] %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1207-1210 %K applications in graphics, coordinate server, image collector, node processes, %A Laurence Boxer %A Russ Miller %T Dynamic Computational Geometry on Parallel Computers %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1212-1219 %K applications in mathematics, CREW PRAM, $lambda$ function, convex hull, MIN, %A Russ Miller %A Quentin F. Stout %T Computation Geometry on Hypercube Computers [Preliminary Version] %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1220-1229 %K applications in mathematics, SCMD (single code multiple data), dominates, fine and medium [MIMD] grain problems, %A Barry A. Carpenter %A Nathaniel J. Davis, IV %Z AFIT %T Implementation and Performance Analysis of Parallel Assignment Algorithms on a Hybercube Computer %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1231-1235 %K military applications, BM/C^3 (battle management/ command control and communication), iPSC, weapons to targets, %A Charles W. Glover %Z ORNL %T Multi-Sensor Integration on the NCUBE Hypercube Computer %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1236-1246 %K military applications, MSI, data fusion, coarse grain distributed, %A Thomas D. Gottschalk %Z Caltech %T Concurrent Multiple Target Tracking %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1247-1268 %r cccp-567 %K military applications, Mark III, Simulation 87, Kalman filtering, BM (battle management/command, control, and communication, ballistic missiles), CrOS, Crystal, decomposition, ticket, SDI, defense, %A Frederick Wieland %A Lawrence Hawley %A Abe Feinberg %Z JPL %T Implementing a Distributed Combat Simulation on the Time Warp Operating System %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1269-1276 %r cccp-601 %K military applications, TWOS, Mark III, STB-87 simulation testbed, concurrent theater level simulation (CTLS), %A John Apostolakis %A Clive Baillie %A Hong-Qiang Ding %A Jon Flower %Z Caltech %T Lattice Gauage Theory on the Hypercube %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1278-1287 %r cccp-605 %K applications in physics, cosmic cube, monte carlo, NCUBE, Mark IIIfp, Fermions, %A Clive F. Baillie %A S. Lennart Johnsson %A Luis Ortis %A G. Stuart Pawley %T QED on the Connection Machine %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1288-1295 %r cccp- 572 %K applications in physics, gauge theory, plaquette calculation, quantum electro/chromo dynamics, %A Sean Callahan %Z Caltech %T Non-Local Path Integral Monte Carlo on the Hypercube %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1296-1302 %K applications in physics, CUBIX, NCUBE, comparisons to ELXSI and Cray, %A Paul A. Flinn %Z Intel %T Molecular Dynamics Simulation on an iPSC of Defects in Crystals %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1303-1312 %K applications in physics, iPSC, Hamiltonian, Rahman, %A B. T. Werner %A P. K. Haff %T Dynamical Simulations of Granular Materials using the Caltech Hypercube %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1313-1318 %r cccp-612 %K applications in physics, packing, saltation, %A Steven L. Groom %A Meemong Lee %A Alan S. Mazer %A Winifred I. Williams %Z JPL %T Design and Implementation of a Concurrent Image Processing Workstations Based on the Mark III Hypercube %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1320-1321 %r cccp-599 %K applications in space science, elt (element processor), CIPE (concurrent image processing element), CP, control processor, %A J. S. Kim %A G. C. Fox %Z Caltech %T The Prime Factor Non-Binary Discrete Fourier Transform and use of the Crystal_Router as a General Purpose Communication Routine %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P1322-1327 %r cccp-523 %K applications in space science, PFA algorithm, DFT, cyclic convolution, Winograd algorithm (WFT), SAR (synthetic aperture radar), %A Edward W. Felten %A Steve W. Otto %Z Caltech %T Chess on a Hypercube %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1329-1341 %r cccp-579 %K artificial intelligence, gaming, games, NCUBE, alpha beta pruning, search, MIMD, %A Les Gasser %Z USC %T Large-Scale Concurrent Computing in Artificial Intelligence Research %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1342-1351 %K artificial intelligence, AI, multi-agent systems (MAS), reasoning, distributed problem solving (DPS), multi-agent computing environment (MACE), intelligent coordinated system (ICE), %A Gary B. Lamont %A Donald J. Shakley %Z AFIT %T Parallel Expert System Search Techniques for a Real-Time Application %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1352-1359 %K artificial intelligence, robotic air vehicle (RAV), military application, SDI, automated reasoning tool (ART), AI, iPSC, LISP, TI Explorer, CCLISP, concurrent common LISP, %A Keith Morgan %Z GE ATL, Moorestown, NJ, %T BLITZ: A Rule-Based System for Massively Parallel Architectures %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1360-1363 %K artificial intelligence, Connection Machine, MATCH-SELECT-EXECUTE, matching, AI, %A Stephen Taylor %A Rony Shapiro %A Ehud Shapiro %Z Weizmann Inst. %T FCP: A Summary of Performance Results %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1364-1373 %K artificial intelligence, flat concurrent prolog, systolic programming, dynamic management, matrix multiplication, merge sort, iPSC, FCPic, stream producer/consumer, bounded buffers, incomplete messages, AI, blackboards, short-circuit, OR-parallelism, %A Robert J. Flynn %A Haldun Hadimioglu %Z Polytech U. of New York %T A Distributed Hypercube File System %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1375-1381 %K databases and file systems, concurrent I/O (CIO), DB, FS, DFS, concurrent file system (CFS), disk node (DN), processor node (PN), %A John L. Pfaltz %A Sang H. Son %A James C. French %Z U. VA. %T ADAMS Interface Language %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1382-1389 %K databases and file systems, Advanced DAta Management system, persistent identifiers, DB, FS, DFS, %A Sang H. Son %A John L. Pfaltz %Z U. VA. %T Reliability Mechanisms for ADAMS %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1390-1397 %K databases and file systems, Advanced DAta Management system, checkpoints, concurrency control, LC, local clock, DB, FS, DFS, ACPT/BCPT, after/before-checkpoint-transactions, GCPN/LCPN, global/local checkpoint number, node recoverability, %A Andrew Witkowski %A Kumar Chandrakumar %A Greg Macchio %Z JPL %T Concurrent I/O System for the Hypercube Multiprocessor %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1398-1407 %r cccp-611 %K databases and file systems, distributed file system, multiprocessor, cache consistency, synchronization, CIO, concurrent file systems (CFS), prefix table, file attributes, graphics application, disks, DB, FS, DFS, %A A. Kolawa %A G. C. Fox %Z Caltech %T Use of the Hypercube for Symbolic Quantum Chromodynamics %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1408-1419 %r cccp-182C %K databases and file systems, search, indexed database, Mark II, DB, %A Ting-Wai Chiu %Z Caltech %T Shift-Register Sequence Random Number Generators on the Hypercube Concurrent Computers %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1421-1429 %r cccp-526 %K basic algorithms, MIMD, CUBIX, Mark III, C language, bit operations, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, auto-correlation, %A Clare Y. Chu %Z Northrup Aircraft, Hawthorne, CA %T Comparison of Two-Dimensional FFT Methods on the Hypercube %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1430-1437 %K basic algorithms, transpose-split (TS), vector-radix, iPSC, local-distributed (LD), %A David W. Walker %Z Caltech %T Portable Programming within a Message-Passing Model: the FFT as an Example %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1438-1450 %r cccp-631 %K basic algorithms, fast Fourier transform, MIMD, VMLSCS (virtual machine loosely synchronous communication system), VMP, %A Xinming Lin %A Tony F. Chan %A Walter J. Karplus %Z UCLA %T The Fast Hartley Transform on the Hypercube Multiprocessors %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1451-1454 %K basic algorithms, FHT, FFT, fast Fourier transform, %A William L. George %Z Mich. Tech. %T Binsorting on Hypercubes with d-Port Communication %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1455-1461 %K basic algorithms, sorting/searching, median, binsort 1, binsort 2, %A Steven R. Seidel %A William L. George %Z Mich. Tech. %T Binsorting on Hypercubes with d-Port Communication %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1455-1461 %K basic algorithms, sorting/searching, median, binsort 1, binsort 2, %A D. C. S. Allison %A Amal Chakraborty %A Layne T. Watson %Z YA Polytech. %T Granularity Issues for Solving Polynomial Systems via Globally Convergent Algorithm on a Hypercube %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1463-1472 %K optimization and equation solving, iPSC, homotopy algorithm, polynomial systems, %A Craig B. Stunkel %A Daniel A. Reed %Z U. Ill. %T Hypercube Implementation of the Simplex Algorithm %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1473-1482 %K optimization and equation solving, sparse matrix, iPSC, linear optimization programming problem, row partitioning, %A N. Toomarian %Z ORNL %T A Concurrent Neural Network Algorithm for the Traveling Salesman Problem %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1483-1490 %K optimization and equation solving, TSP, LaGrangian multiplers, %A Tarek S. Abdelrahman %A Trevor N. Mudge %Z U. MI %T Parallel Branch and Bound Algorithms on Hypercube Multiprocessors %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1492-1499 %K branch and bound, BB, PBB, 0-1 integer linear programming (ILP), NCUBE implementation, distributed, centralized lists, %A Edward W. Felten %Z Caltech %T Best-First Branch and Bound on a Hypercube %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1500-1505 %K branch and bound, traveling salesman problem (TSP), NCUBE, queueing, memory usage, %A Richard F. Ma %A Fu-Sheng Tsung %A Mae-Hwa Ma %Z Aerospace Corp. %T A Dynamic Load Balancer for a Parallel Branch and Bound Algorithm %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1505-1513 %K branch and bound, DLB, PBB, RS, %A Roy P. Pargas %A E. Daniels Wooster %Z Clemson U. %T Branch-and-Bound Algorithms on a Hypercube %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1514-1519 %K branch and bound, Occam, FPS T-series, %A Karsten Schwan %A John Gawkowski %A Ben Blake %Z OSU %T Process and Workload Migration for a Parallel Branch and Bound Algorithm on a Hypercube Multiprocessor %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1520-1530 %K branch and bound, traveling sales person (TSP), %A Christopher L. Cox %Z Clemson U. %T Implementation of a Divide and Conquer Cyclic Reduction Algorithm on the FPS T-20 Hypercube %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1532-1538 %K Tridiagonal matrix algorithms, memory access, %A Omer Egecioglu %A Cetin K. Koc %A Alan J. Laub %Z UCSB %T Prefix Algorithms for Tridiagonal Systems on Hypercube Multiprocessors %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1539-1545 %K Tridiagonal matrix algorithms, LU decomposition, MIMD, parallel prefix, %A Jay A. Jackson %A Lorie M. Liebrock %A Lynn R. Ziegler %Z Mich. Tech. U. %T A Hybrid Hypercube Algorithm for the Symmetric Tridiagonal Eigenvalue Problem %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1546-1547 %K Tridiagonal matrix algorithms, FPS T-series, occam, %X Very short poster paper. %A V. A. F. Almeida %A L. W. Dowdy %A M. R. Leuze %Z Vanderbilt U. %T An Analytic Model for Parallel Gaussian Elimination on a Binary C-Cube Architecture %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1550-1553 %K banded and full matrix algorithms, %A Anne C. Elster %A Anthony P. Reeves %T Block-Matrix Operations using Orthogonal Trees %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1554-1561 %K banded and full matrix algorithms, vector matrix multiplication, Gray codes, communication, %A Judith D. Gardiner %A Alan J. Laub %Z UCSB %T Solving the Algebraic Riccati Equation on a Hypercube Multiprocessor %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1562-1568 %K banded and full matrix algorithms, pivoting, tridiagonalization, parallel sign function, %A A. Gerasoulis %A N. Missirlis %A I. Nelken %A R. Peskin %Z Rutgers %T Implementing Gauss Jordan on a Hypercube Multicomputer %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1569-1576 %K banded and full matrix algorithms, NCUBE, GE, GJ, pivoting, elimination, %A G. A. Geist %A R. C. Ward %A G. J. Davis %A R. E. Funderlic %T Finding Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of Unsymmetric Matrices using a Hypercube Multiprocessors %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1577-1582 %K banded and full matrix algorithms, QR algorithm, Hessenberg reduction, %A Chung-Ta King %A Lionel M. Ni %T Large-Grain Pipelining on Hypercube Multiprocessors %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1583-1591 %K banded and full matrix algorithms, matrix multiplication, NCUBE, %A Charles S. Henkel %A Michael T. Heath %A Robert J. Plemmons %T Cholesky Downdating on a Hypercube %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1592-1598 %K banded and full matrix algorithms, %A S. Lennart Johnsson %A Ching-Tien Ho %Z Yale %T Expressing Boolean Cube Matrix Algorithm in Shared Memory Primitives %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1599-1609 %K banded and full matrix algorithms, spanning binomial trees (SBT), partitioning, matrix multiplication, Gray codes, %A Alex Pothen %A Padma Raghavan %Z Penn. State %T Distributed Orthogonal Factorization %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1610-1620 %K banded and full matrix algorithms, greedy Givens (ggs), Householder, %A Paul G. Hipes %A Aron Kuppermann %Z Caltech %T Gauss-Jordan Inversion with Pivoting on the Caltech Mark II Hypercube %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1621-1634 %r cccp-578 %K banded and full matrix algorithms, %A D. W. Walker %A T. Aldcroft %A A. Cisneros %A G. C. Fox %A W. Furmanski %Z Caltech %T LU Decomposition of Banded Matrices and the Solution of Linear SYstems on Hypercubes %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1635-1655 %r cccp-582 %K banded and full matrix algorithms, ADI, pivoting, %A Geoffrey C. Fox %A Wojet Furmanski %A David W. Walker %Z Caltech %T Optimal Matrix Algorithms on Homogeneous Hypercubes %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1656-1673 %r cccp-386B %K banded and full matrix algorithms, Gaussian elimination, libraries, decomposition, Jordan, inversion, %A George Abe %A Kunio Hane %Z Keio U. %T The Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method on the Hypercube %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1676-1686 %K differential equations and associated matrix algorithms, hypercube, concurrent processing, preconditioned conjugate gradient, Poisson's solvers, load balancing, iPSC, BCG, SCG, CG, SOR, ICCG, %A C. Aykanat %A F. Ozguner %A D. S. Scott %T Implementation of the Conjugate Gradient Algorithm on a Vector Hypercube Multiprocessor %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1687-1697 %K differential equations and associated matrix algorithms, iPSC-VX, scaled CG (SCG), %A Doug Baxter %A Joel Saltz %A Martin Schultz %A Stan Eisenstat %A Kay Crowley %T An Experimental Study of Methods for Parallel Preconditioning Krylov Methods %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1698-1711 %K differential equations and associated matrix algorithms, %A Anjan Bose %A Izzy Nelken %A Jack Gelfand %Z Sarnoff Res. Ctr., Princeton %T A Comparison of Several Methods of Integrating Stiff Ordinary Differential Equations on Parallel Architectures %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1712-1725 %K differential equations and associated matrix algorithms, Gear integration, simulation, %A Lisette de\ Pillis %A Johnny Petersen %A John de\ Pillis %T An Iterative Solution to Special Linear Systems on a Vector Hypercube %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1717-1725 %K differential equations and associated matrix algorithms, %A Paul Frederickson %A Oliver A. McBryan %T Intrinsically Parallel Multiscale Algorithms for Hypercubes %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1726-1734 %K differential equations and associated matrix algorithms, multigrid, PSMG (parallel superconvergent multigrid), %A M. Haghoo %A W. Proskurowski %Z Math. Dept., USC, LA %T Parallel Implementation of Domain Decomposition Techniques on Intel's Hypercube %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1735-1745 %K differential equations and associated matrix algorithms, %A E. N. Houstis %A J. R. Rice %A E. A. Vavalis %Z Purdue U. %T A Schwarz Splitting Variant of Cubic Spline Collocation Methods for Elliptic PDEs %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1746-1754 %K differential equations and associated matrix algorithms, %A Gregory A. Lyzenga %A Arthur Raefsky %A Bahram Nour-Omid %T Implementing Finite Element Software on Hypercube Machines %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1755-1761 %r cccp-594 %K differential equations and associated matrix algorithms, decomposition, solution, %A Trond-Hemming Olesen %A Johnny Petersen %T Vectorized Dissection on the Hypercube %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1762-1786 %K differential equations and associated matrix algorithms, grids, elimination, separators, balance, %A Roy D. Williams %Z Caltech %T DIME: A Programming Environment for Unstructured Triangular Meshes on a Distributed-Memory Parallel Processor %J The 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications %V II, Applications %I ACM %C Pasadena, CA %D January 1988 %P 1770-1787 %r cccp-502 %K differential equations and associated matrix algorithms, distributed irregular mesh environment, boundary communications,