[comp.parallel] Parallel and Sequential implementations of convex hull algos

narayanc@turing.cs.rpi.edu (Chandra Sekhar) (01/05/90)


I would like to know if any of you parallel algorihtm
researchers have implemented a parallel convex hull algorithm. 
I am interested in the performance of such algorithms and 
want to compare the performance of my algorithm with 
that of others. If you have implemented your algorithm in 
C and do not mind giving me a copy of your program, please
let me know.

I am also interested in in getting a copy of a C program to 
compute the convex hull sequentially.

Thanks in advance.

N. Chandrasekhar, ECSE Dept Rensselaer Polytech Inst
narayanc@turing.cs.rpi.edu or chandra@rom.ecse.rpi.edu