[comp.parallel] NATUG

wagner@keiths.cs.ubc.ca (Alan Wagner) (10/31/89)

              North American Transputer Users Group
                        1990 Spring Meeting
                         Call For Papers
     The 1990 Spring meeting of the North American Transputer Users
Group will be held in Santa Clara, California, on April 26 and 27.
Contributions are being solicited in the areas of hardware, software,
and applications - particularly embedded and real-time systems.
Presentations will be allotted 20 minutes each, with ample additional time
for questions; this format will allow for approximately 24 talks. Additional
papers may be presented at poster sessions if there is sufficient interest.
All accepted papers will appear in a published proceedings.
Abstracts of 1000 - 1500 words must be received by 8 January 1990.
Notices of acceptance will be sent out by 22 January, and final drafts of
accepted papers will be due by 19 February.  Authors should indicate
on the abstract whether they would be willing to present the paper
in a poster session.
Abstracts should be submitted to:
Professor Alan Wagner, NATUG 3 Program Chair
Dept. of Computer Science 
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, B. C. Canada V6T 1W5
(604) 228-6450
email: wagner@cs.ubc.cdn
Email submissions are preferred.
***************************  Future Meetings  *****************************
The Fall 1990 meeting is scheduled for October 12 & 13, and
will be held in Ithaca, New York.
The Spring 1991 meeting will be a world-wide gathering of all
user groups and is tentatively scheduled for the week of April 22, in
Santa Clara, California.

wagner@cs.ubc.ca (01/04/90)

              North American Transputer Users Group
                        1990 Spring Meeting
                         Final Call For Papers
						 (DEADLINE January 8th 1990)
     The 1990 Spring meeting of the North American Transputer Users
Group will be held in Santa Clara, California, on April 26 and 27.
Contributions are being solicited in the areas of hardware, software,
and applications - particularly embedded and real-time systems.
Presentations will be allotted 20 minutes each, with ample additional time
for questions; this format will allow for approximately 24 talks. Additional
papers may be presented at poster sessions if there is sufficient interest.
All accepted papers will appear in a published proceedings.
Abstracts of 1000 - 1500 words must be received by 8 January 1990.
Notices of acceptance will be sent out by 22 January, and final drafts of
accepted papers will be due by 19 February.  Authors should indicate
on the abstract whether they would be willing to present the paper
in a poster session.
Abstracts should be submitted to:
Professor Alan Wagner, NATUG 3 Program Chair
Dept. of Computer Science
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, B. C. Canada V6T 1W5
(604) 228-6450
email: wagner@cs.ubc.cdn
Email submissions are preferred.
***************************  Future Meetings  *****************************
The Fall 1990 meeting is scheduled for October 12 & 13, and
will be held in Ithaca, New York.
The Spring 1991 meeting will be a world-wide gathering of all
user groups and is tentatively scheduled for the week of April 22, in
Santa Clara, California.