[comp.parallel] Call for Papers/Distributed Comp Workshop South of France

paulv@cwi.nl (Paul Vitanyi) (12/17/88)

[ Found this on comp.theory.  I don't think this is a multiple post to
  this group.
                   3rd INTERNATIONAL WORWSHOP
                     DISTRIBUTED ALGORITHMS
                   Nice, September 26-28, 1989

Following the two first successful Workshops on Distributed Algo-
rithms  in Ottawa (1985) and Amsterdam (1987), the third workshop
of this kind will be held  at  La  Colle  sur  Loup,  near  Nice,
France. The workshop is intended to provide a forum for research-
ers and other parties interested  in  distributed  algorithms  on
communication networks, graphs and decentralized systems.  Aim is
to present recent research results, explore directions for future
research,  and  identify common fundamental techniques that serve
as building blocks in many distributed algorithms.

Paper are solicited describing original results in all  areas  of
distributed algorithms and their applications, including e.g.

- distributed combinatorial algorithms
- distributed optimization algorithms
- distributed graphs algorithms
- routing algorithms
- distributed algorithms for control and communication
- design of network protocols
- distributed database techniques
- algorithms for transaction management
- distributed algorithms for decentralizated systems
- composition of distributed algorithms
- fail-safe and fault-tolerant distributed algorithms

Intended contributors are invited to submit 8 copies  of  a  full
paper (not exceeding 12 pages) to one of the scientific chairmen.

  Jean-Claude Bermond             Michel Raynal
  LRI, Bat 490                    IRISA
  Universite Paris-Sud            Campus de Beaulieu
  91405 Orsay, France             35042 Rennes, France
  e-mail bermond@FRLRI61.BITNET   e-mail raynal@irisa.fr (uucp)
  or bermond@lri.lri.fr (uucp)

Submissions must arrive before April 25, 1989.  Authors  will  be
notified of acceptance or rejection by June 19, 1989. Proceedings
will be published, possibly in the Springer  Verlag  series  Lecture
Notes in Computer Science. The final version of accepted
papers must arrive in camera-ready form before July 15, 1989,  to
ensure the availability of the proceedings at the conference.

               J-C Bermond (CNRS, LRI Ordsay, France)
               F. Mattern (U. Kaiserslautern, Germany)
               M. Raynal (IRISA, Rennes, France)
               N. Santoro (Carlton University, Ottawa, Canada)
               A. Segfall (Technion, Haifa, Israel)
               S. Toueg (Cornell University, Ithaca, USA)
               P. Vitanyi (C.W.I. and Univ. of Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Organizing chairman :
               C. Lavault
               Domaine de Voluceau, Rocquencourt,
               BP 105, 78153 Le Chesnay, France

General Information:

The workshop will be held at a French Holyday Center VVF,  Chemin
de  Montmeuille,  06480,  La  Colle sur Loup, France.  This small
"provencal village" is located in a pine forest  near  Saint-Paul
de  Vence, at 12 km from Nice Airport, 20 km from Cannes and 6 km
from the mediteranean sea.  Further details will be  mailed  with
the  second announcement.  For further information contact either
J-C Bermond, C. Lavault, M. Raynal, or any member of the  program

Please fill up this form and send it to  *******  (will  be  pre-



e-mail adress (if available ):

I Intend to submit a paper:  yes         no           maybe

I want to receive the second announcement:   yes      no