[comp.parallel] Request for Info on Supercomputing / Helping Bibliographers

eugene@wilbur.nas.nasa.gov (Eugene N. Miya) (11/22/90)

Several people maintain bibliographies (reading lists) on
topics involving parallelism, parallel debugging, OSes, algorithms, etc.

Suggestions to all authors of papers on parallelism:
1) please supply a key word list to supplement your paper.
DO NOT mimic the words in the title!  Modern search techniques
makes this a redundant exercise.
2) Instead, please take a thoughtful moment to consider the
general areas of interest not mentioned in your title.
Computing Reviews and the ACM have subject descriptors.  These are useful.
3) Abreviations and acronyms (expanded AND contracted) are helpful.
You would be amazed how many projects are named MIDAS (not a suggested
name).  Papers involving "massively parallel" systems are particularly
bad offenders (SIMD).  Please use new, descriptive titles and key words.
4) Do a literature search before publication.  Papers are starting to
title conflicts (collisions).  Make certain you are not using a title
used by another author; it will save you much embarassment and more readers.