[comp.parallel] PODC'90

levesque@iro.umontreal.CA (06/06/90)

[ This was on one of the system groups. Thought it might interest some.]

                        9th ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS
             Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing

Organized by:
Conference Chair: Gregor v. Bochmann, Universite de Montreal
Program Chair: Cynthia Dwork, IBM     Treasurer:   Gilles Brassard, UdeM
Local Arr'nts: Pierre McKenzie, UdeM  Reg. Chair:  Lucie Levesque, UdeM

                       Sponsored by SIGACT and SIGOPS
With support from:  ONR, BNR, DEC, MIT, NSERC, Universite de Montreal

                             PRELIMINARY PROGRAM

TUESDAY, August 21
Registration: 17:00 - 20:00,  Reception: 18:00-21:00.

WEDNESDAY, August 22
Invited Lecture:  09:00 - 10:00
Barbara Liskov, MIT

Coffee break:  10:00 - 10:30

Session 1:  10:30 - 12:00  -  Chair:  Richard Ladner Atomic Snapshots
of Shared Memory, Yehuda Afek (Tel-Aviv University), Hagit Attiya (MIT),
Danny Dolev (IBM Almaden), Eli Gafni (Tel-Aviv University and UCLA),
Michael Merritt (AT & T Bell Laboratories) and Nir Shavit (Hebrew University).
Composite Registers, James Anderson (University of Texas at Austin).
The Inhibition Spectrum and the Achievement of Causal Consistency,
Carol Critchlow and Kim Taylor (Cornell University).

Lunch at the Hotel:  12:00 - 13:30

Session 2:  13:30 - 15:00  -  Chair:  Maurice Herlihy
Lazy Replication:  Exploiting the Semantics of Distributed Services,
Rivka Ladin (DEC CRL), Barbara Liskov and Liuba Shrira (MIT).
Distributed Variable Server for Atomic Unification, Alon Kleinman,
Yoram Moses and Ehud Shapiro (The Weizmann).
Virtual Time II:  Storage Management in Conservative and Optimistic
Systems, David Jefferson (UCLA).

Coffee break:  15:00 - 15:30

Session 3:  15:30 - 17:00  -  Chair:  Jim Burns
Self-Stabilizing Extensions for Message-Passing Systems, Shmuel Katz
(The Technion), Kenneth Perry (IBM Watson).
Self-Stabilization of Dynamic Systems Assuming Only Read/Write Atomicity,
Shlomo Dolev, Amos Israeli and Shlomo Moran (The Technion).
Token Management Schemes and Random Walks Yield Self-Stabilizing Mutual
Exclusion, Amos Israeli and Marc Jalfon (The Technion).


THURSDAY, August 23
Session 4:  09:00 - 10:30  -  Chair:  Nicola Santoro Continuous Clock
Amortization Need Not Affect the Precision of a Clock Synchronization
Algorithm, Frank Schmuck and Flaviu Cristian (IBM Almaden).
Distributed Control for PARIS, Baruch Awerbuch (MIT), Israel Cidon,
Inder Gopal, Marc Kaplan and Shay Kutten (IBM Watson).
Principles for High Speed Network Control:  Congestion- and Deadlock-Freeness,
Self-Routing and a Single Buffer per Link, Yoram Ofek and Moti Yung
(IBM Watson).

Coffee break:  10:30 - 11:00

Session 5:  11:00 - 12:00  -  Chair:  Yehuda Afek
Cost-Sensitive Analysis of Communication Protocols, Baruch Awerbuch (MIT),
Alan Baratz (IBM Watson), David Peleg (The Weizmann).
A Quantitative Approach to Dynamic Networks, Baruch Awerbuch (MIT),
Oded Goldreich and Amir Herzbeg (The Technion).

Lunch (on your own):  12:00 - 14:00

Session 6:  14:00 - 16:00  -  Chair:  Krzysztof Apt
Tight Bounds for Weakly Bounded Protocols, Ewan Tempero and Richard Ladner
(University of Washington, Seattle).
Two Messages are Almost Optimal for Conveying Information, Alon Orlitsky
(AT & T Bell Laboratories).
A Decidable Temporal Logic to Reason About Many Processes, Allen Emerson
and Jai Srinivasan (University of Texas at Austin).
Reasoning about Probabilistic Algorithms, Josyula R. Rao (University
of Texas at Austin).

Coffee Break: 16:00 - 16:30

Session 7:  16:30 - 17:30  -  Chair:  Paris Kanellakis
Using Mappings to Prove Timing Properties, Nancy Lynch and Hagit Attiya (MIT).
Half-Order Modal Logic:  How to Prove Real-Time Properties, Tom Henzinger
(Stanford University).


FRIDAY, August 24
Session 8:  09:00 - 10:30  -  Chair:  Benny Chor
Early-Delivery Atomic Broadcast, Ajei Gopal (Cornell University), Ray Strong
(IBM Almaden), Sam Toueg (Cornell University), Flaviu Cristian (IBM Almaden).
Agreement is Harder than Consensus:  Set Consensus Problems in Totally
Asynchronous Systems, Soma Chaudhuri (University of Washington, Seattle).
Time- and Space-Efficient Randomized Consensus, James Aspnes
(Carnegie-Mellon University).

Coffee break:  10:30 - 11:00

Session 9:  11:00 - 12:30  -  Chair:  Anna Karlin
A Characterization of Eventual Byzantine Agreement, Joseph Halpern
(IBM Almaden), Yoram Moses (The Weizmann), Orli Waarts (Stanford).
Lower Bounds for Wait-Free Computation in Message-Passing Systems,
Maurice P. Herlihy and Mark R. Tuttle (DEC CRL).
Sharing Memory Robustly in Message-Passing Systems, Hagit Attiya (MIT),
Amotz Bar-Noy (IBM Watson), Danny Dolev (IBM Almaden).


Except for the Wednesday evening banquet, all events will be
held at the Hilton International Quebec, 3 Place Quebec, Quebec
city, (Quebec), Canada G1K 7M9.

The banquet will be held at Le Chateau Frontenac,
1 Rue des Carrieres, Quebec city, (Quebec), Canada G1R 4P5, less than a
kilometre away from the Hilton.


Air Canada has been designated the official carrier of PODC'90.
For travel within Canada, a 15% discount off the standard economy
fare is available with a 2-night minimum / 15-day maximum stay
requirement.  For travel from the United States, a 25% discount is
available with no stay requirement and a 35% discount (subject to
availability) with a 2-night minimum / 15-day maximum stay
requirement.  For the 15% or the 35% discount, reservations must
be made 7 days in advance.  To obtain a convention discount, you
must call Air Canada 1-800-361-7585 and refer to file number:

Distance from Quebec city Airport to the Hilton is less than 20
km.  The Airport shuttle to downtown will cost 7$ CAN, and a taxi
18$ CAN.  Quebec is about 3 hours driving from the International
Airports of Montreal.


The temperatures in August range from the average daytime high
of 23!C to the average night-time low of 12!C.  Rain showers are
possible with, say, 35% probability.


The hotel is located across from the Quebec Parliament, just
outside the fortifications surrounding the old city.  Rich in history
and unique in North America, Old Quebec offers a piece of XVIIth
century Europe with its narrow streets, numerous cafes, artists
hang-outs, boutiques and fine restaurants, against a spectacular
background provided by the St-Lawrence river.


Please use a copy of this form to pre-register. Advance registration
closes July 31, 1990. Registration after July 31 is subject to a late
fee.  Please mail your completed form with cheque (drawn on a
North American Bank) or money order (either in Canadian or US
funds) payable to ACM PODC'90 to:
c/o Gregor v. Bochmann
Departement d'informatique et de recherche operationnelle
C.P. 6128, Station A, Universite de Montreal
Montreal, (Quebec), Canada, H3C 3J7
The regular registration fee includes a reception on Tuesday
evening, luncheon on Wednesday, the banquet on Wednesday
evening, coffee breaks, and a copy of the proceedings.  The
student registration fee includes everything except the banquet.
Requests for refunds will be honoured until July 31, 1990. For
further information please contact Lucie Levesque by phone at
(514) 343-7535, fax (514) 343-2155, or send electronic mail to:

ACM - PODC'90 Registration Form

Family name   ______________________________________________
Given name    ______________________________________________
Affiliation   ______________________________________________

Address       ______________________________________________

Postal code   ____________________  Country ________________
Phone number  ______________________________________________
e-mail        ______________________________________________
Vegetarian ?  ______________________________________________
Kosher (available for the banquet only) ? __________________

                          before July 31   after
                        CAN$    US$     CAN$    US$
ACM Member              255     225     340     300
  Membership No. __________
Non-member              310     275     400     350
Student                  85      75     170     150
Add'al banquet tickets   70      60      70      60
Total enclosed _____________CAN$ or US$ (please circle one)


A block of rooms has been reserved for the PODC'90 participants.
If you wish to reserve one of these rooms, please complete the
form below and return to:
Hilton International Hotel
3, Place Quebec
Quebec city (Quebec)
Canada G1K 7M9
Hotel Hilton can be reached by phone (418) 647-2411, fax  (418) 647-3737.
Please mention that you are part of the ACM PODC'90.  Reservations must
be received by July 21, 1990.  Accommodations should be confirmed with
a cheque for the first night deposit, or any major credit card.
The conference rate at Hotel Hilton is 115$CAN/single, 135$CAN/double
and 20$CAN/extra person, net of all eventual taxes.  (Current exchange
rate is 1$CAN = 0.86$US).  Check-in time is 16h00 and check-out time is
noon.  For those participants wishing to arrive early or to stay on,
the conference rate will be honoured for extra days before or after the

ACM PODC'90 Hotel Reservation Form

Family name   _______________________________________________
Given name    _______________________________________________
Affiliation   _______________________________________________
Address       _______________________________________________

Postal code   _______________________  Country  _____________
Phone number  _______________________________________________
Arrival date/time ___________________________________________
Departure date/time _________________________________________
Single or double    _________________________________________
Deposit enclosed    _________________   CAN _________________
or Credit card      _________________________________________
Card No.            _________________________________________
Expiry date         _________________________________________

Signature           _________________________________________


+ Lucie Levesque                                                             +
+ Universite de Montreal, Dep. I.R.O. S-236, C.P. 6128, succursale A         +
+ Montreal (Quebec) H3C 3J7, (514) 343-7535, levesque@iro.umontreal.ca       +