[comp.parallel] Bar-Ilan Symposium on the Foundations of Artificial Intelligence

ariel%BIMACS.BITNET@rutgers.edu (Ariel J. Frank) (03/17/89)

                  *** Second Announcement ***

                    Bar-Ilan Symposium on the
              Foundations of Artificial Intelligence

                        19-21 June 1989

 Sponsored by the Research Institute for the Mathematical Sciences
              Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel

Invited speakers:
    John McCarthy (Stanford University)
         "Formalized Common Sense Knowledge and Reasoning"
    Ronald Rivest (M.I.T.)
           "Recent Developments in Machine Learning Theory"
    Joseph Halpern (IBM Research)
           "Reasoning about Knowledge and Probability"


The Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence will publish a
special issue, containing selected refereed full length papers, as a
permanent record of the Symposium.  These should be submitted shortly
after the conclusion of the Symposium and be at the standard of the
best professional journals.

High quality research papers are solicited for consideration by the
program committee to be presented at the Symposium.  Submission of
extended abstracts should be sent by 31 March 1989 in triplicate to:

                 Prof. Martin Golumbic
                 BISFAI-89 Program Chair
                 IBM Israel Scientific Center
                 Technion City
                 Haifa, Israel

or by electronic mail to:  golumbic@israearn.bitnet

Decisions on talks will be made within one month of receipt.


The Bar-Ilan Symposium on the Foundations of Artificial Intelligence is
intended to become a biennial event which will focus on a range of
topics of concern to scholars applying quantitative, combinatorial,
logical, algebraic and algorithmic methods to AI areas as diverse as
decision support, automatic reasoning, knowledge-based systems, machine
learning, computer vision, and robotics.  These include applied
logicians, algorithms and complexity researchers, AI theorists, and
applications specialists using mathematical methods.  By sponsoring such
symposia, we hope to influence the spawning of new areas of applied
mathematics and the strengthening of the scientific underpinnings of
artificial intelligence.


We have reserved a block of hotel accommodations at the
Kfar Hamaccabia Hotel in Ramat Gan, a first-class hotel which also
has sports facilities available gratis for the Symposium participants.
The Symposium will take place at the University, which is a short ride,
or a half-hour walk, from the hotel.  The room rate is $44 single or
$54 double (including breakfast).  Reservations must be made DIRECTLY
       Sharon Tours, Attn: Ms. Dennis, P.O.Box 2605, Ramat Gan, Israel
                Tel: 972-3-738144  FAX: 972-3-724365
mentioning the Bar-Ilan Symposium.

To allow the organizers to reserve sufficient lecture room space,
please fill in and return this portion of the form to

      Dr. Ariel Frank, BISFAI-89 Organizing Chair
      Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
      Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, ISRAEL
         (email: ariel@bimacs.bitnet)
         ******    PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM   *********

 Name: ________________________________________________________

 Affiliation: _________________________________________________

 Address: _____________________________________________________

 Electronic mail:  ____________________________________________

  _____    I   will  attend the  Bar-Ilan Symposium  June 19-21, 1989

  _____    Please send me the third announcement in May 1989.

           I   do  /  do not   plan to submit a paper.