[comp.parallel] Argonne Parallel Programming Class

levine%antares.mcs.anl.gov@RELAY.CS.NET (12/06/88)

Argonne National Laboratory has set up the Advanced Computing Research
Facility (ACRF) for the study of parallel computing.  To encourage the
use of the ACRF,  Argonne will be offering classes on parallel computing
to familiarize potential users with the ACRF multiprocessors and parallel
programming in general.  Topics to be covered include:

1) Parallelizing compilers.
2) The Monitor and Schedule packages for portable parallel programming.
3) Hypercube programming.
4) DAP Programming.
5) Connection Machine Programming.

A portion of the third day will be devoted to each attendee's particular
project.  The format of the course is alternating lectures and hands-on
work with the parallel computers in the ACRF.  At its completion participants
will have written and run programs on each machine, and should be familiar
with the ACRF environment.  Fortran will be emphasized as the primary
programming language.  Knowledge of Fortran and Unix will be assumed.

The upcoming schedule of classes is:

January 18-20, 1989
March   15-17, 1989
May     3-5,   1989
June    21-23, 1989
August  16-18, 1989
October 11-13, 1989

Parallel computers currently in the ACRF are:

    2-processor Ardent Titan
    8-processor Alliant FX/8
   16-processor Intel iPSC-VX hypercube
   20-processor Encore Multimax
   24-processor Sequent Balance 21000
   32-processor Intel iPSC hypercube
 1024-processor Active Memory Technology DAP
16384-processor Thinking Machines CM-2

Those interested in the classes should contact

Teri Huml
Mathematics and Computer Science Division
Argonne National Laboratory
Argonne, IL  60439-4844
(312) 972-7163

There will be a $25.00 charge for the class. 
No financial support is available.

levine@antares.mcs.anl.gov (03/24/89)

Argonne National Laboratory has set up the Advanced Computing Research
Facility (ACRF) for the study of parallel computing.  To encourage the
use of the ACRF,  Argonne offers classes on parallel computing to
familiarize potential users with the ACRF multiprocessors and parallel
programming in general.  The next class will be held May 3-5, 1989.
Topics to be covered include:

1) Parallelizing compilers.
2) The Monitor and Schedule packages for portable parallel programming.
3) Hypercube programming.
4) DAP Programming.
5) Connection Machine Programming.

A portion of the third day will be devoted to each attendee's particular
project.  The format of the course is alternating lectures and hands-on
work with the parallel computers in the ACRF.  At its completion participants
will have written and run programs on each machine, and should be familiar
with the ACRF environment.  Fortran will be emphasized as the primary
programming language.  Knowledge of Fortran and Unix will be assumed.

Parallel computers currently in the ACRF are:

    4-processor Ardent Titan
    8-processor Alliant FX/8
   16-processor Intel iPSC-VX hypercube
   20-processor Encore Multimax
   24-processor Sequent Balance 21000
   32-processor Intel iPSC hypercube
 1024-processor Active Memory Technology DAP
16384-processor Thinking Machines CM-2

Those interested in the classes should contact

Teri Huml
Mathematics and Computer Science Division
Argonne National Laboratory
Argonne, IL  60439-4844
(312) 972-7163

There will be a $25.00 registration fee per person for universities,
federal laboratories and government organizations and $100.00 for
industrial corporations.

levine@antares.mcs.anl.gov (09/12/89)

The Advanced Computing Research Facility (ACRF) at Argonne National Laboratory
is offering an introductory course on parallel computing December 6-8, 1989.
The date of the course is intended to make it convenient for those attending
the SIAM Conference on Parallel Programming being held the following week in
Chicago (the course is NOT associated with the conference).  The course is
limited to 24 people on a first come first serve basis.

Topics to be covered include:

1) Parallelizing compilers.
2) The Monitor and Schedule packages for portable parallel programming.
3) Programming the Butterfly 2.
4) Programming the AMT DAP.
5) Programming the Connection Machine-2.
6) Introduction to the LAPACK project.

A portion of the third day will be devoted to each attendee's particular
project.  The format of the course is alternating lectures and hands-on
work with the parallel computers in the ACRF.  Fortran will be emphasized
as the primary programming language.  Knowledge of Fortran and Unix will
be assumed.

Parallel computers currently in the ACRF are:

    4-processor Ardent Titan
    8-processor Alliant FX/8
   16-processor Intel iPSC-VX hypercube
   20-processor Encore Multimax
   24-processor Sequent Balance 21000
   32-processor Intel iPSC-1 hypercube
   32-processor Butterfly TC2000
 1024-processor Active Memory Technology DAP
16384-processor Thinking Machines CM-2

Those interested in the class should contact:

Teri Huml
Mathematics and Computer Science Division
Argonne National Laboratory
Argonne, IL  60439-4844
(312) 972-7163

There will be a $25.00 registration fee per person for universities,
federal laboratories and government organizations and $100.00 for
commercial organizations.

levine@antares.mcs.anl.gov (10/10/90)

The Advanced Computing Research Facility (ACRF) at Argonne National Laboratory
is offering an introductory course on parallel computing December 5-7, 1990.
The course is intended to familiarize potential users with the ACRF
multiprocessors and parallel programming in general.  The course is limited to
22 people on a first come first serve basis.

Topics to be covered include:

1) Parallelizing compilers.
2) The Monitor package for portable parallel programming.
3) Programming the BBN TC2000.
4) Programming the Intel iPSC/860.
4) Programming the AMT DAP.
5) Programming the TMC Connection Machine-2.
6) Introduction to the LAPACK project.
5) The STRAND programming language.

The format of the course is alternating lectures and hands-on work with the
parallel computers in the ACRF.  All examples will use the Fortran programming
language.  Knowledge of Fortran and Unix will be assumed.  Attendees can
work on either class exercises or their own particular projects.

Parallel computers currently in the ACRF are:

    4-processor Ardent Titan
    8-processor Alliant FX/8
    8-processor Intel iPSC/860 hypercube
   20-processor Encore Multimax
   26-processor Sequent Symmetry
   45-processor BBN TC2000
 1024-processor Active Memory Technology DAP
16384-processor Thinking Machines CM-2

Those interested in the class should contact:

Teri Huml
Mathematics and Computer Science Division
Argonne National Laboratory
Argonne, IL  60439-4844
(312) 972-7163

There will be a $25.00 registration fee per person for universities,
federal laboratories and government organizations and $100.00 for
commercial organizations.