[comp.parallel] Neural Network Course

mike@bucasb.bu.edu (Michael Cohen) (01/15/90)

May 6--11, 1989

Sponsored by the Center for Adaptive Systems,
the Graduate Program in Cognitive and Neural Systems,
and the Wang Institute of Boston University
with partial support from
The Air Force Office of Scientific Research

This in-depth, systematic, 5-day course is based upon the world's leading
graduate curriculum in the technology, computation, mathematics, and biology
of neural networks. Developed at the Center for Adaptive Systems (CAS) and
the Graduate Program in Cognitive and Neural Systems (CNS) of Boston
University, twenty-eight hours of the course will be taught by six CAS/CNS 
faculty. Three distinguished guest lecturers will present eight hours of 
the course. 


MAY 7, 1990
---Morning Session (Professor Stephen Grossberg)
Historical Overview, Content Addressable Memory, Competitive Decision Making, 
Associative Learning

---Afternoon Session (Professors Michael Jordan (MIT) and Ennio Mingolla)
Combinational Optimization, Perceptrons, Introduction to Back Propagation, 
Recent Developments of Back Propagation

MAY 8, 1990
---Morning Session (Professors Gail Carpenter and Stephen Grossberg)
Adaptive Pattern Recognition, Introduction to Adaptive Resonance Theory, 
Analysis of ART 1

---Afternoon Session (Professor Gail Carpenter)
Analysis of ART 2, Analysis of ART 3, Self-Organization of Invariant Pattern 
Recognition Codes, Neocognitron

MAY 9, 1990
---Morning Session (Professors Stephen Grossberg and Ennio Mingolla)
Vision and Image Processing

---Afternoon Session (Professors Daniel Bullock, Michael Cohen, and 
Stephen Grossberg)
Adaptive Sensory-Motor Control and Robotics, Speech Perception and Production

MAY 10, 1990
---Morning Session (Professors Michael Cohen, Stephen Grossberg, and 
John Merrill)
Speech Perception and Production, Reinforcement Learning and Prediction

---Afternoon Session (Professors Stephen Grossberg and John Merrill and 
Dr. Robert Hecht-Nielsen, HNC)
Reinforcement Learning and Prediction, Recent Developments in the 
Neurocomputer Industry

MAY 11, 1990
---Morning Session (Dr. Federico Faggin, Synaptics Inc.)
VLSI Implementation of Neural Networks

TO REGISTER: By phone, call (508) 649-9731; by mail, write for further 
information to: Neural Networks, Wang Institute of Boston University, 
72 Tyng Road, Tyngsboro, MA 01879. For further information about registration 

REGISTRATION FEE: Regular attendee--$950; full-time student--$250.
Registration fee includes five days of tutorials, course notebooks, one
reception, five continental breakfasts, five lunches, four dinners, daily
morning and afternoon coffee service, evening discussion sessions.

STUDENT FELLOWSHIPS supporting travel, registration, and lodging for the 
Course are available to full-time graduate students in a PhD program. 
Applications must be postmarked by March 1, 1990. Send curriculum vitae,
a one-page essay describing your interest in neural networks, and a letter 
from a faculty advisor to: Student Fellowships, Neural Networks Course, 
Wang Institute of Boston University, 72 Tyng Road, Tyngsboro, MA 01879.