(Alan Gibbons) (02/14/91)
ALCOM SPRING SCHOOL OF PARALLEL COMPUTATION University of Warwick, 18th-22nd March 1991 REGISTRATION NOTICE This School of Parallel Computation, although primarily intended for researchers of the ALCOM(*) project,is also open to a limited number of participants of other affiliation. An outline of the lecture schedule and a registration form are both attached. In replying to this message, please use the following addresses: e-mail: fax: +44 203 525714 (message headed: "Paralcom") conventional mail: Paralcom, Department of Computer Science, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, England. Further information: (a) Accommodation will be in good quality student halls of residence on the University of Warwick campus. (b) Travelling to the University of Warwick: please note that the University is situated on the southern outskirts of Coventry and NOT in Warwick. If you are flying, the best route is to fly into Birmingham airport and take a taxi (15 minute ride) to Rootes Hall on the University campus where reception will take place. If you fly into Heathrow airport, you will need to make a further journey of about two hours (by train or bus) before arriving in Coventry. (c) Contributed papers: by demand we have allocated the final afternoon of the School to a session in which participants (specifically ALCOM participants) may present papers. It is difficult to assess the demand at present. A few papers will present no difficulties of scheduling but a lot of papers may require us to be selective. In any event, we will attempt to accommodate as many requests as we can. In order to assess the demand, please notify us of your wish to present any papers (title and short abstract please) by MONDAY, 4th February. We will then proceed as seems appropriate. We will be pleased to promptly answer any further queries that you may have concerning the Spring School. Alan Gibbons, Organiser, ALCOM Spring School of Parallel Computation. (*) ALCOM (ALgorithms and COMplexity) is a joint research project of twelve institutes in nine different EC countries supported by the ESPRIT II Basic Research Actions Progam under contract No 3075 ALCOM SPRING SCHOOL OF PARALLEL COMPUTATION, UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK ------------------------------------------------------------------ (18th-22nd March 1991) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MONDAY 18th March Arrival and Registration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TUESDAY 19th March .Welcome and overview of the school (ALAN GIBBONS) A day devoted to P-RAMs: (PAUL SPIRAKIS, TORBEN HAGERUP) .P-RAMs, definition and variations .Definitions of the complexity classes NC and P-complete .General algorithmic design techniques (eg doubling, list ranking, prefix computations, balanced binary tree technique) .Reducing the number of processors, notion of optimal algorithm .Examples of common parallel computations sorting, tree contraction (expression evaluation), connected components, Euler tour technique .Simulations between P-RAM variants ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEDNESDAY 20th March A morning devoted to distributed-memory models: (ALAN GIBBONS, BILL McCOLL) .Meshes, hypercubes, butterfly ... .Simulation of P-RAMs and embeddings .The routing (sorting) problem .Algorithmic (architecture dependent) techniques (eg`compress and iterate') .Introduction to Systolic Algorithms (simple examples) The afternoon will be the start of two half days of introductory sessions in specialist areas. Each session (in parallel with others) will be of half- days duration (perhaps two lectures seperated by a coffee break). This afternoon there will be a choice of three areas: .P-complete problems (JACOBO TORAN) .Network Orientation (Distibuted computing cf parallel computing) (GERARD TEL) .Fault tolerant/reliable asynchronous P-RAMS (ZVI KEDEM) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- THURSDAY 21st March Continuing the specialist area sessions: Morning, three parallel sessions: .Randomised algorithms (RNC) (PAUL SPIRAKIS) .Design of parallel numerical algorithms (DAVID EVANS) .Computational geometry (COLM O'DUNLAING) Afternoon, two plenary sessions: .Some recent advances in combinatorial parallel algorithms (UZI VISHKIN) .Parallel Graph Algorithms using Ear Decomposition (VIJAYA RAMACHANDRAN) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FRIDAY 22nd March A morning including some engineering aspects and large-scale commercial applications. .Current parallel computers - a discursive overview (HARRY WIJSHOFF) .A talk on topical large-scale applications (BILL McCOLL) (eg molecular computing, weather forecasting, fluid dynamics etc) .Future general purpose parallel computers (DAVID MAY) The afternoon will be used for "contributed papers" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- cut ---------------------------------------------------------------------- cut PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM BY 25th FEBRUARY 1991 ALCOM SPRING SCHOOL REGISTRATION FORM Surname ................ Forename ................. Title .................. Address ...................................................................... .............................................................................. Country ...................................................................... Telephone ..................... E-mail ................. Fax ................. Are you are a member of ALCOM? yes/no (if "yes", to which member institution are you attached? ....................) By "standard" accommodation and meals we mean accommodation and meals from dinner on 18th March to lunch on 22nd March 1991 inclusive. Standard accommodation and meals will be FREE (see (a) below) for ALCOM members and will be #170 for other participants (this figure also includes all other costs of the School, such as registration and tuition). Non-resident participants who are not ALCOM members may attend lectures and partake of standard meals for #80. COSTS: ('#' = POUNDS STERLING) ------------------------------ Non-ALCOM participants: either (a) Standard accommodation and meals # .......... or (b) Standard meals only # .......... All participants: Additional nights outside the standard accommodation period may be booked at #20 for bed and breakfast Please state dates required: .................... Number of nights .................... at #20/night # .......... TOTAL # .......... Please state any dietary requirements: ............................. (for example, if you are a vegetarian) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE pay by STERLING cheque drawn on a UK bank or by International Money Order payable to the "University of Warwick". -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please note: (a) If there are more than 50 participants, there may be a nominal fee payable by ALCOM participants (levied at the rate of #15 for every 10 additional ALCOM participants). We shall inform participants of any necessity for additional payment shortly after February 25th 1991. (b) Registration by non-ALCOM participants is subject to the availability of places on the School. We will inform potential participants shortly after February 25th in the (perhaps unlikely) event of over-subscription. (c) PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM BY 25th FEBRUARY 1991 cut --------------------------------------------------------------------- cut