[comp.parallel] VLSI for AI and Neural Nets Workshop. Oxford, Sept. 5-7

delgado@bingvaxu.cc.binghamton.edu (Jose Delgado) (08/22/90)

                    International Workshop on
         University of Oxford   --  September 5-7, 1990

Research on architectures dedicated to artificial intelligence (AI)
processing  has been increasing in recent years, since conventional
data or numerically oriented architectures  are not able to provide
the  computational power  and/or functionality  required.   For the
time  being  these  architectures  have  to  be implemented in VLSI
technology  with  its  inherent constraints on speed, connectivity,
fabrication  yield  and  power.    This  in  turn  impacts  on  the
effectiveness of the computer architecture.
The aim of this second workshop on  VLSI for AI and Neural Networks
is again to provide a forum where  AI  experts,  VLSI  and Computer
Architecture  designers  can  come together  to discuss the present
status  and  future  trends on  VLSI  and  ULSI  implementations of
machines  for  AI  computing.   This  workshop  will  be held in an
informal  environment  with  poster  and regular session along with
time for impromptu discussions. 
To encourage interaction, the workshop will be limited to a maximum
of 70 participants.  The workshop sessions, meals and accommodation
will  all  be provided in the unique  atmosphere  of  Jesus College
between  the evening of  the 4th September and lunchtime on the 7th
September 1990.  The college was founded in 1571 by Queen Elizabeth
I; meals will be taken in  the traditional medieval hall, a perfect
setting for the Conference Dinner on the Thursday evening.  


The  Workshop  is  organised  by the University of Oxford Department
for  External   Studies   in  conjunction  with  the  Department  of
Engineering Science and the  Department of Electrical Engineering at
SUNY-Binghamton.   The  workshop  is  sponsored by the University of 
Oxford in association with SUNY Binghamton, ACM-SIGARCH and the IEE.

Igor Aleksander,  Imperial College London (UK)
Howard Card,  University of Manitoba (Canada)
Jose Delgado-Frias,  SUNY-Binghamton (USA)
Richard Frost,  University of Windsor (Canada)
Peter Kogge,  IBM (USA)
Will Moore,  Oxford University (UK)
Alan Murray,  University of Edinburgh (UK)
John Oldfield,  Syracuse University (USA)
Lionel Tarassenko,  Oxford University (UK)
Philip Treleaven,  University College London (UK)
Benjamin Wah,  University of Illinois (USA)
Michel Weinfield,  Ecole Polytechnique (France)

     Ms. Anna Morris (VLSI for AI & NN)
     CPD Unit, Department for External Studies, 
     University of Oxford,
     Rewley House, 1 Wellington Square,
     OXFORD OX1 2JA, England.
     Tel.:  +44 865 270360       Fax: +44 865 270708

Technical queries to:
     Dr. Jose G. Delgado-Frias
     Dept. of Electrical Engineering
     State University of New York at Binghamton
     Binghamton, NY 13901  USA
     Tel.: (607)777 4806 or 4856
     Email: delgado@bingvaxu.cc.binghamton.edu
         (or)  delgado@bingvaxa.bitnet
or   Dr. Will Moore,
     Department of Engineering Science,
     University of Oxford,
     Parks Road, OXFORD, OX1 3PJ, England.
     Tel.:  +44 865 273187 (or 273000)
     Telex: 83295G      Fax: +44 865 273010
     Email:  moore@vax.ox.ac.uk (not available via uupc).


The workshop, organised by the University of Oxford Department for
External Studies in conjunction with the Department of Engineering
Science, is the seventh in an occasional series on topics in VLSI
and follows the successful workshop on VLSI for Artificial
Intelligence at Oxford in 1988.


Standard fee	345 (pounds) to cover accommodation (nights of Sept.
		4-6); all meals from supper on Sept. 4 to lunch on
		Sept. 7 (including Workshop dinner); a copy of the
		preprints; a copy of the edited proceedings when
		published; and a visit to the "Oxford Story".

No-room fee	275 (pounds) to cover lunches, daytime refreshments,
		Workshop dinner; a copy of the preprints; a copy of 
		the edited proceedings when published; and a visit 
		to the "Oxford Story".

------------R  E  G  I  S  T  R  A  T  I  O  N---------------------

	     U N I V E R S I T Y    O F    O X F O R D

	   Continuing Professional Development Programme


COURSE TITLE: Int. Workshop on VLSI for Artificial Intelligence & Neural Nets

DATES:	      September 5-7, 1990

Please reserve places on the course for the following people

1 TITLE __________________  NAME _______________________________________
  JOB TITLE _______________________________________


  COMPANY / ORGANIZATION _______________________________________________

  ADDRESS ______________________________________________________________


  POSTCODE _____________________ TELEPHONE______________________________

  FEES: _____________ (pounds)       SIGNATURE___________________________

  (Cheques should be made payable to O.U.D.E.S.)

------------------------end of registration form--------------------

                *   P  R  O  G  R  A  M  M  E   *

                *   P  R  O  G  R  A  M  M  E   *

Wednesday September 5th, 1990

8.30-9.00am    Registration

9.00-10.45am   INTRODUCTION
               Will Moore, University of Oxford

               Chairman: Howard Card, University of Manitoba

               A1   "Computational Capabilities of Biologically-realistic 
                    Analog Processing Elements"
                    C. Fields, M. DeYong, and R. Findley
                    New Mexico State University, USA

               A2   "Results from Pulse-stream VLSI Neural Network Devices"
                    Michael J. Brownlow, Lionel Tarassenko, Alan F. Murray 
                    Oxford University / Edinburgh University, UK

               A3   "Working Analogue Pulse Stream Neural Network Chips"
                    Alister Hamilton, Alan F. Murray, H. Martin Reekie and 
                    Lionel Tarassenko
                    Edinburgh University / Oxford University, UK

10.45-11.15am  Coffee

               Chairman: Michel Weinfield, Ecole Politechnique

               B1   "The VLSI Implementation of the 'sigma' Architecture"
                    S. R. Williams and J. G. Cleary 
                    University of Calgary, Canada

               B2   "A Cascadable VLSI Architecture for the Realization
                    of Large Binary Associative Networks"
                    Werner Poechmuller and Manfred Glesner
                    Technische Hochschule Darmstadt, Germany

               B3   "Digital VLSI Implementations of an Associative 
                    Memory Based on Neural Networks"
                    Ulrich Ruckert, Christian Kleerbaum and Karl Goser
                    University of Dortmund, Germany

12.50-2.00pm   Lunch

2.15-4.00pm    Session C: HARDWARE SUPPORT FOR AI
               Chairman: Jose Delgado-Frias, SUNY-Binghamton

               C1   "Incremental Garbage Collection Scheme in KL1
                    and its Architectural Support of PIM"
                    Yasunori Kimura, Takashi Chikayama, Tsuyoshi
                    Shinogi, and Atsuhiro Goto 
                    Fujitsu Laboratories/ICOT, Japan

               C2   "COLIBRI: A Coprocessor for Lisp based on RISC"
                    H Hafer, J Plankl, F J Schmitt
                    Siemens AG, Germany

               C3   "A CAM Based Architecture for Production System Matching"
                    Pratibha and P. Dasiewicz
                    University of Waterloo, Canada

               C4   "SIMD Parallelism for Symbolic Mapping"
                    C.J. Wang and S.H. Lavington
                    University of Essex, UK

4.00-4.30pm    Tea

4.30-6.00pm    Session D: PARALLEL MACHINES FOR PROLOG
               Chairman: Peter Kogge, IBM

               D1   "SYMBOL: A Parallel Incremental Architecture
                    for Prolog Program Execution"
                    A. De Gloria, P. Faraboschi, E. Guidetti
                    University of Genoa, Italy

               D2   "Architectural Considerations for Achieving
                    High Performance Prolog Execution"
                    Mark A. Friedman and Gurindar Sohi
                    University of Wisconsin, USA

               D3   "A Prolog Abstract Machine for Content-Addressable Memory"
                    Hamid Bacha
                    Coherent Research, Inc., USA

Thursday September 6th, 1990

               Chairman: Will Moore, Oxford University

               E1   "VLSI Design of a 3-D Highly Parallel Message-Passing 
                    J-L Bechennec, C. Chanussot, V. Neri, and D. Etiemble
                    Universite de Paris-Sud, France

               E2   "Embedded Processor for Realtime AI and NN Applications"
                    Robert T. Wang, John M. Walsh, and Ron Everett
                    Integrated Inference Machines, USA

               E3   "Architectural Design of the Rewrite Rule
                    Machine Ensemble"
                    Hitoshi Aida, Sany Leinwand and Jose Mesaguer
                    SRI International, USA

               E4   "A Dataflow Architecture for AI"
                    Jose G. Delgado-Frias, Ardsher Ahmed, and Robert Payne 
                    SUNY-Binghamton, USA

10.45-11.15am  Coffee

               Chairman: Lionel Tarassenko, Oxford University

               F1   "Analog VLSI Models of Mean Field Networks"
                    Christian Schneider and Howard Card
                    University of Manitoba, Canada

               F2   "An Analogue Neuron Suitable for a Data Frame Architecture" 
                    W A J Waller, D L Bisset and P M Daniell
                    University of Kent, UK

               F3   "A Class of Optimal-Analog Parallel Computer
                    Architectures for AI"
                    Jonathan W. Mills
                    Indiana University, USA

               F4   "Fully Cascadable Analogue Synapses Using
                    Distributed Feedback" 
                    Donald J. Baxter, Alan F. Murray, and Martin Reekie
                    University of Edinburgh, UK

12.50-2.00pm   Lunch

2.15-4.00pm    Session G: POSTER SESSION

4.00-4.30pm    Tea

               Chairman: Dan Hammerstrom, Adaptive Solutions, Inc.

               H1   "Efficient Implementation of Massive Neural Networks"
                    James Austin, Tom Jackson and Alan Wood
                    University of York, UK

               H2   "A Fully Digital Neural Network Chip Using
                    Probability Coding" 
                    John Shawe-Taylor, Pete Jeavons, and Max Van Daalen
                    University of London, UK

               H3   "Parallel Analogue Computation for Real-time Path Planning" 
                    Lionel Tarassenko and Gillian Marshall
                    Oxford University, UK

7.00pm         Reception and Conference Dinner

Friday September 7th, 1990

9.00-10.45am   Session I: ARRAYS FOR NEURAL NETWORKS
               Chairman: Alan Murray, University of Edinburgh

               I1   "A Highly Parallel Digital Architecture for
                    Neural Network Emulation"
                    Dan Hammerstrom
                    Adaptive Solutions, Inc., USA

               I2   "Systolic Method for Modelling Spatio-Temporal
                    Properties of Neurons using Domain Decomposition"
                    Arno J Klassen and Rob Wiers
                    Delft University of Technology, The

               I3   "A Delay-Insensitive Neural Network Engine"
                    C D Nielsen, J Staunstrup and S R Jones
                    Technical University of Denmark, Denmark

               I4   "A VLSI Implementation of Multi-layered Neural
                    Networks: 2-Performances"
                    Bernard Faure and Guy Mazare
                    IMAG, France

10.45-11.15am  Coffee

               Chairman: Simon Lavington, University of Essex

               J1   "An Extended Prolog Instruction Set for RISC Processors"
                    Andreas Krall
                    University of Vienna, Austria

               J2   "A VLSI Engine for Structured Logic Programming"
                    P L Civera, E Lamma, P Mello, A Natali, G L
                    Piccinini, and M Zamboni
                    Politecnico di Torino, Italy

               J3   "Performance Evaluation of a VLSI Associative
                    Unifier in a WAM Based Environment"
                    P L Civera, G Masera, G L Piccinini, M Ruo
                    Roch and M Zamboni 
                    Politecnico di Torino, Italy

     -- P O S T E R S --

G1  "Binary Neural Network with Delayed Synapses"
    Tadashi Ae, Yasuhiro Mitsui, and Reiji Aibara   
    Hiroshima University, Japan

G2  "Implementing Neural Networks with the Associative String Processor"
    A. Krikelis and M. Groezinger           
    Aspex Microsystems Ltd., UK
G3  "Syntactic Neural Networks in VLSI"
    Simon Lucas and Bob Damper              
    University of Southampton, UK

G4  "Massively Parallel Neural Network Architecture for the Solution of
    Linear Equations Based on the Hopfield Network"
    J. R. Minick and M. A. Styblinski            
    Texas A&M University, USA

G5  "A New Architectural Approach for Flexible Digital Neural Network
    Chip Systems"
    Torben Markussen                        
    Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
G6  "Systolic Architecture for a Subquadratic Converging Neural Network
    Learning Algorithm"
    Philippe De Wilde                       
    Imperial College of Science and Technology, UK
G7  "A VLSI Implementation of a Generic Systolic Synaptic Building
    Block for Neural Networks"
    Christian Lehmann and Francois Blayo         
    Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland
G8  "A Learning Circuit that Operates by Discrete Means"
    W P Cockshott and G Milne                    
    University of Strathclyde, UK
G9  "A Compact and Fast Silicon Implementation for Layered Neural Networks"
    F. Distante, M. G. Sami, R. Stefanelli, G. Storti-Gajani
    Polytechnic of Milan, Italy
G10 "Pulse-Firing VLSI Neural Circuits for Fast Image Recognition"
    S. Churcher, A. F. Murray and H. M. Reekie   
    University of Edinburgh, UK
G11 "The ULM - A RISC for Lisp"
    Reinhard Rasche                         
    Technical University of Berlin, Germany
G12 "Logic Flow in Active Data"
    Peter Sapaty
    Ukranian Academic of Sciences, USSR
G13 "A Multi-Transputer Architecture for a Parallel Logic Machine"
    M. Cannataro, G. Spezzano and D. Talia
    CRAI, Italy