[comp.parallel] O/O Thesis wanted

chris@bilby.cs.uwa.oz.au (chris mcdonald) (02/13/91)

We are chasing a copy of the thesis:

    "Tuple Space Communications in Distributed Obect Oriented Computing"
    by S. Matsuoka
    University of Tokyo, 1988.

but are having no luck. We have the (authors?) e-mail address of:


but e-mail doesn't even bounce from that site.
Does anyone have a copy of the thesis or know how to obtain one?


Chris McDonald.            _--_|\
                          /      \
Department of Computer Science,   ACSnet: chris@cs.uwa.oz.au
University of Western Australia,  ARPA:   chris%cs.uwa.oz.au@uunet.uu.net
Mounts Bay Road,                  FTP:    bison.cs.uwa.oz,
Crawley, Western Australia, 6009. SCUD:   (31.97 +/-10% S, 115.81 +/-10% E)
PHONE:  ((+61) 09) 380 2533       FAX:    ((+61) 09) 382 1688