brooking@mcnc.org (Jim Brooking) (09/25/90)

I am soliciting student help for the Supercomputing '90 conference in
NYC in November. Volunteers will have registration waived, and will get
a free (shared) room at the conference - a large consideration
considering NYC hotel costs. If you are still interested in volunteering
for SC90 please fill out the form below and return to me as requested.
Please note that transportation to NYC is NOT provided. Meals per se are
not included either, but the complementary conference registration
includes a banquet (Thu), a lunch (Thu), and a number of receptions.
Also, there will be hospitality suites run by various vendors, usually
featuring heavy hors d'oeuvres, daily.

[Signup sheet on next page----steve]


This form should be filled out by any undergratuate or graduate student
interested in performing volunteer work at the Supercomputing '90
Conference to be held in New York City on November 12-16, 1990.

The Supercomputing '90 registration fee (which includes a lunch and the
banquet) will be waived and a (shared) room will be provided at the
conference hotel for student volunteers.

Please fill out the information below and mail BEFORE 10/12/90 to

		Jim Brooking			brooking@ncsc.org
		PO Box 12889			(919)248-1145
		RTP, NC 27709

Volunteer applications will be accepted at the sole discretion of the
S/C '90 Executive Committee. In general, equally qualified student
volunteers will be accepted in order of the receipt of their
		Student Volunteer Application Form

Student of ___________________________________________ (College or University)
(Please attach a copy of your current student identification card.)

Volunteer Name________________________________________




Daytime Telephone Number: (______)______-________

Electronic mail address___________________________________________________

E-Mail Domain:  __ Bitnet   __ Internet  __ Other (specify)_______________

See attached list of available positions. List any positions for which
you wish to volunteer, and the times you can be available. The wider
your availability, the better chance you will be accepted as a Student

I volunteer to help in the following positions:

_______________________________________________  or, __ UNRESTRICTED

I can be available on the following days (Check all that apply):

_____	_____	_____	_____	_____	_____	_____	_____
Su AM	Su PM	 Mon	 Tue	 Wed	 Thu	Fr AM	Fr PM
11/11	11/11	11/12	11/13	11/14	11/15	11/16	11/16

________________________________________    ___________________________
Volunteer Signature			    Date

Please fill out the information above and mail BEFORE 10/12/90 to

		Jim Brooking			brooking@ncsc.org
		PO Box 12889			(919)248-1145
		RTP, NC 27709

			Volunteer Positions Needed

NOTE: All positions will require 20-30 hours of duty. Most will not
require strenuous effort, but all will require alertness, good humor and
quick response to requests. There are some requirements for volunteers
beginning Sunday, November 11, and extending through Friday, November

No.	Duties

 1	Office Assistant. Run errands, help with speaker
	preparations, run copier, Macintosh. Sunday-Friday.

 2.	Message Center Assistant. Takes telephone messages, gives
	advice and directions. Should be familiar with NYC.
	Sunday Noon-Friday.

 3.	Registration Assistants. Assist in handling registrations,
	handing out registration materials. Sunday noon-Thursday.

 4.	Speaker Preparation Assistant. Assists speakers in preparing
	or cleaning up their presentation materials. Uses Macintosh
	presentation package(s), Laserwriter. Runs copies as needed.
	Sunday noon-Friday Noon.

 5.	Program Assistants. Attend tutorials, workshops and technical
	sessions. Assists Session Chair in the smooth operation of the
	session. Operates room lighting and other duties as requested.

 6.	Standby Assistants. Perform assignments as needed to back up
	other assistants and conference staff. Sunday-Friday.