[comp.parallel] Linda "definition" :Zenith replies 2.5

zenith@ensmp.fr (Steven Ericsson-Zenith) (01/07/91)

As I mentioned in part 1 of my reply there is a Research Report at Yale
by James Narem. The report is entitled:

  "An Informal Operational Semantics of C-Linda V2.3.5:"
  James E. Narem Jr. (email: narem-james@cs.yale.edu)

Jim is the moderator of the Linda Users mailing list. I mentioned our
recent discussion to him. He said:

  "Actually we've been through this before on linda-users.  All the same
  stuff comes around again and again.  I just saw that someone asked the
  obvious question about the predicate operations yet again."

I've just reposted a reply from Jerry Leichter to the later. I an
earlier reply to similar issues on that list Jim had said (quoted with

  "... I thought I might muddy the waters a bit with an absurdly
  pragmatic view of eval as seen in Carriero's C-Linda.  Basically, it
  comes down to a simple "if it hurts, don't do it."  Note that C-Linda
  is an evolving language.  This summary may not represent the current
  state of the system."

Jim then quotes from his report (I've shortened this further):

  "... The current C-Linda implementation by Carriero uses one process
  per {\em eval} and each field is evaluated left to right within the
  tuple.  This can cause deadlocks if code for different fields
  communicate using blocking operations.

  ... There are four basic types of process creation used in {\em eval}
  implementations; a given C-Linda implementation may use more than one.
  The simplest is creation using the Unix\footnote{Unix is a registered
  trademark of AT\&T} fork library call.  An {\em eval} gets a new
  process context created by fork which inherits a copy of the global
  state at the time of the fork.  At process exit, the global state is
  discarded.  This provides great isolation between {\em eval}ed
  processes while allowing significant initial state to be passed to the
  new process.  Process creation may also be done by one of the many
  threads packages available.  Basically a thread allows multiple
  concurrent execution paths, each with a private stack.  Both globals
  and the heap are shared.  This allows significant data communication
  between processes not using the C-Linda operations and provides very
  little interprocess protection.  {\em Eval}ed processes may be
  executed by evaluators --- tasks, usually with separate process
  contexts, that pick up requests to perform {\em eval}s and execute
  them.  In this case, the global state is unpredictable since the
  process state is dependent on the history of {\em eval}s performed by
  a specific evaluator.  Lastly, processes may be created on processors
  that share no state with the creating process; often this involves
  creating an evaluator on a remote machine in a distributed system.  In
  this case, the initial global state is created by the native C runtime
  system.  No sharing occurs between processes and interprocess
  protection is quite strict.  Again, existing implementations may use a
  combination of these methods.  These observations should be used to
  find {\em eval} related program errors; their effect on program
  behavior should not be relied upon even if it results in more
  efficient code."

He further states:

  "There are three very distinct observable semantics for eval in the
  carriero derived C-Lindas at Yale.  And since C has unrestricted
  pointers, it is not possible to check a program for conformance with
  the language definition.  It is simply not possible to debug a large
  program without knowing the observable semantics of eval.  That is
  plainly obvious to anyone who has written a large linda program ..."

Yes, yes, I know this is implementation and not definition - but this
has been how Gelernter has attempted to define Linda; by the provision
of a definitive implementation. In fact, Jerry Leichter has just sent me
a copy of his reply to a question (I guess from the Linda Users list),
which he suggests I post in this group, it is a reply to
["snykanen@cs.Helsinki.FI"] who asks about the semantics of inp and rdp.
It makes very much the same observation:

  "You asked whether the code:

	  out("tuple"); x = inp("tuple");

  is guaranteed to set x to 1 (assuming, for the sake of simplicity,
  that tuple space is initially empty and that there are no other
  processes acting on it).  The answer is, "probably".

  A better answer is:  Forget about inp and rdp.  They were a mistake 
  that never belonged in the language; they happened to be trivial to
  add to a shared- memory implementation, so snuck in.  But they cause a
  lot of problems in a distributed setting, confuse the semantics of the
  language, encourage the writing of buggy code, and ultimately add
  nothing to the expressiness of Linda.

  For arguments justifying these assertions, and a lot of discussion of
  Linda semantics, see my dissertation, "Shared Tuple Memories, Shared
  Memories, Buses and LAN's - Linda Implementations Across the Spectrum
  of Connectivity", available from the Yale Department of Computer
  Science as TR-714 (July 1989).

  (You'll probably get an answer from someone at Yale citing some recent
  paper in which a semantics which justifies the conclusion that x = 1
  is cited.  Don't take this to mean you should have been able to
  somehow guess that for yourself.  Linda went along for years with an
  early 1960's-style "definition" with "obvious" semantics that no one
  ever bothered to write down - until, of course, what became "obvious"
  was that different readers (and different implementors) where finding
  different "obvious" interpretations.)"

And frankly, is it any surprise?

Steven Ericsson Zenith * email: zenith@ensmp.fr *   fax: (1).
                       |                        | voice: (1).
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