homeis@azu.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de (02/13/91)
Dear Net Community, I am looking for a position in the area of parallel computing R&D in an industrial or academic environment. I would like to use my experiences in parallel computing rather than working with sequential machines. My interests are computer architecture, multicomputer interconnection networks/topologies, parallel operating systems, scheduling, efficiency on massively parallel systems and specific applications on parallel systems (e.g. graphics, robotics). I finished my Ph.D. thesis ("A massively parallel multicomputer system to solve decoupled problems") in december 1990, it is currently under review. I built my own MIMD machine based on Transputers and wrote system and application software (in parallel-C, Occam and a little bit assembler). Therefore I know hardware and software aspects of parallel computing. A Speedup of 23.9 on 24 processors could be measured. Although Transputers have only four links I used a star topology, where the central master dynamically configures the connection it needs in that moment. The scheduler uses a self-adjusting granularity policy to deal with unbalanced load (task size variation 1 to 1000). The reached speedup is highly independent from the problem. Simulations show that this hardware and software concept seems to work efficiently with up to 1000 processors. One application was implemented under the Helios OS to compare the throughput with my own OS nucleus. If you are able to offer a position in the area of parallel computing or if you know where I could get further informations, please feel free to contact me. You can reach me via e-mail, (paper) mail, fax or telephone. I also would like to hear opinions about employing a foreign researcher (if you are from outside of Germany). Thank you very much in advance. Dieter Homeister --------------------------------------- email: homeister@informatik.uni-stuttgart.de telephone: +49 711 121-1319 or -1390 (at day), +49 711 447498 (private) fax: +49 711 121-1424 private address: Dipl.-Inform. Dieter Homeister Bockelstr. 92 D D-7000 Stuttgart Germany