[comp.parallel] Announcement: Chare Kernel Avaialble

kale@cs.uiuc.edu (L. V. Kale') (07/06/90)

The chare kernel parallel programming system, version 2.0, is now
available via ftp.  This is an explicitly parallel, machine
independent language meant for programming any MIMD machine.
It supports dynamic creation of small- medium grained "subcomputations", 
and "specific information sharing modes".

It currently runs on iPSC/2, Sequent (symmetry, balance),  Encore MultiMax, 
and ALLIANT. The port to NCUBE is almost complete (contact us if you need that).
It can also be run on a uniprocessor (UNIX) for program development
and experimentation purpose. It is being ported to BBN (Butterfly, TC-2000),
Trolius (transputers), and a network of workstations, and will be ported to 
new MIMD machines. The user programs run without any change on all the machines.

The language is largely C based - i.e. except for a syntactic
super-structure, and a few restrictions, a program consists of C code
blocks and function definitions.
A parallel program written with this system usually runs with speeds
comparable to the best sequential C program on a uni-processor, and
gives good speedups with multiple processors on most benchmarks.

It comes with a standard copyright, which as I understand it, precludes
 direct commercial (for profit) use, unless our consent is obtained first.

The ftp procedure: 

ftp a.cs.uiuc.edu
name: anonymous
password: your name.

Go to subdirectory pub/CK, and ftp all the files there (in binary mode):
	INSTALL, ck.tar.z, manual.tar.z, README, NOTICE
It incldes a manual, and some simple demo programs.
We also request that you send your name, institution, and email
address to us (kale@cs.uiuc.edu) when you ftp it.
Comments, feedback and bug-reports should also be sent to that address.
Also, if you want any of our papers/reports on related topics, 
please send me email.

	L.V. Kale
	kale@cs.uiuc.edu	(217) 244-0094
	Dept. of Computer Science
	University of Illinois
	1304 W. Springfield Ave.
	Urbana, IL-61801