[comp.parallel] OUG 13, The University of York

zedan@minster.york.ac.uk (09/13/90)

                 OCCAM USER GROUP 
                  Thirteenth Technical Meeting 
               University of York, York, England 
      Tuesday 18th September to Thursday 20th September 1990
The Thirteenth Occam User Group Technical Meeting will be held 18-20 September
1990 at the University of York.  
The emphasis of the Meeting is on the Theory, Techniques and Tools that allow
transputers to be used effectively in real-time system environment.
Keynote speakers are:
    (o) Dr. David MAY (Inmos Ltd, UK.) 
           `Transputers and Routers: Components for Concurrent Machines' 
    (o) Dr. G Barrett (Inmos Ltd, UK.)
           `The Development of occam: Types, Sharing and Modules' 
The meeting will also include exhibitions from Inmos Ltd, Meiko Ltd, 
Intelligent Systems International, Transtec Ltd, Digitimer Ltd, 
Mechanical Intelligence, Centre for Development of Advanced Computing 
and T2 Systems Ltd. Publishers, such as John Wiley & Sons Ltd, IOS and 
Prentice Hall will also be exhibiting their recent publications.

There are limited number of places left; to make your reservation, please
contact Rebecca Wise on +44 904 432782, or fax on +44 904 432767, or electronic
mail: rebecca@uk.ac.york.minster as soon as possible.