[comp.parallel] Parallel CLIPS?

goldstn@evax.arl.utexas.edu (David Goldstein) (06/29/90)

In article <9480@hubcap.clemson.edu> moskowit@paul.rutgers.edu (Len Moskowitz) writes:
>Has anyone built a version of CLIPS (NASA's production system
>language) that uses parallelism to improve execution speed?
>Len Moskowitz

I and several other research groups have been and are developing
parallel versions of CLIPS.  My specific version will be discussed at
the First Annual International CLIPS conference to be held in August at
Nasa in Houston, TX.  Anyone who is interested in my work, or other
references, should feel free to contact me.

The reseach that I have been doing, and am interested on comments about,
relates to the application of a "fact algebra" that has been submitted
publication and its application to MIMD distributed memory and 
distributed processors for the parallelization of production systems.