hhd0@gte.com (Horace Dediu) (09/27/89)
Could someone mail or post references to work on solving the n-body problem on parallel machines. I'm especially interested in implementation of algorithms for hypercubes or the Connection Machine. Many thanks. -- Horace Dediu \"That's the nature of research--you don't know |GTE Laboratories (617) 466-4111\ what in hell you're doing." `Doc' Edgerton |40 Sylvan Road UUCP: ...!harvard!bunny!hhd0................................|Waltham, MA 02254 Internet: hhd0@gte.com or hhd0%gte.com@relay.cs.net..........|U. S. A.
gropp-bill@YALE.EDU (Bill Gropp) (09/27/89)
In article <6588@hubcap.clemson.edu> hhd0@gte.com (Horace Dediu) writes: >Could someone mail or post references to work on solving the n-body problem >on parallel machines. I'm especially interested in implementation of >algorithms for hypercubes or the Connection Machine. Here are two that were implemented on an Encore multimax (in a TeX format) \refbody{L.~Greengard and W.~Gropp, {\it A Parallel Version of the Fast Multipole Method,} Technical Report YALE/DCS/RR-640, Yale University, Department of Computer Science, August\ 1988. } \refbody{L.~Greengard and W.~Gropp, {\it A Parallel Implementation of the Fast Multipole Method,} in "Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing," Ed.~G.~Rodrigue. SIAM, Philadelphia, 1989.} A hypercube implementation of these is fairly straightforward. I also have a vector version of the 2-d FMM. A version of a 3-d fast n-body algorithm has been done on the Connection Machine by F. Zhao. Both the 2-d and 3-d n-body algorithms are O((n/p)log n) on a machine with p processors, and are preferable to the obvious O(n*n/p) algorithm. Bill Gropp