(Vijay Madisetti) (10/18/90)
ACM, IEEE, SCS WORKSHOP ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SIMULATION (PADS) (Formerly, the "Distributed Simulation Conference") Jointly Sponsored by SCS, IEEE-CS, and ACM January 23-25, 1991 Disneyland Hotel, Anaheim, California, USA General Chairman Technical Program Chairman David Nicol Vijay Madisetti Col. of William and Georgia Tech Mary. Va. Atlanta - Program Committee for PADS'91 - Marc Abrams, Virginia Tech, USA. Jon Agre, Rockwell, CA. USA. Rassul Ayani, Royal Inst. of Tech, SWEDEN. Rajive Bagrodia, UCLA, USA Mary Bailey, University of Arizona, USA. Richard Fujimoto, Georgia Tech, USA (Associate Program Chairman) David Jefferson, UCLA, USA. Douglas Jones, University of Iowa, USA. Jason Lin, Bell Communication Research, USA. David Mizell, Boeing Computer Services, USA. Daniel Reed, University of Illinois-Urbana, USA. Paul Reynolds, University of Virginia, USA. Robert Sargent, Syracuse University, NY, USA. Lisa Sokol, MITRE Corp, Va., USA. Carl Tropper, McGill University, CANADA. Brian Unger, Jade Simulations, Calgary, CANADA. David Wagner, University of Colorado, USA. -------- -------- ------- For more information call 404-853-9830 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Keynote Address: "Will Parallel Simulation Survive?" Speaker: Prof. Richard Fujimoto College of Computing Georgia Tech. 3:30PM, Thursday, January 24, 1990 ************************************************* Preliminary Program ******************************* 23 January 1991, Wednesday ************************************************* Session 1: 10:30 AM Session Chair: David Nicol ANALYTICAL MODELS FOR PARALLEL SIMULATION * Two Processor Time Warp Analysis: Some Results on an Unifying Approach, Robert Felderman, Leonard Kleinrock, UCLA Processor Scheduling for Time Warp Simulation. Jason Lin, Bell Communications Research, Ed Lazowska, U of Washington Time Warp with Time Scale Decomposition, H. Ammar, S. Deng, Clarkson University. Session 2: 1:30 PM Session Chair: TBA CONSERVATIVE SIMULATION SYSTEMS * Algorithmic Optimizations for Conservative Parallel Simulation Systems. David Wagner, U of Colorado. Null Message Cancellation in Conservative Distributed Simulation. Bruno Preiss, Wayne Loucks, Ian MacIntyre, James Field, University of Waterloo A Non-Deadlocking Conservative Distributed Synchronization Algorithm Meng-lin Yu, AT & T Bell Labs, Holmdel, Sumit Ghosh, Brown Univ. and Erik DeBenedictus, NCUBE Inc. Session 3: 3:30 PM Session Chair: TBA OPTIMISTIC SIMULATION SYSTEMS * Temporal Decompositions of Simulations under the Time Warp Operating System. Peter Reiher, JPL, Stephen Bellenot, Florida St. Univ, and David Jefferson, UCLA. * User Cancellation of Events in Time Warp. Greg Lomow, Jade Simulations International, Samir Das and Richard Fujimoto, Georgia Tech. Computing the Global Virtual Time Using a Multilevel Token Passing Algorithm. Arturo Concepcion, Cal St. Univ, Scott Kelly, Chris Dailey, and Andrij Rudnitsky, Mich. St. Univ. WORK IN PROGRESS-I 5:30-6:45PM **************************************************** 24 January 1990, Thursday ************************************************* Session 4: 8:30 AM: Session Chair: Richard Fujimoto OPTIMISTIC SIMULATION SYSTEMS II * Efficient Process-Oriented Embedded Simulations in Time Warp. Greg Lomow, Jade Simulations International. * Useful Extensions to the Time Warp Operating System. Jon Agre, Peter Tinker, Rockwell International Corp. Implementing a Global Termination Condition and Collecting Output Measures in Parallel Simulation Marc Abrams, Virginia Tech. Session 5: 10:30 AM Session Chair: Dr. G. Zobrist LARGE DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS * SPEEDES: Synchronous Parallel Environment for Emulation and Discrete Event Simulation. Jeff Steinman, Jet Propulsion Labs A Technical Overview of the SIMNET Project. Craig Kanarick, Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc. A Performance Analysis of Distributed Simulation with Clusters of Processes. A. Boukerche, Carl Tropper, McGill University Session 6: 1:30 PM Session Chair: TBA SIMD ARCHITECTURES FOR PARALLEL SIMULATION * An Experimental Analysis of Simulation Clock Advancement in Parallel Logic Simulation on an SIMD Machine. Moon Chung, Yunmo Chung, Michigan St. University. * Parallel Simulation of Multistage Interconnection Networks on a SIMD Computer. Rassul Ayani, Boris Berkman, Royal Inst. of Tech., Sweden * An Approach for Balancing the Workload of the Munich Simulation Computer. Andreas Hagerer and S. Lang, University of Passau, Germany. 3:30 PM Session 7: a. Keynote Talk: Prof. Richard Fujimoto b. Panel Discussion: "Future of Simulation" Session Chair: TBA c. Business Meeting ********************************** Friday, January 25th, 1991 ********************************** Session 8: 8:30 PM Session Chair: Vijay Madisetti ADVANCED ISSUES IN PARALLEL SIMULATION * Synchronous Relaxation for Parallel Simulation with Applications to Circuit Switched Networks. Stephen Eick, Albert Greenberg, Boris Lubachevsky, Alan Weiss, AT & T Bell Labs. Speedup of Conservative Distributed Discrete Event Simulation Methods by Speculative Computing. Horst Mehl, Univ. of Kaiserslautern, Germany * An Efficient Framework for Parallel Simulations Paul Reynolds, Univ. of Virginia. Fast Parallel Simulation of Circuits (invited paper) Jack Briner , U of North Carolina 11:05 AM : Work in Progress II (submission requested from interested participants) ----------------------------- All papers have 30 minute time slots. Strictly enforced. * implies that it is a long paper. --------------------------------------------------------------------- REGISTER EARLY For information concerning registration and other particulars please contact: Society for Computer Simulation, PO Box 17900, San Diego CA 92117-7900, Telephone: 619-277-3888, Fax: (619)-277-3930 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------