rcojh@minyos.xx.rmit.OZ.AU (John Hulskamp) (05/03/90)
PROVISIONAL PROGRAMME AND REGISTRATION FORM AUSTRALIAN TRANSPUTER AND OCCAM USER GROUP CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION 28 & 29 JUNE 1990 HOTEL LAWSON 383-389 Bulwara Road ULTIMO 2007 AUSTRALIA Following on from the previous successful Conferences held in Melbourne, the Australian Transputer and OCCAM User Group will be conducting a Conference/Exhibition in Sydney under the auspices of the Key Centre for Advanced Computing Sciences at the University of Technology, Sydney and the Centre for Advanced Technology in Telecommunications within the Department of Communication and Electrical Engineering at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology. The Conference and Exhibition will provide an opportunity to focus on the latest research and developments in transputers, transputer-based technology and applications using transputers in the Australian environment. KEYNOTE SPEAKER The keynote speaker for this year's Conference will be Dr Iann Barron, a distinguished computer scientist who was one of the co- inventors of the transputer, and a founder of the company INMOS which developed the transputer in Bristol, U.K. Mr Tony Dent, Marketing Director, INMOS Products, SGS-Thomson, SINGAPORE and Mr Paul Bromley, Technical Marketing Engineer, INMOS Ltd, BRISTOL, U.K. will also be in attendance to assist in answering questions. EXHIBITION In conjunction with the Conference, an exhibition will demonstrate the latest equipment being developed with the transputer family. A number of exhibitors have been invited, including the following: Hawk Electronics Pty Ltd (Australian INMOS Distributor) Unitronix Pty Ltd (PARACOM range of boards) Parallel Systems Research Prentice-Hall Book Publishers CONFERENCE LOCATION The Conference will be held at the Hotel Lawson, 383-389 Bulwara Road, Ultimo, just five minutes walking distance from the University of Technology, Sydney, five minutes from the Power House Museum, and the monorail that takes one right into the centre of Sydney, and the Darling Harbour complex. Accommodation is being offered at the Hotel Lawson at a special discount rate. Persons wishing to stay at the Hotel Lawson and avail themselves of this special rate, should contact the Hotel directly on (02) 211-1499 or FAX (02) 281-3764. Otherwise, all matters relating to accommodation will be left to the individuals to organise. CONFERENCE COSTS The all-inclusive Conference fee of $A265 will include morning, afternoon teas and lunch on both days as well as a Cocktail Party on the Thursday evening. A special concession rate of $A100 is available to students The fee does not include accommodation at the Hotel Lawson. CONFERENCE ORGANISING COMMITEE This year's Conference is being organised by a small Committee as follows: Mr John Hulskamp (Convenor) Senior Lecturer, Department of Communication and Electrical Engineering Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology Telephone: +61 +3 660-2453/2090 FAX: +61 +3 662-1060 e-mail: rcojh@minyos.xx.rmit.oz Dr Tom Hintz Associate Professor, School of Computing Science University of Technology, Sydney Telephone: +61 +2 218-9508 e-mail:tom@ultima.cs.uts.oz Dr Terry Bossomaier Research School of Physical Sciences Australian National University Telephone: +61 +6 249-2465 FAX: +61 +6 241-9884 e-mail: terry@phys4.anu.oz The address for correspondence relating to the Conference is Mr John Hulskamp Department of Communication and Electrical Engineering Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology G.P.O. Box 2476V MELBOURNE 3001 AUSTRALIA Information about the Conference can be obtained from any of the Committee members. PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOP A feature of this year's Conference and Exhibition will be the provision of a one-day pre-Conference Workshop on Wednesday 27 June 1990 to provide an overview of transputer hardware and software. This Workshop is particularly directed at an audience which has no prior knowledge of the transputer, transputer-based technology and parallel processing with the transputer. The Workshop will include the following topics: What is a transputer, and what can it do for me? Parallel Processing and the transputer The OCCAM programming language for transputers Other high level language support for transputer-based systems The cost of attendance at this one-day workshop will be $A125 (including workshop notes, morning, afternoon teas and lunch) is not included in the cost of the Conference itself, but will be an additional charge to participants. Those wishing to attend this pre-Conference Workshop should book early, as numbers will be limited to 30. The pre-Conference Workshop will be held in the Eureka Room of the Hotel Lawson, commencing at 0930 on Wednesday 27 June 1990. PROVISIONAL PROGRAMME OUTLINE Thursday 28 June 1990 0800-0930 Registration 0930-1030 Welcome and Keynote Speaker 1030-1100 Morning Tea 1100-1230 Technical Session 1: Parallel Image Processing 1230-1400 LUNCH 1400-1530 Technical Session 2: Robotics Applications 1530-1600 Afternoon Tea 1600-1730 Technical Session 3: Simulation 1830- COCKTAIL PARTY and EXHIBITION Friday 28 June 1990 0900-1030 Technical Session 4: Future Transputer Developments 1030-1100 Morning Tea 1100-1230 Technical Session 5: Formal Description Techniques 1230-1400 LUNCH 1400-1530 Technical Session 6: Hardware Developments 1530-1600 Afternoon Tea 1600-1730 Conference Closure ---------------------------- cut here --------------------------- REGISTRATION FORM AUSTRALIAN TRANSPUTER AND OCCAM USER GROUP CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION 28 & 29 JUNE 1990 HOTEL LAWSON 383-389 Bulwara Road ULTIMO 2007 AUSTRALIA Name:.............................................................. Organisation:...................................................... Address:........................................................... Telephone:( ) FAX:( ) E-mail: PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOP WORKSHOP ATTENDANCE FEE $A125.00 (Fee covers workshop notes, morning, afternoon teas and lunch) CONFERENCE ATTENDANCE CONFERENCE FEE (If received before 15 June 1990) $A265.00 (Fee covers Conference/Exhibition, morning and afternoon tea, lunches and Cocktail Party) Late fee $A20.00 $A TOTAL: $A MAKE CHEQUES or ORDERS PAYABLE TO: Centre for Advanced Technology in Telecommunications Department of Communication and Electrical Engineering Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology G.P.O. Box 2476V MELBOURNE 3001 AUSTRALIA IMS, INMOS, Transputer and OCCAM are trademarks of the INMOS Group of Companies