[comp.parallel] Frontiers 90 -3rd Symposium on Massively Parallel Computation

jerrys@umiacs.umd.edu (Jerry Sobieski) (10/02/90)


			    Frontiers '90 
		The 3rd Symposium on the Frontiers of 
		   Massively Parallel Computation

			 October 8-10, 1990 

			   To be held at:
	   University of Maryland, Center of Adult Education 
		      College Park, Maryland USA

Sponsored by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, IEEE Computer Society 
and the National Capital Area Council of the IEEE in cooperation with 
the University of Maryland, this symposium will focus on the increasing 
importance of massively parallel programming techniques.  Systems
with over 1000 processors were considered "massively parallel" for 
the purposes of this symposium.  

The conference will consist of invited speakers, presentations, 
tutorials, and poster sessions covering all aspects of massively parallel 
processing. Over 35 presentations, held in parallel sessions, will 
cover topics in architectures, networks, algorithms, applications, and 
software.  There will also be exhibits by leading industrial and research 
organizations showcasing both commercially available products as well 
as experimental technology.

The Center for Adult Education is located on the University of Maryland
at College Park campus.  Nine miles from the nation's capital, 
College Park is just minutes from some of the country's most important
landmarks - from the US Senate to the White House to the Smithsonian
Institution, Lincoln Memorial, Kennedy Center, and more.  

Hotel accomodations are available within the Center of Adult Education
or within a 10 minutes of campus. The campus is 30 minutes from 
Baltimore-Washington International (BWI) or Washington National Airports.  

Conference rates are: 
	$145 IEEE/CS members
	$180 Non-Members
	$ 20 Students

Tutorial rates (per tutorial) are:
	$140 IEEE/CS Members
	$180 Non-Members
	$ 50 Students

Banquet Tickets: $30


		For additional information, contact: 

		Dawn Vance  
		(301) 405-6730 or dawn@umiacs.umd.edu 
		Johanna Weinstein 
		(301) 405-6722 or johanna@umiacs.umd.edu


The following is the Conference Schedule:


9:00-12:00 	- Tutorial -

	"The Growth of Massively Parallel Computation Methodology"
	Michael Duff
	University College London

	Michael J.B. Duff is professor of applied physics at University 
	College London, where he heads the Image Processing Group.
	His research interests are  centered around the study of 
	special computer architectures and algorithms for image pro-
	cessing and their application to practical image analysis

1:00-4:00 PM	- Tutorial -

	"Parallel Programming"
	Guy Steele
	Thinking MMachines Corporation

	Dr. Guy Steele is a senior scientist at Thinking Machines 
	Corporation, where he is largely responsible for the design
	and implementation of parallel programming languages and 
	other systems software for the Connection Machine.


	Exhibits Open.  
	Active Memory Technology, MasPar, Thinking Machines, 
	NASA, Wavetracer, and others.

	Keynote Speaker:
		Dr. Eugene Wong
		Office of Science and Technology, 
		Executive Office of the President of the United States

	Invited Speaker:
		Dr. Jacob Schwartz
		New York University

	"A Bit Parallel, Word Parallel, Massively Parallel Associative 
	Processor for Scientific Computing" 
	Brian D. Alleyne, David A. Kramer and Isaac Scherson, 
	Princeton University

	"Simulating Numerically Controlled Machining in Parallel" 
	Peter Su and Scot Drysdale, Dartmouth College

	"Achieving Multigauge Behavior in Bit-Serial SIMD
	Architectures via Emulation" 
	Fred Annexstein, Mark Baumslag, Martin C. Herbordt,
	Bojana Obrenic, Arnold Rosenberg and Charles Weems
	University of Massachusetts

	"Massively Parallel auction Algorithms for the Assignment 
	Joel Win, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and TMC 
	Stavros Zenios, University of Pennsylvania

	"The GPA Machine: A Generally Partitionable MSIMD Architecture"
	Timothy Bridges, Data Parallel Systems, Inc.

	"Too Many Cooks Don't Spoil the Broth: Light Simulation on 
	Massively Parallel Computers" 
	Peter Kochevar, Cornell University

	"Exploration of Reconfigurable Architectures: An Empirical 
	W.B. Ligon III and Umakishore Ramachandran, 
	Georgia Institute of Technology

	"A Parallel Production System" 
	Johnnie Baker, Kent State University and	
	Andrew Miller, General Electric Aircraft Engines

	"Functional and Topological Relations Among Banyan Multistage
	Networks of Differing Switch Sizes" 
	Abdou Youssef, George Washington University 
	Bruce Arden, University of Rochester

	"Data Optimization: Minimizing Residual Interprocessor 
	Data Motion on SIMD Machines" 
	Kathleen Knobe and Venkataraman Natarajan, Compass, Inc.

	"On Bit-Serial Packet Routing for the Mesh and The Torus"
	Filia Makedon and Adonis Simvonis, University of Texas at Dallas

	"Index Domain Alignment: Minimizing Cost of Cross-Referencing 
	Between Distributed Arrays" 
	Jingke Li and Marina Chen, Yale University

	"Rearrangeability of Shuffle-Exchange Networks" 
	Hasan Cam and Jose A.B. Fortes, Purdue University

	"Solution to a Problem in Massively Parallel Computing" 
	De-Lei Lee, York University, Ontario

	"Multiple Channel Architecture" 
	Tom S. Wailes and David G. Meyer, Purdue University

	"Indirect Addressing and Load Balancing for Faster Solution 
	to Mandelbrot Set on SIMD Architectures" 
	Sherryl Tomboulian and Matthew Papas, 
	MasPar Computer Corporation

	"A New Parallel Algorithm for the Knapsack Problem and Its
	Implementation on a Hypercube" 
	Jianhua Lin and James A. Storer, Brandeis University

	"Data Parallel Computers and the FORALL Construct" 
	Eugene Albert, Compass,Inc., 
	Joan D. Lukas, University of Massachusetts at Boston and 
		Compass, Inc.
	Guy L. Steele, Jr., Thinking Machines Corporation

	"Asymptotically Efficient Hypercube Algorithms for Computational
	Philip D. MacKenzie and Quentin F. Stout, University of Michigan

	"Data Management and Control-Flow Constructs in a SIMD/SPMD 
	Parallel Language/Compiler" 
	Mark A. Nichols, Howard J. Siegel and Henry G. Dietz, 
	Purdue University

	"Massive Paralleism through Program Restructuring" 
	Michael Wolfe, Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Engineering

	"Toward Scalable Algorithms for Orthogonal Shared-Memory
	Parallel Computers" 
	Isaac D. Scherson, Ashish Mehra and Jennifer Rexford,
	Princeton University

	"Deterministic PRAM Simulation with Constant Memory Blow-Up
	and No Time-Stamps" 
	Yonatan Aumann and Assaf Schuster 
	Hebrew University of Jerusalem

10:00a.m.-6:00 PM
	- Poster Presentations -
	Over 40 papers describing significant recent work in parallel 
	computation.  Attendees will have the opportunity
	to mingle, browse, and discuss each with its author(s).

6:00p.m.-7:00 PM
	- Wine and Cheese Reception -
7:00 PM	- Banquet -
	Banquet Speaker: 
		Joseph K. Alexander Jr.
		NASA Headquarters,
                NASA Office of Space Science and Applications


9:00-9:45 AM
	Invited Speaker:
		Dr. William Dally
		Massachusetts Institute of Technology
	"The J-Machine: A Fine Grain Concurrent Computer"

	"Topological Properties of Banyan-Hypercube Networks" 
	A. Youssef and B. Narahari, George Washington University

	"Divicon: A Parallel Language for Scientific Computing 
	Based on Divide-and-Conquer" 
	Z. George Mou, Brandeis University

	"Array Processors with Pipelined Optical Busses" 
	Zicheng Guo, Rami Melhem, Richard Hall, Donald Chiarulli and 
	Steven Levitan, University of Pittsburgh

	"A Framework for Efficient Execution of Array-Based 
	Languages on SIMD Machines"
	Jan F. Prins, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 

	"Partitioning on the Banyan-Hypercube Networks" 
	Abdelghani Bellaachia and Abdou Youssef
	George Washington University

	"VCODE: A Data-Parallel Intermediate Language" 
	Guy Blelloch and Siddhartha Chatterjee, 
	Carnegie-Mellon University 

	"Designing 3-D Optical Dilation Multistage interconnection
	Jih-Kwon Peir and Kung-Shiuh Huang, 
	IBM T.J. Watson Research Center

	"Concurrent Processing with Result sharing: Model, 
	Architecture, and Performance Analysis" 
	S. Krishnaprasad and Behrooz Shirazi, 
	Southern Methodist University

1:30-2:00 PM
	"An Optimal Lookahead Processor to Prune Search Space" 
	Jun Gu, University of Utah/University of Calgary

	"Parallel Relational Operations Based on Clustered Surrogate
	Soon M. Chung, Wright State University

	"Image Reconstruction on Hypercube Computers" 
	E.L. Zapata, Universidad Santiago de Compostela, 
	I. Benavides, Universidad de Cordoba, 
	J.D. Bruguera, Universidad Santiago de Compostela, and 
	J.M. Carazo, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid

	"On Single Parameter Characterization of Parallelism"
	Dan C. Marinescu and John R. Rice, Purdue University

	"Mapping Finite Element Graphs onto Hypercubes"
	Yeh-Ching Chung and Sanjay Ranka, Syracuse University

	"A Parallel Architecture for High Speed Data Compression" 
	James A. Storer, Brandeis University and 
	John H. Reif, Duke University

	"PRA*: A Memory-Limited Heuristic Search Procedure for the 
	Connection Machine" 
	Matthew Evett, James Hendler, Ambujashka Mahanti and 
	Dana Nau,
	University of Maryland at College Park

	Panel Discussion:  
	"What are the two most important factors facing the design 
	and use of massively parallel computers?"  

	Participating Members: 
	D. Austin, K. Batcher, c., Brownstein, W. Camp, M. Halem, 
	J. Harris, R. Miller, D. Parkinson, A. Reeves, J. Reif, 
	A. Rosenfeld, I. Scherson, D. Schaefer, P. Schneck, 
	H.J. Siegel (chair), G. Steele, L. Uhr, U. Vishkin
Domain: jerrys@umiacs.umd.edu		     Jerry Sobieski
  UUCP:	uunet!mimsy!jerrys		UMIACS - Univ. of Maryland
 Phone:	(301)454-1808			  College Park, Md 20742