[comp.parallel] CNSF Parallel Processing Workshop

rek@tcgould.tn.cornell.edu (Ray Kujawski) (01/16/90)

              Cornell National Supercomputer Facility
                   Parallel Processing Workshop
                      February 19-23, 1990
The Cornell National Supercomputer Facility (CNSF) announces a hands-on
workshop on Parallel Processing, February 19-23, 1990, at Cornell
University in Ithaca, NY.  This workshop is designed for users of the
CNSF who already have serial FORTRAN code in production on the IBM
3090-600E.  The goal is to help participants convert their FORTRAN code
to Parallel FORTRAN.  About half of the workshop time will be devoted to
lectures and directed labs, with the other half to be used for code
conversion and consultation.  Lectures, labs, and consulting will be
provided by the staff of the Cornell National Supercomputer Facility and
invited lecturers.  On Thursday and Friday, CNSF and IBM staff will be
on hand to assist users who want to spend a significant amount of time
converting their code to Parallel FORTRAN.
Since much of the workshop is devoted to one-on-one assistance by CNSF
staff, registration is limited to 25 people.  Each applicant must be a
CNSF user who already has a research account, with a production-quality
serial FORTRAN program to work on at the workshop.  Preference will be
given to large serial jobs which have already been optimized (for
example, through vectorization).  Participants will use their own
research accounts during the workshop, but may apply for reimbursement
for conversion time through the CNSF's Parallelism Incentive Program,
which is described in the POLICIES menu of CNSFDOC, under PARALLEL.
Sessions by CNSF staff and guest speakers will include:
Feb. 19 (optional): Registraton
                    Introduction to Parallel Processing
                    Introduction to Parallel FORTRAN
Feb. 20:  Registration
          Parallel Programming Tools
          Debugging Issues and Tools
          Performance Measurement Tools
Feb. 21:  Programming Efficient Parallel FORTRAN
          Memory Management
Feb. 22:  Special Topics
Feb. 23:  Special Topics
Optional evening lectures will include overviews of the Northeast
Parallel Architectures Center, pdx-an alternative way to write
parallel programs, and the Parallel Computing Forum's proposed Parallel
FORTRAN standard.
The workshop will begin at 8:30 am on Monday, February 19 and adjourn by
3:00 pm on Wednesday, February 21.  Monday is optional for those already
conversant in Parallel FORTRAN.  Those attendees also registered for
Thursday and Friday will be given intensive consulting assistance and
use of the Training Facility until 5:00 pm, Friday, February 23.
To apply for this workshop, please complete the attached form and send
it to the address indicated.  The registration fee includes course
materials, the IBM Parallel FORTRAN Language and Library Reference
Manual, refreshments at breaks, and lunches.  Copies of the CNSF User's
Guide are optional.  Local users can provide a Cornell University
account number that can be charged.  Applications must be received by
January 19, 1990.  Applicants should receive notification of the final
selection by January 26.
The following accommodations are within walking distance of the CNSF
Training Facility and many restaurants and shops.  Attendees are
responsible for their own reservations, and for meals except lunches.
Paid parking is available one block from the Training Facility.
Commercial airport limousine service is also available.
Collegetown Motor Lodge, one block from the CNSF, 312 College Avenue
Ithaca, NY, 14850, 607-273-3542, $59-$61 per night
Blocks of rooms have been reserved for this workshop.
Please mention this when making your reservation.
The Peregrine House, Bed and breakfast
Two blocks from CNSF, 140 College Avenue, Ithaca, NY  14850
607-272-0919, $62-72 per night including breakfast
Parallel Processing Workshop, February 19-23, 1990
Application Form
Name:                               Date:
Institution:                        Academic Discipline:
Telephone:                          Electronic Address:
Any special needs (diet, mobility impaired):
CNSF Research Account:
Your user id:                       Account id:
Initial allocation (service units):
Service units remaining:
Have you attended a CNSF workshop in the past 18 months?  Please
Are you a corporate user?           A Smart Node consultant?
Please briefly describe your project:
Please tell us about your serial production code:
-Do you use any packages (e.g., ESSL IMSL, NAG)?
 What percent of your CPU run time is spent in these packages?
-Number of lines of source code:      lines
-Memory required for object code:     megabytes
-Memory required for data:            megabytes
-Percent vectorized:
-Typical run time:                    cpu minutes
Please give a rough estimate of the percentage of the above serial CPU
minutes that can be converted to parallel execution:_____________%
To further help us assess the potential benefit of parallelization to
your code, please describe each major hotspot in your code, i.e., each
section of your code that consumes a significant portion of total
execution time.  For each hotspot, indicate the approximate percentage
of run time, the type of computation (e.g., Monte Carlo), and whether or
not you were able to vectorize the hotspot.  Also, please indicate if
you would like help with a specific question or problem while attending
the workshop.  Please describe the question or problem (attach
additional sheet).
Workshop costs (payable to Cornell University):
                            Academic                Corporate
Workshop (Feb. 19-21)         $75                      $600
Workshop plus Code
 Conversion (Feb. 19-23)     $100                    $1,000
CNSF User's Guide (optional)  $35                       $35
Total enclosed:
This form, with payment (payable to Cornell University), must be
received no later than January 19, 1990, by Donna Smith, Conference
Coordinator, Cornell National Supercomputer Facility, Campus Road and
Central Avenue, Ithaca, New York, 14853-8301, (607) 255-3985.

Ray Kujawski
Technical Consultant
Cornell National Supercomputer Facility
(607) 255-3985