Call for Papers ICS-90: 1990 International Conference on Supercomputing June 11-15, Amsterdam, the Netherlands ( Vrije Universiteit and Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica) Sponsored by ACM SIGARCH in association with ACM-SIGNUM, AICA, BCS-PPG, CTI, CSRD, CWI, GI, INRIA, IPSJ, SBMAC and SIAM-SIAGS Conference Co-Chairmen Ahmed Sameh, Univ of Illinois, USA and Henk van der Vorst, Delft Univ of Technology & CWI, the Netherlands Program Committee Organizers J. R. Gurd, Manchester Chairman Europe and Africa Y. Muraoka, Waseda Chairman Japan and Far East E. Gallopoulos, Illinois Chairman North and South America J. R. Sopka, DEC Director Local Arrangements: H. TeRiele, CWI, Amsterdam, the Netherlands The fourth International Conference on Supercomputing is now soliciting papers on significant new research results in the development and use of supercomputing systems. Contributions should emphasize the novel aspects of the work being reported and should discuss their implications for future supercomputing development. Papers are solicited in the following areas: Architectural Design of Supercomputer Systems: Heterogeneous use of MIMD, SIMD and Data Flow Systems Designs, Memory System Organization (Distributed, Shared or Hierarchical), Bus, Network and Communication Systems, Instruction Architecture (RISC, CISC, etc.) and Performance Studies. Software Systems Support for Supercomputing: Operating Systems Support Features, Programming Languages, Compilers and Analysis Tools, Performance Evaluation Tools, Methods and Modeling, Programming Environments and High Level Problem Solving Systems. Applications of Supercomputing: Numerical and Non-Numerical Algorithms, Structural Mechanics,Computational Fluid Dynamics, Circuit and Semiconductor Device Simulation, Computational Chemistry, Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Computation, Graphics and Visualization, Other new or nontraditional applications. Conference proceedings, published by Springer-Verlag in 1987 and ACM in 1988 and 1989, will again be published by ACM in 1990. Authors should send five (5) copies of the manuscript to the program chairman of their region. The deadline for submissions is January 10, 1990. Authors will be notified of acceptance by March 10. Final versions of accepted submissions will be due by 15 April. The addresses for submissions are: Europe and Africa: North and South America: Japan and Far East: Dr. John R. Gurd Dr. E. Gallopoulos Dr. Y. Muraoka Dept Computer Science CSRD Univ of Illinois Dept. of Elect. Eng. Univ of Manchester 305 Talbot Laboratory Waseda University Oxford Road 104 South Wright St 3-4-1 Okubo, Shinjuku-ku Manchester M13 9PL Urbana, IL61801-2932 Tokyo UNITED KINGDOM USA JAPAN ********************* ************************** ********************** muraoka@jpnwasoo