[comp.parallel] Pratt & co. papers

pratt@cs.stanford.edu (01/04/91)

The increasing level of interest in concurrency theory on this list is
gratifying.  In view of this I hope people don't mind if I advertise
some of my group's papers on concurrency theory, which can be retrieved
by following the instructions in Boole.Stanford.EDU:~ftp/pub/README,
appended here.

--Vaughan Pratt

This directory is for FTP distribution of recent publications of the
Boole group.  The Boole group is a subgroup of the Mathematical Theory
of Computation group, Computer Science Department, Stanford
University.  The group consists of the following.

	Ross Casley			casley@cs.stanford.edu	(SYS)
	Roger Crew			crew@cs.stanford.edu	(SYS)
	Rob van Glabbeek		rvg@cs.stanford.edu
	Vineet Gupta			vgupta@cs.stanford.edu
	Vaughan Pratt (group leader)	pratt@cs.stanford.edu	(SYS)
	Pat Simmons (secretary)		simmons@cs.stanford.edu
	Orli Waarts			orli@cs.stanford.edu


FTP LOGIN.  Give the following commands.

	ftp boole.stanford.edu
Login:	anonymous			(if you don't have an account on boole)
Paswd:	yoursurname			(though any string will work)
	bin				(if you are retrieving a .dvi file)
	prompt off			(if you want no ? prompts from mget)
	cd pub				(change directory to ~ftp/pub
	ls -lt				(see what's there, most recent first)
	mget filename-1 ... filename-n	(e.g.   mget cg.tex logic.bib)
	quit				(exit from FTP)

SOURCE.  To retrieve the source to paper foo, get foo.tex and
logic.bib.  The source should be compiled using

	latex foo; bibtex foo; latex foo; latex foo

DVI.  If you wish to print paper foo without having to compile with
latex, retrieve just foo.dvi.  You must first give the bin command to
ftp since .dvi files are not text files.  Print foo.dvi on your host

	lpr -d foo.dvi.

PROBLEMS.  If you have problems in either retrieving or compiling
papers, please contact a systems person (flagged SYS on the list

===========================Available papers=================================


catl.tex    Concurrent Automata and Their Logic
cg.tex	    Modeling Concurrency with Geometry
jelia.tex   Action Logic and Pure Induction
man.tex	    Temporal Structures
pp2.tex	    Teams Can See Pomsets
am4.tex	    Enriched Categories and the Floyd-Warshall Connection
iowatr.tex  Dynamic Algebras as a well-behaved fragment of Relation Algebras
ijpp.tex    Modelling Concurrency with Partial Orders

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------


catl.tex    Concurrent Automata and Their Logic
	    V. Pratt
            Submitted to LICS-91

A concurrent automaton is a poset with a top (the global initial state)
and all nonempty sups (the local initial states).  These form a
nondegenerate self-dual category Aut admitting universally definable
operations constituting a concurrent programming language and
additional operations yielding a linear logic of concurrency.  The
cofree automaton !a is a power set whose dual ?a is a free automaton by
self-duality, obtainable from !a by moving the empty set to the top.
The linear logic theory Th(CSLat) of complete semilattices strictly
extends Th(Aut), having no counterexample to !a=?a since !a and ?a are
power sets on the underlying set of a but for dual reasons.  Both
theories strictly extend linear logic with such howlers as 0=1; these
but not !a=?a are removable by intersecting with classical logic,
equivalent to taking both sides of the respective dualities as a single
model.  This makes Aut the best model of linear logic to date.  The
self-duality of both categories facilitates a noncategorical account
requiring only elementary lattice theory for a complete understanding.

cg.tex		Modeling Concurrency with Geometry
		V. Pratt
		To appear in POPL-91.

Branching time and causality find their respective homes in the
Birkhoff-dual models of automata and schedules.  This creates a
puzzle:  if the duality is supposed to make the models completely
equivalent then why does each phenomenon have a preferred side?  We
identify dimension as the culprit:  1-dimensional automata are
skeletons permitting only interleaving concurrency, true n-fold
concurrency resides in transitions of dimension n.  The Birkhoff dual
of a poset then becomes a simply-connected space.  We distinguish
Birkhoff duality from Stone duality and treat the former in detail from
a concurrency perspective.  We introduce true nondeterminism and define
it as monoidal homotopy; from this perspective nondeterminism in
ordinary automata arises from forking and joining creating nontrivial
homotopy.  We propose a formal definition of higher dimensional
automaton as an n-complex or n-category, whose two essential axioms are
associativity of concatenation within dimension and an interchange
principle between dimensions.

jelia.tex	Action Logic and Pure Induction
		V. Pratt
		To appear in Proceedings of JELIA-90, European Workshop on
		Logics in AI (ed. J. van Benthem and Jan Eijck),
		held Amsterdam, Sept. 1990

In Floyd-Hoare logic programs are dynamic while assertions are static
(hold at states).  In action logic the two notions become one, with
programs viewed as on-the-fly assertions whose truth is evaluated along
intervals instead of at states.  Action logic is an equational theory
ACT conservatively extending the equational theory REG of regular
expressions with operations preimplication a -> b (HAD a THEN b) and
postimplication b <- a (b IF-EVER a).  Unlike REG, ACT is finitely
based, makes a* reflexive transitive closure, and has an equivalent
Hilbert system.  The crucial axiom is that of pure induction,
(a -> a)* = a -> a.

man.tex		Temporal Structures
		R. Casley, R. Crew, J. Meseguer, V. Pratt

		To appear in Mathematical Structures in Computer
		Science, inaugural issue, 1990.  Revision of
		proceedings version in Category Theory and Computer
		Science, LNCS 389, Manchester, 1989.  Formerly called
		"Dynamic Types."

We combine the principles of the Floyd-Warshall-Kleene algorithm,
enriched categories, and Birkhoff arithmetic, to yield a useful class
of algebras of transitive vertex-labeled spaces.  The motivating
application is a uniform theory of abstract or parametrized time in
which to any given notion of time there corresponds an algebra of
concurrent behaviors and their operations, always the same operations
but interpreted automatically and appropriately for that notion of
time.  An interesting side application is a language for succinctly
naming a wide range of datatypes.

pp2.tex		Teams Can See Pomsets
		G. Plotkin and V. Pratt
		Draft in preparation

Strings may serve as both specifications and observations of behavior.
However partial strings or pomsets, superior to strings in certain
respects for the representation of concurrent behavior, are provably
unobservable and hence apparently suitable only for specifying
behavior.  The proof however tacitly assumes that observers are
isolated individuals.  We show that observations by a cooperating team
of sequential observers agreeing on *what* happened but not
*when* can distinguish all pomsets.  The resolving power of a finite
team increases strictly with its size k, permitting it to distinguish
all pomsets of dimension (not width) k but not all of k+1.  These
results extend to observation of augment closed processes.  As expected
we depend on the now standard technique of refinement of atomic events
to complex events; what is not expected is that their complexity need
be only that of nondeterminism, in that we refine one atomic event to a
set of alternative atomic events, not to a set of sequences.

am4.tex		Enriched Categories and the Floyd-Warshall Connection
		V. Pratt
		Proceedings, AMAST-88

We give a correspondence between enriched categories and the
Gauss-Kleene-Floyd-Warshall connection familiar to computer
scientists.  This correspondence shows this generalization of
categories to be a close cousin to the generalization of transitive
closure algorithms.  Via this connection we may bring categorical and
2-categorical constructions into an active but algebraically
impoverished arena presently served only by semiring constructions.  We
illustrate these techniques by applying them to Birkoff's poset
arithmetic, interpretable as an algebra of ``true concurrency.''

iowatr.tex   Dynamic Algebras as a well-behaved fragment of Relation Algebras
	     V. Pratt
	     Algebraic Logic and Universal Algebra in Computer Science,
	     LNCS 425, ed. C.H. Bergman, R.D. Maddux, D.L. Pigozzi,
	     Springer-Verlag, 1990.

The varieties RA of relation algebras and DA of dynamic algebras are
similar with regard to definitional capacity, admitting essentially the
same equational definitions of converse and star.  They differ with
regard to completeness and decidability.  The RA definitions that are
incomplete with respect to representable relation algebras, when
expressed in their DA form are complete with respect to representable
dynamic algebras.  Moreover, whereas the theory of RA is undecidable,
that of DA is decidable in exponential time.  These results follow from
representability of the free intensional dynamic algebras.

ijpp.tex	Modelling Concurrency with Partial Orders
		V. Pratt
		International Journal of Parallel Programming,
		15:1, 33-71, Feb. 1986.

Concurrency has been expressed variously in terms of formal languages
(typically via the shuffle operator), partial orders, and temporal
logic, inter alia.  In this paper we extract from these three
approaches a single hybrid approach having a rich language that mixes
algebra and logic and having a natural class of models of concurrent
processes.  The heart of the approach is a notion of partial string
derived from the view of a string as a linearly ordered multiset by
relaxing the linearity constraint, thereby permitting partially ordered
multisets or pomsets.  Just as sets of strings form languages, so
do sets of pomsets form processes.  We introduce a number of operations
useful for specifying concurrent processes and demonstrate their
utility on some basic examples.  Although none of the operations is
particularly oriented to nets it is nevertheless possible to use them
to express processes constructed as a net of subprocesses, and more
generally as a system consisting of components.  The general benefits
of the approach are that it is conceptually straightforward, involves
fewer artificial constructs than many competing models of concurrency,
yet is applicable to a considerably wider range of types of systems,
including systems with buses and ethernets, analog systems, and
real-time systems.

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