(Eugene Miya) (12/20/88)
I received some mail from Baer on this and I see the Tasmania posting 8-). There was a quote by J.B.S. Haldane on how disciplines progress. First there is lots of confusion, followed taking tons of data, far too much for most to understand. Then some one comes around and makes it all clear and it's all old hat. The value of taxonomies (for all but funding agencies) is probably best characterized by the periodic table (hence probably why Hockney liked it). With such a table, not only can you characterize compounds, but you can make some general predictions of what will work and what won't. States and models are simple. Computer architectures have considerably more complexity. Consider we haven't constructed the perfect uniprocessor yet (and I know funding agencies who think it can be). They keep adding zeros and predict faster machines. Other taxonomies (like the Linneanian Genus species) are purely descriptive and you can't get any more than that. I can tell you the Latin for a gorilla, but it doesn't say what a gorilla is. Funding sources and vulture capitalists don't understand (don't want to try and understand [is this a question of scientific illiteracy?]) and only wish to avoid spreading their money too thinly and avoid duplicating the efforts of other Agencies. A few seek short term gain, but some bright projects were funded in the past because some intelligent scientists ran some far-sighted funding Agencies. We are going to have to use those adjectives (fault-tolerant, tighly/loosely coupled, shared/local memory, ad nauseum architectures) for some time to come. I offered the little exercise about reducing one's vocabulary for understanding. Give it a try. The physicists did something similar in the 19[23]0s to understand light (particle NWF, wave TTS, rest on Sunday). Another gross generalization from --eugene miya, NASA Ames Research Center, resident cynic at the Rock of Ages Home for Retired Hackers: "Mailers?! HA!", "If my mail does not reach you, please accept my apology." {uunet,hplabs,ncar,decwrl,allegra,tektronix}!ames!aurora!eugene "Send mail, avoid follow-ups. If enough, I'll summarize."