[comp.parallel] CFP - Special issue of Computer

singhal@cis.ohio-state.edu (Mukesh Singhal) (07/07/90)

[Found this in comp.os.research. Passing it on. Steve]

                   Call for Papers and Referees
              for a Special Issue of IEEE Computer on
                   Distributed Computing Systems

    IEEE Computer has planned to devote the August 1991 issue to
"Distributed Computing Systems". Prospective authors are invited
to submit tutorial, survey, descriptive, case study, application
oriented, or pedagogic manuscripts.  Topics of interests include,
but are not limited to:

      o Distributed OS (Process Synchronization, Deadlocks,
            Scheduling, Load Sharing, Snapshots, Clock
            Synchronization, Real-time Systems, etc.)
      o Tools and Languages
      o Fault Tolerance, Crash Recovery, and Reliability
      o Performance Measurements and Modeling
      o Experimental Systems and Case Studies

            Instructions for Submitting Manuscripts

      Manuscripts must not have been previously published or
currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.
Manuscripts should not be longer than 8,000 words (approximately
32 double-spaced pages, single-sided pages using a 12-point type)
including all text, figures, and references.  Manuscripts should
include a title page containing:  paper title; full name,
affiliation, postal address, e-mail address, telephone, and fax
number of all authors; a 300-word abstract; and a list of

 o 300-word Abstract of the Manuscript          November 15, 1990
 o Eight (8) Copies of the Full Manuscript      January 1, 1991
 o Notification of Decisions                    March 15, 1991
 o Final Version of the Manuscript              May 1, 1991
 o Date of Special Issue                        August 1991

            Send Submissions and Questions to:

Prof. Mukesh Singhal                      Prof. Thomas L. Casavant
Dept. of Computer and                     Dept. of Electrical
Information Science                       and Computer Eng.
The Ohio State University                 The University of Iowa
Columbus, OH  43210                       Iowa city, IA  52242
(614) 292-5839                            (319) 335-5953

    If you are willing to referee papers for the special issue,
please send a note with research interest to either of the guest
editors or to Dr. Bruce Shriver, Editor-in-Chief, Computer.

                  Dr. Bruce D. Shriver
                  Editor-in-Chief, Computer
                  Vice President for Research
                  University of Southwestern Louisiana
                  P.O. Drawer 42730
                  Lafayette, LA  70504-2730
                  Internet:  shriver@usl.edu