[comp.parallel] Bit Map solution.

bimandre@uunet.UU.NET (Andre Marien) (01/27/89)

The following program illustrates how to convert a bit map in
the objects it represents in a time linear with the number
of set one bits, in stead of linear in the length of the bit map.

Some remarks :
- xor is not standard available in prologs, therefore it
  is done with ((a | b) & ~(a & b))

- the data base q/2 would be implemented as an array in C

- the prolog version I use (BIM_Prolog) restricts the size of integers,
  as do many prolog inplementations. This explains the limitation
  of the prolog algorithm to 28 bit positions

- it pays off only if set bits are sparse, and at least one is
  a high numbered bit, because the cost per iteration is higher
  than the shift method


genl(_n,[_g|_l]) :-
	_n > 0, !,
	_nm1 is (_n - 1),
	_nn is _n /\ _nm1,
	_v is ((_n \/ _nm1) /\ (\ _nn)) mod 29,
	genl(_nn,_l) .
genl(0,[]) .

q(1,1) .
q(3,2) .
q(7,3) .
q(15,4) .
q(2,5) .
q(5,6) .
q(11,7) .
q(23,8) .
q(18,9) .
q(8,10) .
q(17,11) .
q(6,12) .
q(13,13) .
q(27,14) .
q(26,15) .
q(24,16) .
q(20,17) .
q(12,18) .
q(25,19) .
q(22,20) .
q(16,21) .
q(4,22) .
q(9,23) .
q(19,24) .
q(10,25) .
q(21,26) .
q(14,27) .
q(0,28) .

C- code :

int convtab[] =
	{28, 1, 5, 2,22,
	  6,12, 3,10,23,
	 25, 7,18,13,27,
	  4,21,11, 9,24,
	 17,26,20, 8,16,

register int n;
register int *add;
	{	*add++ = convtab[((n -1) ^ n) % 29];
		n = (n-1) & n;
	*add++ = 0;

register int n;
register int *add;
{	register int nm1,ctr;

	ctr = 1;
	{	if(n&1) *add++ = ctr;
		n >> = 1;
	*add++ = 0;

Note : 31 bits in C :
int convtab[] =
	{-1, 1,26, 2,23,
	 27,-1, 3,16,24,
	  4, 7,17,-1,25,
	 12, 6,-1,21,14,
	  9, 5,20, 8,19,
	{	*add++ = convtab[((n -1) ^ n) % 37];

Note : DON'T try mersenne primes !! (ie, 31)

Andre' Marien

mcvax!prlb2!kulcs!bimandre (uucp)
bimandre@cs.kuleuven.ac.be (might work)
