2 ICLP '91 Pre-Conference Workshop on PARALLEL EXECUTION OF LOGIC PROGRAMS Paris, France June 24th, 1991. This workshop will be devoted to new trends and directions in parallel execution of logic programs. The topics for the workshop include (but are not limited to): And-, Or-, and Stream-Parallelism Combinations of the Above Experience with Actual Implementations Optimizations and Performance Analysis Compile Time Analysis Scheduling and Granularity Analysis Garbage Collection for Parallel Implementations Managing Speculative Work Architectural Issues Application Areas Organizers: Tony Beaumont and Gopal Gupta Department of Computer Science University of Bristol Queen's Building, University Walk Bristol BS8 1TR, U.K. {beaumont, gupta} Submission: Send a 3-5 page extended abstract by Apr. 10th to the address above. The abstract *must arrive* by April 10th. Acceptance/rejection will be communicated by May 1st. Final draft of the extended abstract for inclusion in the workshop proceedings will be due by May 30th. ==================================================================================== -Gopal Gupta, University of Bristol, email : US: Europe: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------