arjain@zookeeper.cns.syr.edu (Jain) (06/15/89)

     1989 Focus   : Software Engineering for Parallel Computing        
                   (July 25-28, 1989)

    Sponsored by  : Syracuse University and U. of Maryland in cooperation
	            with Rome Air Development, GAFB , NY.

 The 12th Workshop will be held on July 25-28 , 1989 at the Minnowbrook
 Conference Center of Syracuse University, Blue Moutain Lake, New York. 
 This year workshop will deal with software development for parallel 
 computing as well as with other software engineering topics of current
 interest. A partial list of relevant topics is given below.

  * Parallel Prog. design          * Parallel Languages
  * Testing & Debugging of         * Parallel Alogrithms   
    Parallel programs
  * Development of ultra-high      * Software Fault-Tolerance 
    Reliable software    
  * Parallel/supercomputer         * Software Tools.
    Applications Software.
  * Metrics for Parallel s/w.      * Future directions.

The workshop will include both invited and contributed papers as well as
panel sessions. All attendees will receive summaries of papers, but no 
proceedings will be published. However, high quality papers may be considered
for publication in a special section of a technical journal , such as IEEE
Transactions on Software Engineering. 
    EVERYONE MUST PRE-REGISTER . There will be no on-site registration
for this workshop.
      The total fees for the workshop is $525. This includes registration,
all meals, lodging for 3 nights, and use of all Minnowbrook facilities.

 Contact(ASAP) :-
           Amrit L. Goel
           ECE Department
           Syracuse University
           Syracuse, NY 13244-1240
           (315)443-4350 or 4424
           email:goel@suvm.BITNET or goel@cmx.npac.syr.edu
           FAX : (315)443-4936