[comp.parallel] Recent benchmarks on Intel i860?

elias@uunet.UU.NET (Doug Elias) (08/27/90)

Earlier this year JackDongerra released some benchmark figures on the i860,
apparently using compilers which had not yet been upgraded to make effective
use of many of the special features of the chip.  i was wondering if anyone
knows of any recent work utilizing the recently-released compilers which
supposedly *do* drive it more efficiently?  LivermoreLoops, Dhrystones,
Whetstones, "roll-your-own" (as long as src is included) -- whatever you've
got, we're interested in hearing about it.  Vendor-spiels accepted, as long
as the figures are re-producible...and, please include information on:
  - configuration
  - compiler
    + whose
    + what switches were thrown
  - who ran the tests, and
  - when (to better track releases of h/w and s/w, and their affects).

#    ____       Internet:   elias@theory.tn.cornell.edu
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