[comp.parallel] nbody summary

hhd0%gte.com@RELAY.CS.NET (Horace Dediu) (10/11/89)

Since my 26 Sep 89 posting asking for references to solutions to the
n-body problem, I have received 7 replies as well as some requests for
summaries.  Here is a list of responses, followed by a list of addresses
of the contribuotrs, followed by my own reference list.  The result of
this research will be an implementation of an n-body solver on a NCUBE 6
hypercube.  Thanks to all who replied, I hope this will be of some use
to someone beside myself.

Subject: Re: N-body problem on parallel machines
Reply-to: aboulanger@bbn.com

Here is some work that had an implementation on the CM:

"On O(N) Algorithm for Three-dimensional N-body Simulations"
Feng Zhao, MIT AI LAB TR 995

Albert Boulanger
BBN Systems & Technologies Corp.

>From argosy!fyodor@decwrl.dec.com Wed Sep 27 00:14:25 1989
From: Chris Kuszmaul <argosy!fyodor@decwrl.dec.com>
Message-Id: <8909262203.AA22260@idiot.MasPar.Com>
Subject: Re: N-body problem on parallel machines
Newsgroups: comp.parallel
Organization: MasPar Computer Corporation, Santa Clara, CA

   "An O(N) Algorithm for Three-dimensional N-body Simulations"
 by Feng Zhao gives a good theoretical coverage of the latest
ideas in N-body simulations in parallel.

    I worked for 2 years on a CM at the Perkin Elmer Advanced
Developement Center, and my favorite hobby was n-body

    I discovered that, unfortunatly, the performance Zhao
gets is not really too great.
I would reccomend that, on an hypercube, you extract a ring
topology, and just cycle the position and mass information
around the ring. It's groody order N with N processors - 
but the constant is small enough that it is actually faster
for 10,000 or so bodies than the order logN method.

   Another option is to use fast poisson solvers (FFT's)
to get 0(logn) perofmance - which is, of course, the same
order as you can get in the best theoretical solvers,
but may also have a smaller time constant.

   It depends on what you want: Good order of growth performance
for arbitrary mass distributions, good wall clock performance
for a specific set of distributions, or something in between...


>From panoff@hubcap.clemson.edu Tue Sep 26 17:17:26 1989
From: panoff@hubcap.clemson.edu (Robert M. Panoff)
Sender: fpst@hubcap.clemson.edu

The expert in this area is probably Paul Hertz at NRL in Washington.
Try reaching him at hertz@cmf.nrl.navy.mil as he has working codes
and has done some impressive timing tests (512 stars in each of 2
clusters colliding in "real" (as you watch it) time).  Hope this helps.

Also, check out the Fox/Walker/Johnson et al. book on solving problems
on concurrent processors.


>From tom@harvard.harvard.edu Wed Sep 27 10:35:50 1989
From: tom@harvard.harvard.edu
Subject: Re: N-body on || machines; molecular dynamics, simulated annealing

At Harvard, I know of two projects which are considering this problem
(sort of) on the connection machine, and parallel computers in
general.  Martin Karplus' group in the Chemistry department has long
been working with modeling the molecular dynamics of proteins and
nucleic acids.  This is basically a N-body problem, as each atom
interacts with every other atom.  Paul Bash, a post-doc, has a program
(written in CM Fortran) running on the CM-2, with 15x Cray performance
for a simulation with 4000 atoms, and 5x Cray performance when we only
consider interactions with atoms within a certain cutoff range.

In the group I am working with, we are in the beginning phases of work
on a new project that would attempt to model and hopefully almost
optimally map, a N-body simulation considering interactions only with
a specified set of "neighbors" to parallel machines.  Our first target
is the CM-2, as we just received a little 4K processor version.  This
isn't a full n-body simulation, but I think it could apply to one, if
we consider the "neighbors" to be all n bodies.  We don't tout our
project as simulating n-body interactions, but more formally, mapping
general grid computations, where the computation depends on a set of
"neighbors" (grid points close in communication, so as to speed up the
computation), to various target parallel machines.  Interestingly, our
first example may be a simplified molecular dynamics simulation.

I do not know if this is the information you want, but ask me for in-
depth details if it is.

I would appreciate it if you would send me any responses you receive
to your query (that don't get posted to comp.parallel) to 


		Thanks, Thomas Cheatham III
>From @boulder.colorado.edu:jakob@chapel.colorado.edu Wed Sep 27 11:35:47 1989
Return-Path: <jakob@chapel.Colorado.EDU>
From: Jakob Ruediger <jakob@chapel.colorado.edu>
Subject: N body problem

I remember that at the Univ. of Erlangen-Nuernberg, West-Germany, someone
was working on that problem for the distributed-shared memory DIRMU
multiprocessor. Since this was two years ago, I don't remember names now,
but if you are seriously interested, you should contact Prof. Haendler
there, he'll probably be able to help you further:
email: haendler@informatik.uni-erlangen.de

Ruediger Jakob

>From gropp-bill@YALE.EDU Wed Sep 27 08:50:48 1989
Subject: Re: N-body problem on parallel machines
Date: 27 Sep 89 12:50:48 GMT
Sender: fpst@hubcap.clemson.edu

In article <6588@hubcap.clemson.edu> hhd0@gte.com (Horace Dediu) writes:
>Could someone mail or post references to work on solving the n-body problem
>on parallel machines.  I'm especially interested in implementation of
>algorithms for hypercubes or the Connection Machine.

Here are two that were implemented on an Encore multimax (in a TeX format)
    \refbody{L.~Greengard and W.~Gropp, {\it A Parallel Version of the Fast
    Multipole Method,} Technical Report YALE/DCS/RR-640, Yale University,
    Department of Computer Science, August\ 1988. }
    \refbody{L.~Greengard and W.~Gropp, {\it A Parallel Implementation of the
    Fast Multipole Method,} in "Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing,"
    Ed.~G.~Rodrigue.  SIAM, Philadelphia, 1989.}

A hypercube implementation of these is fairly straightforward.  I also
have a vector version of the 2-d FMM.  A version of a 3-d fast n-body
algorithm has been done on the Connection Machine by F.  Zhao.  Both the
2-d and 3-d n-body algorithms are O((n/p)log n) on a machine with p
processors, and are preferable to the obvious O(n*n/p) algorithm.

Bill Gropp
>From @RELAY.CS.NET,@cunyvm.cuny.edu:jacob@techsel.bitnet Tue Oct  3 18:43:42 1989
From: Jacob Katzenelson <jacob%TECHSEL.BITNET@cunyvm.cuny.edu>
Subject: n-body on parallel machimne

Your e-mail inquiry has been forwarded to me.
J. Katzenelson, "the computational structure
of the n- body problem" SIAM J. on stat. and Sc comp.
june or July 1989.
I can  send you a reprint but it will take longer than
the library.
Please let me know about similar work I have not

Here is a list of interested individuals who might be of help:


To the references above I have added:

J. Makino, On an O(NlogN) Algorithm for the Gravitational N-body Simulation
and Its Vectorization, Japanese Supercomputing:  architecture, algorithms and
applications, pp. 84-96, springer-Verlag, New York, NY, USA

Andrew A. Berlin, A Compilation Strategy for Numerical Programs Based on
Partial Evaluation, Technical Report 1144, MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab
(This is a thesis and has *Lisp source code for nbody on CM.  You can 
contact Mr. Berlin at rm. 434, 545 Technology Square, Cambridge, MA 02139)

Geraly Jay Sussman, Jack Wisdom, Numerical Evidence that the Motion of
Pluto is Chaotic, AI Memo 1039, MIT AI Lab, April 27, 1988.  (This has been
published in Science magazine)

James H. Applegate, Michael R. Douglas, Yeketa Gursel, Peter Hunter, 
Charles L .Seitz, Gerald Jay Sussman, A Digital Orrery, IEEE Transactions on
Computers, Vol. C-34, no. 9, September 1985.
(beautiful paper, a special-purpose computer used to model the solar system)

Mike Warren, John Salmon, An O(NlogN) Hypercube N-body Integrator,  
ACM 1988 0-9791-278-0/88/0007/0971.  I don't know what publication this
paper is from.