herman@cwi.nl (Herman te Riele) (03/18/90)
1990 ACM International Conference on Supercomputing June, 11-15 Amsterdam CO-CHAIRMEN: Ahmed Sameh (Illinois) & Henk van der Vorst (Delft and CWI) PROGRAM DIRECTOR: John R. Sopka (DEC) INVITED LECTURES: Burton Smith, "The Tera Computer System" Tony Chan, "Parallel Multilevel Algorithms for PDE's" William Wulf, "The Collaboratory: A Larger Context for Support of Computational Science" Wolfgang Fichtner, "Iterative Methods and Supercomputers for VLSI Device Simulation" Toshitsugu Yuba, "Dataflow Computer Development in Japan" Ahmed Noor, "Strategies for Large-Scale Structural Problems on High Performance Computers" Piet van der Houwen, "Parallel ODE Solvers" Anthony Hey, To be announced CONTRIBUTED LECTURES: About 125 papers have been submitted, covering a large number of subjects. In summary the issues for the ICS'90 Conference are quite well in agreement with what we believe to be the current trends and main problems: tools to aid parallel programming as well as parallel execution, the effects of memory hierarchy, programming techniques, visualization, effective use of suitable kernels like the BLAS3, besides the already more classical topics in this rapidly expanding area: parallel algoritms, large scale applications on vector multiprocessors and local memory machines, performance evaluation, and architectures for special applications. No more tham two parallel sessions will be scheduled at the same time. SOCIAL EVENTS: Sunday, 10 June: Reception and informal get together. Admission free for participants. Tuesday, 12 June: Conference banquet, to be served during a boat trip through the Amsterdam canals and on the river Zaan to the Zaanse Schans. Costs: Dfl. 80.-- per person. Wednesday, 13 June: Excursion to either the Kroller-Muller Museum, where part (i.e. the drawings) of the great Van Gogh 1990 exhibition can be admired or to the Delta works. Costs: Dfl. 60.-- per person. Thursday, 14 June: Reception in a typically Dutch museum. Admission free for participants. Friday, 15 June: (A limited number of) Tickets are available for the other part of the great Van Gogh 1990 exhibition (the Van Gogh paintings) in the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam. Price per ticket: Dfl. 20.--. HOTEL RESERVATIONS: Reservations can be made in the following hotels: single room twin bedded room Novotel Amsterdam Dfl. 195.-- Dfl. 240.-- Hotel Casa 400 Dfl. 122.-- Dfl. 180.-- Hotel Altea/Euromotel Dfl. 90.-- Dfl. 150.-- Reservation costs: Dfl. 15.-- Each reservation requires a deposit of Dfl. 250.-- REGISTRATION: Complete the registration form below and send it to: Frans Snijders CWI P.O. Box 4079 1009 AB Amsterdam The Netherlands Registration fee's: Advance Registration Fee (Postmarked by May 15th, 1990): ACM Member Dfl. 650,- (approx. US $ 350) Non-member Dfl. 750,- Registration Fee (Postmarked after May 15th, 1990): ACM Member Dfl. 750,- Non-member Dfl. 850,- PAYMENTS: All payments are to be made in Dutch guilders and are to be addressed to: Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, mentioning ICS'90. They can be made by either a) banker's draft, or b) money transfer to bankaccount nr. Personal and company cheques cannot be accepted. 0 / --X--snip---------------------------------------------------------------- 0 \ REGISTRATION FORM FOR ICS'90: Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Affiliation: ____________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________ Postal code: _______________________________ City: ______________________ Country: ___________________________________ Tel.: ______________________ ( ) Registration fee DFL. ____ ( ) Conference banquet, DFL. 80.-- x ( ) DFL. ____ ( ) Excursion to Kroller-Muller Museum, DFL. 60.-- x ( ) DFL. ____ ( ) Excursion to Delta works, DFL. 60.-- x ( ) DFL. ____ ( ) Ticket for Van Gogh Museum, DFL. 20.-- x ( ) DFL. ____ HOTEL RESERVATION: Please indicate order of preference: single/twin bedded room in: ( ) Novotel ( ) Hotel Casa 400 ( ) Altea Hotel/Euromotel Date of arrival:______________ Date of departure:_____________ Deposit, DFL. 250.-- DFL. ____ Reservation costs, DFL. 15.-- DFL. ____ ___________________ TO BE TRANSFERRED: DFL. ========= ( ) I enclose a banker's draft ( ) I have transferred the amount due to acc.nr. Authorized signature:__________________________ Send this form to: Mr. Frans Snijders CWI P.O. Box 4079, Kruislaan 413 1009 AB Amsterdam, The Netherlands More information can be obtained from Frans Snijders at the above address or at fax. +31-20-5924199 or email franss@cwi.nl