(Eugene Miya) (01/05/89)
I encountered the following problems and present the simple corrections to the NBSLIB file f77 in jrr's directory. The errors are all syntactic and they appear in problems 11 and 14 which I passed thru f77 on a vax and cf77 on the Y-MP. Problem 11 AMAX1(0,etc.) on line 21 passed literal of wrong type (0 should be 0.) cf77 caught this. f77 did not. Problem 14 this did not pass cf77 or f77 array H on line 30 not dimensioned. dimensioned it size NACCUR based on the use of N(NACCUR) (which is declared INTEGER, line 17) which is also an implicit type conversion (mixed mode), so made H REAL because 1) H is not between I and N, 2) A1 and B1 are both REAL (lines 27 and 123) [REAL H(NACCUR)] line 103 .LE-50 probably should be .1E-50 a common error (I enjoyed this one) [additionally note that this constant literal is non-portable] FUNCTION FVALS on line 123 declared but used (CALLed) as a SUBROUTINE s/FUNCTION/SUBROUTINE/ Additionally f77 picked up these unused variables problem 8: Warning on line 37 of p8.f: local variable y never used problem 14: Warning on line 113 of p14.f: local variable cadre never used Warning on line 113 of p14.f: local variable error never used Warning on line 113 of p14.f: local variable logerr never used Warning on line 113 of p14.f: local variable answer never used Warning on line 113 of p14.f: local variable kountf never used It surprises me that no one caught these. --eugene miya NASA Ames Res. Ctr.