[comp.parallel] Workshop Algorithms and Parallel VLSI Architectures II

yrobert%frensl61.BITNET@clemson.clemson.edu (Yves Robert) (12/03/90)

Announcement and call for papers

Algorithms and Parallel VLSI Architectures II

Chateau de Bonas, Gers, France, June 3-6, 1991

Organization : 	Patrice Quinton, IRISA Rennes, France
			Yves Robert, ENS Lyon, France

Program Committee :  Francky Catthoor, IMEC Leuven, B - Jean-Marc 
Delosme, Yale University, USA - Ed. Deprettere, TU Delft, NL - Patrick 
Dewilde, TU Delft, NL - John Mc Whirter, RSRE, GB - Patrice Quinton, IRISA 
Rennes, F - Yves Robert, ENS Lyon, F - Joos Vandewalle, ESAT Leuven, B

The workshop "Algorithms and Parallel VLSI Architectures II" will take place in 
the Chateau de Bonas, 32410 Castera-Verduzan, France, on June 3-6, 1991. 
This workshop is organized under the auspices of the of the Research Project 
C3 of CNRS and of the Esprit Basic Research Action 3280 "NANA" of the EEC. 
This workshop is a follow-on of two previous workshops:
- Parallel and distributed algorithms, M. Cosnard et al. eds., North Holland 
- Algorithms and parallel VLSI architectures, Ed Deprettere ed., North Holland, 
to appear.

Each of the four conference days will be organized around a specific thema: 
- parallel algorithms
- array synthesis methodologies
- VLSI architectures
- design tools

Each day will include 6 invited presentations (45 mn each) plus 6 contributed 
papers (15 mn each). Proceedings (both invited and contributed papers) will 
be published in the form of a book by an international publisher. 

For submitting a contributed paper, please send a 4 pages extended abstract 
(or full paper) to 
	Valerie ROGER, Laboratoire LIP, ENS Lyon
	69364 Lyon Cedex 07, France
	phone: + 33 72 72 80 37, fax: + 33 72 72 80 80
	e-mail: valerie@lip.ens-lyon.fr, valerie@frensl61.bitnet
to be received no later than March 1, 1991

Housing in the Chateau de Bonas is limited to 75 persons. 50 places are 
reserved for invited and contributed speakers. Remaining places will be 
attributed on a first-come-first-serve basis. Please send the enclosed sheet 
very rapidly.

Registration form

The registration fee is 4800 FF.

It includes everything but travel expenses:
- transportation from Toulouse to Bonas and vice-versa: a coach is available 
as follows:
	- Sunday, June 2, 1991
		Toulouse railway station		18 h 30
		Toulouse airport (arrivals)	19 h 00
		... Bonas				20 h 30
		dinner will be served on the arrival at Bonas
	- Friday, June 7, 1991
		Bonas					07 h 00
		... Toulouse airport (departures)	08 h 30
		... Toulouse railway station		09 h 00
		breakfast will be served on Friday morning from 06 h 00
- full-board accomodation from Sunday evening, June 2, up to Friday morning, 
June 7
- night excursion to an Armagnac distillery on Monday, June 3
- banquet dinner on Tuesday evening , June 4
- booklet of abstracts distributed at the Conference
- a copy of the Conference proceedings, published in the form of a book by 
an International Publisher, available shortly after the Conference

We have reserved a special fee of 3000 FF for a limited number of students. 
Please apply with a copy of the Student Card for this reducted fee.


Firstname :	
Tel :
Fax :                                                          

I shall use the coach transportation:	- yes	- no

Will be accepted in cash or by banker's draft payable to  : 
	 Algorithms and Parallel VLSI Architectures II

Yves Robert                                   tel + 33 72 72 83 89
Laboratoire LIP/IMAG                          fax + 33 72 72 80 80
Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon              yrobert@ensl.ens-lyon.fr
46 allee d'Italie, F - 69364 Lyon Cedex 07    yrobert@frensl61.bitnet