(Christian S. Collberg) (03/14/91)
A while back I sent out a request for information about distributed applications running on networks of workstations. I received quite a few replies and also requests for copies. I have therefore summarized the responses. Thomas Fahringer of Universitaet Wien reminded me about a similar survey he had made a short while back (which I saved and then forgot about...). His summary, which in turn contains the summary of a survey conducted by Karsten Morisse, is included at the end of this summary. Thanks to everyone who replied! Christian Collberg ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "The Benevolent Bandit Laboratory: A Testbed for Distributed Algorithms" R.E. Felderman, E.M. Schooler, L. Kleinrock IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications Feb 1989 Vol 7, No 2 pp 303-311 Describes a system we built at UCLA to run distributed applications on a network of PC-ATs running DOS. Bob Felderman UCLA Computer Science ...!{rutgers,ucbvax}!!feldy ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Check the v-kernel and the x-kernel developed at our CS department. RAUL IZAHI ----------------------------------------------------------------------- >From Tue Mar 5 21:49:08 1991 Check out Cosmic Environment/REctive Kernel Sven ----------------------------------------------------------------------- >From jonathan%maligne-lk.cs.UAlberta.CA@scapa.cs.UAlberta.CA I have a chess program that runs on a network of workstations, if that is the type of application you are looking for. The details were published in the Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 1988 I think. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- >From Wed Mar 6 10:50:04 1991 For a parser, see Thompson, Henry S. 1991, "Chart Parsing for Loosely Coupled Parallel Systems", in Tomita ed. Current Issues in Parsing Technology, Kluwer, ISBN 0-7923-9131-4 (from Proceedings of the Internationl Workshop on Parsing Technologies, 1989). ----------------------------------------------------------------------- >From Have you got in touch with Parasoft - they provide Express - that allows running of programs across (say) networked SUN's, or transputers, or Ncube 1/2, or Cray (soon) etc. They guarantee portability! They can probably give you details fo applications available (such as their own circuit router {i think}, and their debugger, profiler etc). Hope this is of some use, Andy.S. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- You might check with: Scientific Computing Associates, Inc. 246 Church St. Suite 307 New Haven, CT 06510 David Gelernter and James Philbin wrote an article in BYTE, May 1990 pp 213.. "Spending Your Free Time" which describes a PC-network implementation of C-Linda. Some of SCA's literature describes applications ported to this system. Jack Merner Jack N. Merner | Jack.Merner@tortuga.SanDiego.NCR.COM NCR Corporation, MS4440 | An otherwise reliable source ! 16550 W. Bernardo Dr. | Ph: (619)485-2184 San Diego, CA 92127 | Fax: (619)485-2020 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- There is a distributed program that can run on networks of NeXT computers. This program is called Zilla. It can be used to distribute the computation of anything you might want (if you can figure out a way to split up the work). NeXT has used it to factor large numbers (that have only a few factors). Zilla is unique in that it can be set up only to use otherwise idle cycles. I think that NeXT is currently testing an improved version of Zilla. You might also want to check into a new language called PCN. PCN can run on networks of NeXT machines (and possibly Suns if you are using the cosmic environment). John Garnett University of Texas at Austin Department of Computer Science Austin, Texas ----------------------------------------------------------------------- >From Thu Mar 7 09:41:30 1991 I am working on a distributed implementation(simulation) of a spreadsheet program on our local network of Sparcstations. Honbo Zhou. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- We have modified a calibration program to run in a distributed fashion, using ISIS on a network of Sun Sparc machines. Try ftp'ing to, and look for pub/pstscrpt.out. The postscript output is ~ 250K. Ralph Finch 916-445-0088 ...ucbvax!ucdavis!caldwr!rfinch Any opinions expressed are my own; they do not represent the DWR ----------------------------------------------------------------------- We (the distributed problem solving group at EDRC, CMU) are working on distributed AI applications over a network of UNIX workstations. The applications span various domains --(3 active at present)are: 1) Assistance to human decision-makers (operators) in real-time control applications like electric power networks. 2) Design of High-Rise buildings. 3) Solution of a set of complex nonLinear algebriac equations. A startingPoint reference: 1) S.N.Talukdar, V.C.Ramesh, J.C.Nixon, "A distributed system of control specialists for real-time operations", proceedings of the 3rd international symposium on expert systems applications to power systems, Tokyo, Japan, April 1991. Ramesh ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I recently read "Modules, Objects and Distributed Programming: Issues in RPC and Remote Object Invocation" H.M.Levy, E.D.Tempero in Software- Practice and Experience, Vol21(1), jan. 91. Its an interesting comparison between two programming styles. -- Bruno BARON -- CRI, Ecole des Mines de Paris, 35 rue Saint Honore', 77305 Fontainebleau, -- France -- -- tel: (1) -- fax: (1) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Ed Segall) Organization: Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick, N.J. Check out recent issues of IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, and of the Journal of Parallel and Distributed Processing (Academic Press). ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I know of a program ISIS, which can be used for distributed applications, and it is available from ananomous ftp, you better contact : or (administrative Aide) Geert v.d. Heijden Philips Research Lab. Eindhoven the Netherlands I can give you a information summary on the public version of ISIS, which I received from Ken Birman: ISIS is available in two forms. The description below is for the public copy, which is provided in source form and at no fee (except postage and our manual, but you can also obtain the system and manual by FTP). There is also a commercially enhanced, supported release of the system by a company I founded 3 years ago. I will have a copy of the product announcement sent to you. This version is priced inexpensively and supports everything the public version does, but has a number of useful enhancements. And, needless to say, the possibility of support is important to some potential users. We have several contacts in the Netherlands and eventually hope to have a local support organzation close to you. We also have some contacts who could provide short courses in distributed systems and specifically on programmign with ISIS, if you need this at some stage of your effort. Please let me know if you have other questions. I hope you find the system useful. And, if you run into any problems at all, don't hesitate to ask us for help. We stand behind our software -- both the public release and the commercial one. If you have problems setting things up, we will be happy to help you work around them. Ken Birman --- ISIS V2.1 blurb --- This is to announce the availability of a public distribution of the ISIS System, a toolkit for distributed and fault-tolerant programming. The initial version of ISIS runs on UNIX on SUN, DEC, GOULD, AUX and HP systems; ports to other UNIX-like systems are planned for the future. No kernel changes are needed to support ISIS; you just roll it in and should be able to use it immediately. The current implementation of ISIS performs well in networks of up to about 100-200 sites. Most users, however, run on a smaller number of sites (16-32 is typical) and other sites connect as "remote clients" that don't actually run ISIS directly. In this mode many hundreds of ISIS users can be clustered around a smaller set of ISIS "mother sites"; many users with large networks favor such an architecture. --- Who might find ISIS useful? --- You will find ISIS useful if you are interested in developing relatively sophisticated distributed programs under UNIX (eventu- ally, other systems too). These include programs that distribute computations over multiple processes, need fault-tolerance, coor- dinate activities underway at several places in a network, recover automatically from software and hardware crashes, and/or dynamically reconfigure while maintaining some sort of distri- buted correctness constraint at all times. ISIS is also useful in building certain types of distributed real time systems. Here are examples of problems to which ISIS has been applied: o On the factory floor, we are working with an industrial research group that is using ISIS to program decentralized cell controllers. They need to arrive at a modular, expand- able, fault-tolerant distributed system. ISIS makes it pos- sible for them to build such a system without a huge invest- ment of effort. (The ISIS group also working closely with an automation standards consortium called ANSA, headed by Andrew Herbert in Cambridge). o As part of a network file system, we built an interface to the UNIX NFS (we call ours "DECEIT") that supports tran- sparent file replication and fault-tolerance. DECEIT speaks NFS protocols but employs ISIS internally to maintain a consistent distributed state. For most operations, DECEIT performance is at worst 50-75% of that of a normal NFS -- despite supporting file replication and fault-tolerance. Interestingly, for many common operations, DECEIT substantially outperforms NFS (!) and it is actually fairly hard to come up with workloads that demonstate replication-related degradation. o A parallel "make" program. Here, ISIS was used within a control program that splits up large software recompilation tasks and runs them on idle workstations, tolerating failures and dynamically adapting if a workstation is reclaimed by its owner. o A system for monitoring and reacting to sensors scattered around the network, in software or in hardware. This system, Meta, is actually included as part of our ISIS V2.1 release. We are adding a high level language to it now, Lomita, in which you can specify reactive control rules or embed such rules into your C or Fortran code, or whatever. o In a hospital, we have looked at using ISIS to manage repli- cated data and to coordinate activities that may span multi- ple machines. The problem here is the need for absolute correctness: if a doctor is to trust a network to carry out orders that might impact on patient health, there is no room for errors due to race conditions or failures. At the same time, cost considerations argue for distributed systems that can be expanded slowly in a fully decentralized manner. ISIS addresses both of these issues: it makes it far easier to build a reliable, correct, distributed system that will manage replicated data and provide complex distributed behaviors. And, ISIS is designed to scale well. o For programming numerical algorithms. One group at Cornell used ISIS to distribute matrix computations over large numbers of workstations. They did this because the worksta- tions were available, mostly idle, and added up to a tremen- dous computational engine. Another group, at LANL, uses ISIS in a parallel plasma physics application. o In a graphics rendering application. Over an extended period, a Cornell graphics group (not even in our department) has used ISIS to build distributed rendering software for image generation. They basically use a set of machines as a parallel processor, with a server that farms out rendering tasks and a variable set of slave computing units that join up when their host machine is fairly idle and drop out if the owner comes back to use the machine again. This is a nice load sharing paradigm and makes for sexy demos too. o In a wide-area seismic monitoring system (i.e. a system that has both local-area networks and wide-area connections between them), developed by a company called SAIC on a DARPA contract. The system gathers seismic data remotely, preprocesses it, and ships event descriptions to a free-standing analysis "hub", which must run completely automatically (their people in San Diego don't like to be phoned in the middle of the night to debug problems in Norway). The hub may request data transfers and other complex computations, raising a number of wide-area programming problems. In addition, the hub system itself has a lot of programs in various languages and just keeping it running can be a challenge. o On brokerage and banking trading floors. Here, ISIS tends to be an adjunct to a technology for distributing quotes, because the special solutions for solving that specific problem are so fast that it is hard for us to compete with them (we normally don't have the freedom of specifying the hardware... many "ticker plant vendors" wire the whole floor for you). However, to the extent that these systems have problems requiring fault-tolerance, simple database integration mechanisms, dynamic restart of services, and in general need "reactive monitoring and control" mechanisms, ISIS works well. And, with our newer versions of the ISIS protocols, performance is actually good enough to handle distribution of stock quotes or other information directly in ISIS, although one has to be a bit careful in super performance intensive settings. (The commercial ISIS release should compete well with the sorts of commercial alternatives listed above on a performance basis, but more than 10 trading groups are using ISIS V2.1 despite the fact that it is definitely slower!). The problems above are characterized by several features. First, they would all be very difficult to solve using remote procedure calls or transactions against some shared database. They have complex, distributed correctness constraints on them: what hap- pens at site "a" often requires a coordinated action at site "b" to be correct. And, they do a lot of work in the application program itself, so that the ISIS communication mechanism is not the bottleneck. If you have an application like this, or are interested in taking on this kind of application, ISIS may be a big win for you. Instead of investing resources in building an environment within which to solve your application, using ISIS means that you can tackle the application immediately, and get something working much faster than if you start with RPC (remote procedure calls). On the other hand, don't think of ISIS as competing with RPC or database transactions. We are oriented towards online control and coordination problems, fault-tolerance of main-memory databases, etc. ISIS normally co-exists with other mechanisms, such as conventional streams and RPC, databases, or whatever. The system is highly portable and not very intrusive, and many of our users employ it to control some form of old code running a computation they don't want to touch at any price. --- What ISIS does --- The ISIS system has been under development for several years at Cornell University. After an initial focus on transactional "resilient objects", the emphasis shifted in 1986 to a toolkit style of programming. This approach stresses distributed con- sistency in applications that manage replicated data or that require distributed actions to be taken in response to events occurring in the system. An "event" could be a user request on a distributed service, a change to the system configuration result- ing from a process or site failure or recovery, a timeout, etc. The ISIS toolkit uses a subroutine call style interface similar to the interface to any conventional operating system. The pri- mary difference, however, is that ISIS functions as a meta- operating system. ISIS system calls result in actions that may span multiple processes and machines in the network. Moreover, ISIS provides a novel "virtual consistency" property to its users. This property makes it easy to build software in which currently executing processes behave in a coordinated way, main- tain replicated data, or otherwise satisfy a system-wide correct- ness property. Moreover, virtual synchrony makes even complex operations look atomic, which generally implies that toolkit functions will not interfere with one another. One can take advantage of this to develop distributed ISIS software in a sim- ple step-by-step style, starting with a non-distributed program, then adding replicated data or backup processes for fault- tolerance or higher availability, then extending the distributed solution to support dynamic reconfiguration, etc. ISIS provides a really unique style of distributed programming -- at least if your distributed computing problems run up against the issues we address. For such applications, the ISIS programming style is both easy and intuitive. ISIS is really intended for, and is good at, problems that draw heavily on replication of data and coordination of actions by a set of processes that know about one another's existence. For example, in a factory, one might need to coordinate the actions of a set of machine-controlled drills at a manufacturing cell. Each drill would do its part of the overall work to be done, using a coordinated scheduling policy that avoids collisions between the drill heads, and with fault-tolerance mechanisms to deal with bits breaking. ISIS is ideally suited to solving prob- lems like this one. Similar problems arise in any distributed setting, be it local-area network software for the office or a CAD problem, or the automation of a critical care system in a hospital. ISIS is not intended for transactional database applications. If this is what you need, you should obtain one of the many such systems that are now available. On the other hand, ISIS would be useful if your goal is to build a front-end in a setting that needs databases. The point is that most database systems are designed to avoid interference between simultaneously executing processes. If your application also needs cooperation between processes doing things concurrently at several places, you may find this aspect hard to solve using just a database because databases force the interactions to be done indirectly through the shared data. ISIS is good for solving this kind of problem, because it provides a direct way to replicate control informa- tion, coordinate the actions of the front-end processes, and to detect and react to failures. ISIS itself runs as a user-domain program on UNIX systems sup- porting the TCP/IP protocol suite. It currently is operational on SUN, DEC, GOULD and HP versions of UNIX. Language interfaces for C, C++, FORTRAN, and Common LISP (both Lucid and Allegro) are included, and a new C-Prolog interface is being tested now. Recent ports available in V2.1 include AUX for the Apple Mac. II, AIX on the IBM RS/6000 and also the older PC/RT. A Cray UNICOS port is (still) under development at LANL, and a DEC VMS port is being done by ISIS Distributed Systems, Inc. ISIS runs over Mach on anything that supports Mach but will probably look a little unnatural to you if you use the Mach primitives. We are planning a version of ISIS that would be more transparent in a Mach context, but it will be some time before this becomes available. Meanwhile, you can use ISIS but may find some aspects of the interface inconsistent with the way that Mach does things. The actual set of tools includes the following: o High performance mechanisms supporting lightweight tasks in UNIX, a simple message-passing facility, and a very simple and uniform addressing mechanism. Users do not work directly with things like ports, sockets, binding, connect- ing, etc. ISIS handles all of this. o A process "grouping" facility, which permits processes to dynamically form and leave symbolically-named associations. The system serializes changes to the membership of each group: all members see the same sequence of changes. Groups names can be used as a location-transparent address. o A suite of broadcast protocols integrated with a group addressing mechanism. This suite operates in a way that makes it look as if all broadcasts are received "simultane- ously" by all the members of a group, and are received in the same "view" of group membership. o Ways of obtaining distributed executions. When a request arrives in a group, or a distributed event takes place, ISIS supports any of a variety of execution styles, ranging from a redundant computation to a coordinator-cohort computation in which one process takes the requested actions while oth- ers back it up, taking over if the coordinator fails. o Replicated data with 1-copy consistency guarantees. o Synchronization facilities, based on token passing or read/write locks. o Facilities for watching a for a process or site (computer) to fail or recover, triggering execution of subroutines pro- vided by the user when the watched-for event occurs. If several members of a group watch for the same event, all will see it at the same "time" with respect to arriving mes- sages to the group and other events, such as group member- ship changes. o A facility for joining a group and atomically obtaining copies of any variables or data structures that comprise its "state" at the instant before the join takes place. The programmer who designs a group can specify state information in addition to the state automatically maintained by ISIS. o Automatic restart of applications when a computer recovers from a crash, including log-based recovery (if desired) for cases when all representatives of a service fail simultane- ously. o Ways to build transactions or to deal with transactional files and database systems external to ISIS. ISIS itself doesn't know about files or transactions. However, as noted above, this tool is pretty unsophisticated as transactional tools go... o Spooler/long-haul mechanism, for saving data to be sent to a group next time it recovers, or for sending from one ISIS LAN to another, physically remote one (e.g. from your Norway site to your San Diego installation). Note: ISIS will not normally run over communication links subject to frequent failures, al- though this long-haul interface has no such restrictions. Everything in ISIS is fault-tolerant. Our programming manual has been written in a tutorial style, and gives details on each of these mechanisms. It includes examples of typical small ISIS applications and how they can be solved. The distribution of the system includes demos, such as the parallel make facility men- tioned above; this large ISIS application program illustrates many system features. To summarize, ISIS provides a broad range of tools, including some that require algorithms that would be very hard to support in other systems or to implement by hand. Performance is quite good: most tools require between 1/20 and 1/5 second to execute on a SUN 3/60, although the actual numbers depend on how big processes groups get, the speed of the network, the locations of processes involved, etc. Overall, however, the system is really quite fast when compared with, say, file access over the network. For certain common operations a five to ten-fold performance improvement is expected within two years, as we implement a col- lection of optimizations. The system scales well with the size of the network, and system overhead is largely independent of network size. On a machine that is not participating in any ISIS application, the overhead of having ISIS running is negligible. In certain communication scenarios, ISIS performance can be quite good. These involve streaming data within a single group or certain client-server interaction patterns, and make use of a new BYPASS communication protocol suite. Future ISIS development is likely to stress extensions and optimizations at this level of the system. In addition, a lot of effort is going into scaling the system to larger environments. --- You can get a copy of ISIS now --- Version V2.1 of ISIS is now fully operational and is being made available to the public. This version consists of a C implementations for UNIX, and has been ported to AIX, SUN, UNIX, MACH, ULTRIX, Gould UNIX, HP-UX, AUX and APOLLO UNIX (release 10.1). Performance is uniformly good. A 400 page tutorial and sys- tem manual containing numerous programming examples is also available. Online manual pages are also provided. The remainder of this posting focuses on how to get ISIS, and how to get the manual. Everything is free except bound copies of the manual. Source is included, but the system is in the public domain, and is released on condition that any ports to other sys- tems or minor modifications remain in the public domain. The manual is copyrighted by the project and is available in hard- copy form or as a DVI file, with figures available for free on request. We have placed a compressed TAR images in the following places: * (anonymous login, binary mode pub/ISISV21.TAR.Z) * Doc: (pub/ISISV21-DOC.TAR.Z) * (anonymous login, binary mode networks/ISIS/ISISV21.TAR.Z) * (anonymous login, binary mode networks/ISIS/ISISV21.TAR.Z) Also available are DVI and PS versions of our manual. Bound copies will be available at $25 each. A package of figures to glue into the DVI version will be provided free of charge. A tape containing ISIS will be provided upon payment of a charge to cover our costs in making the tape. Our resources are limited and we do not wish to do much of this. --- Copyright, restrictions --- V2.1 of ISIS is subject to a restrictive copyright; basically, you can use it without changing it in any way you like, but are not permitted to develop "derivative versions" without discussing this with us. V2.1 differs substantially from V1.3.1, which was released in the public domain and remains available without any restrictions whatsoever. On the other hand, whereas previous versions of ISIS required export licenses to be sent to certain eastern-block countries, the present version seems not to be subject to this restriction. Contact the US Dept. of Commerce for details if you plan to export ISIS to a country that might be subject to restrictions. Any place in Europe, Japan, etc. should be fine and no license is required. --- Commercial support --- We are working with a local company, ISIS Distributed Systems Inc., to provide support services for ISIS. This company will prepare distributions and work to fix bugs. Support contracts are available for an annual fee; without a contract, we will do our best to be helpful but make no promises. Other services that IDS plans to provide will include consulting on fault-tolerant distributed systems design, instruction on how to work with ISIS, bug identification and fixes, and contractual joint software development projects. The company is also prepared to port ISIS to other systems or other programming languages. Contact "" for more information. --- If you want ISIS, but have questions, let us know --- Send mail to, subject "I want ISIS", with electronic and physical mailing details. We will send you a form for acknowledging agreement with the conditions for release of the software and will later contact you with details on how to actually copy the system off our machine to yours. --- You can read more about ISIS if you like --- The following papers and documents are available from Cornell. We don't distribute papers by e-mail. Requests for papers should be transmitted to "". 1. Exploiting replication. K. Birman and T. Joseph. This is a preprint of a chapter that will appear in: Arctic 88, An advanced course on operating systems, Tromso, Norway (July 1988). 50pp. 2. Reliable broadcast protocols. T. Joseph and K. Birman. This is a preprint of a chapter that will appear in: Arctic 88, An advanced course on operating systems, Tromso, Norway (July 1988). 30pp. 3. ISIS: A distributed programming environment. User's guide and reference manual. K. Birman, T. Joseph, F. Schmuck. Cornell University, March 1988. 275pp. 4. Exploiting virtual synchrony in distributed systems. K. Birman and T. Joseph. Proc. 11th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP), Nov. 1987. 12pp. 5. Reliable communication in an unreliable environment. K. Birman and T. Joseph. ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, Feb. 1987. 29pp. 6. Low cost management of replicated data in fault-tolerant distributed systems. T. Joseph and K. Birman. ACM Transac- tions on Computer Systems, Feb. 1986. 15pp. 7. Fast causal multicast. K. Birman, A. Schiper, P. Stephenson. Dept. of Computer Science TR, May 1990. 8. Distributed application management. K. Marzullo, M. Wood, R. Cooper, K. Birman. Dept. of Computer Science TR, June 1990. We will be happy to provide reprints of these papers. Unless we get an overwhelming number of requests, we plan no fees except for the manual. We also maintain a mailing list for individuals who would like to receive publications generated by the project on an ongoing basis. The last two papers can be copied using FTP from If you want to learn about the virtual synchrony as an approach to distributed computing, the best place to start is with refer- ence [1]. If you want to learn more about the ISIS system, how- ever, start with the manual. It has been written in a tutorial style and should be easily accessible to anyone familiar with the C programming language. References [7] and [8] are typical of our recent publications (there are others -- contact Maureen Robinson for details). ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- /* THANKS TO ALL WHO CONTRIBUTED TO THIS SUMMARY */ HI, Before you read the summary of my request for references on "Parallelizing applications on a multi-workstation network" (I posted about a week ago) two more questions: I got a very interesting hint of two projects dealing exactly with the topic of my netnews request: 1. "The Multi-Satellite Star", by Michael Stumm at Stanford University 2. "Marionette: Support for Highly Parallel Distributed Programs in Unix" by Mark Sullivan, at Univ. of Berkeley, CA Unfortunately I couldn't get any more information about this projects. No e-mail addresses, technical reports nor published paper. Is anyone out there who knows anything about the two projects mentioned above (e-mail addresses, published papers, etc.)? It should be easy for you guys at Stanford and Berkeley University to find out about, right? Please let me know about. Thanks in advance. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Now to the SUMMARY. I got more than 30 answers to my network request. I am still receiving at least 3 responses a day. Anyway I think it is time to post my summary as promised. Some entries are undoubtably incomplete. Corrections and additions are appreciated. I also included the name of the contributor for most of the contributors. I hope that this does not violate some aspect of netiquette that I am unaware of. Please forgive the faux pas otherwise. Thanks to all those who contributed! Thomas Fahringer Universitaet Wien Institut fuer Statistik und Informatik Rathausstrasse 19/II/3 1010 Wien Austria -------------------------------------------------------------- 1. People here at Yale and elsewhere are looking at using C-LINDA to effectively use a network of workstations (homogeneous or heterogeneous). The tuple space is assumed to be distributed throughout the local memories of the nodes and the compiler performs some optimisations to reduce data movement during a process's communication with tuple space. i myself am using C-Linda on a Sun-Sparc network for various linear algebra algorithms and have gotten good speedups. contact Doug Gilmore at " " for further details: >From: David Kaminsky <kaminsky-david@CS.YALE.EDU> I am working on a similar problem using TSnet. TSnet is a network version of Linda. >From: <> Carriero, N., Gelernter, D. [1986], "The S/Net's Linda Kernel", ACM Transactions on Computer Systems,4,2, May 1986, pp. 110-129. Carriero, N., Gelernter, D. [1988,1], "Linda in Context", Research Report YALEU/DCS/RR-622, Yale University, Department of Computer Science, April 1988. Carriero, N., Gelernter, D. [1988,2], "How to Write Parallel Programs: A Guide to the Perplexed", Research Report YALEU/DCS/RR-628, Yale University, Department of Computer Science, April 1988. Carriero, N., Gelernter, D. [1989] Technical Correspondence, Communications of the ACM, 32,19, pp. 1256-1258 Davidson, C., [1989], ibid, pp. 1249-1251 Gelernter, D. [1984], "Dynamic global name spaces on network computers", Proceedings of International Conference on Parallel Processing, August, 1984, pp. 25-31. Gelernter, D. [1985], "Generative Communication ,in Linda", ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 7, 1, pp. 80-112. Leler, Wm [1990], "Linda Meets Unix", IEEE Computer, 23, 2, pp. 43-54. ------------------------------------------------------------- 2. >From: We just had a discussion of this topic on the net a while back. I have used ISIS for parallel processing of the type that you are interested in. >From: "Chang L. Lee" <clee@polyslo.CalPoly.EDU> You might want to look at ISIS from Cornell. It's a distributed system toolkit. The idea is to build applications served by process groups, with the virtual synchrony model helping to make the actual implementation less painful. --------------------------------------------------------------- 3. TCGMSG Send/receive subroutines .. version 3.0 (9/27/90) -------------------------------------------------------- Robert J. Harrison tel: (708) 972-7197 E-mail:, harrison@anlchm.bitnet letter: Bldg. 200, Theoretical Chemistry Group, Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 S. Cass Avenue, Argonne, IL 60439. These routines have been written with the objective of providing a robust, portable, high performance message passing system for distributed memory FORTRAN applications. The C interface is also portable. The syntax is nearly identical to that of the iPSC subroutines, but the functionality is restricted to improve efficiency and speed implementation. On machines with vector hardware sustained interprocess communication rates of 6.0Mb/s have been observed. This toolkit (referred to as TCGMSG) only strives to provide the minimal functionallity needed for our applications. It is only a stop gap until some better model becomes widely (and cheaply) available. However, I believe that many (not all) chemistry and physics problems are readily and efficiently coded with this simple functionality, and that such effort will not be wasted when better tools are found. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 4. >From: Rochelle Grober <argosy!> Have you ever heard of what has been done on Apollo workstations (now owned by HP)? Their animated movies are created by a "master" node grabbing any other computer on the net and shipping off a frame and appropriate code to process the frame using ray tracing algorithms. The master locates available computers, coordinates shippping off a frame and appropriate code to process the frame using ray tracing algorithms. The master locates available computers, coordinates shipping out and retrieving the frames and code, etc. It can grow with the number of computers available. The way most of the movies have been made is that the job is run during off hours and weekends. I believe one of their claims was something like 25,000 hours of compute time to generate one of their shors was accomplished over two weekends using the company's at that time ~1000 node network. I, mayself participated in a project that took our large data files and broke them up into blocks, shipping blocks and copy of the necessary code to up to five other computers on the net. It worked very well, and this was in 1986. The apollo operating system and system support is designed to facilitate this kind of network distribution of work, so the code to do this sort of subtasking took a knowledgeable person a day to write, and perhaps a couple to ensure it worked properly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. >From: Colin Brough <> Have you heard of CSTools, from Meiko Scientific? It is a message passing environment, originally designed for their Computing Surface reconfigurable processor arrays. There is now a version for a Sun cluster, as well as the Transputer and i860 versions. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. >From: "V.S.Sunderam" <> We have a system called PVM that does what you describe. A paper on this has appeared in "Concurrency: Practice & Experience" December 1990. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. >From: "Veikko M. Keha" <keha@hydra.Helsinki.FI> I am working on a methodology that tries to automate the process of converting a serial program into objects that are executed parallel in a local area network. This "Implicit Parallelism Model" is targeted to programmers who are used to write serial programs and don't wont to know much about parallelism and its complexity. The model is based on remote procedure calls. The source code is modified by a precompiler to produce such code that remote procedure calls are executed parallel. The model is suitable to be used with any 3rd generation language. I have built some prototypes to demonstrate the model. The language has been C++. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. >From: (Roger Bolick) You posted a request for information concerning multi-workstation programming. If I understand your search correctly then our project may be of interest. It is a programming environment for C++ with a runtime kernel running on either a Unix box or on the native hardware which supports remote objects. This is used on both multi-computer hardware as well as multi-workstations. This means that you program runs on the available hardware as described in that applications configuration file, assigning objects to as many nodes as you have. Of course its not that simple and there are limitations, but that is why its still in research. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. >From: Karsten Morisse <> I collected quite a few responses to my query on how to connect an ensemble of suns into a multiprocessing team. Here is a summary of what I received. (It took some time for the mail to percolate overseas and back, that is the reason for the delay in my replying.) I heard about 9 different projects: 1. ISIS (Cornell) If you want ISIS, send mail to "," subject "I want ISIS". 2. Cosmic Environment (Caltech) You can obtain a programming guide by sending e-mail to, or postal mail to: 3. DOMINO (U. Maryland, College Park) DOMINO is a message passing environment for parallel computation. See the Computer Science Dept. (U. Maryland) tech report # TR-1648 (April, 1986) by D. P. O'Leary, G. W. Stewart, and R. A. van de Geijn. 4. DPUP (U. of Colorado) DPUP stands for Distributed Processing Utilities Package. What follows is an abstract from a technical report written at the Computer Science Dept. at the University of Colorado by T. J. Garner, et. al "DPUP is a library of utilities that support distributed concurrent computing on a local area network of computers. The library is built upon the interprocess communication facilities in Berkeley Unix 4.2BSD." 5. TORiS (Toronto) TORis implements a shared memory communication model. Contact Orran Krieger at the University of Toronto for more information: UUCP: {decvax,ihnp4,linus,utzoo,uw-beaver}!utcsri!eecg!okrieg ARPA: CSNET: CDNNET: okrieg@eecg.toronto.cdn 6. LINDA (Yale, Scientific Computing Associates) Linda is a parallel programming language for shared memory implementations. It is simple and has only six operators. C-linda has been implemented for a network of SUNs in the internet domain. With LAN-LINDA (also called TSnet) you can write parallel or distributed programs in C and run them on a network of workstations. TSnet has been tested on Sun and IBM RT workstations. Contact David Gelernter (project head) or Mauricio Arango at: TSnet and other Linda systems are being distributed through Scientific Computing Associates. Contact Dennis Philbin Scientific Computing Associates 246 Church St., Suite 307 New Haven, CT 06510 203-777-7442 7. SR (U. Arizona) "SR (Synchronizing Resources) is designed for writing distributed programs. The main language constructs are resources and operations. Resources encapsulate processes and variables they share; operations provide the primary mechanism for process interaction. SR provides a novel integratiotion of the mechanisms for invoking and servicing operations. Consequently, all of local and remote procedure call, rendezvous, message passing, dynamic process creation, multicast, and semaphores are supported. An overview of the language and implementation appeared in the January, 1988, issue of TOPLAS (ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems 10,1, 51-86). "SR is available by anonymous FTP from Arizona.EDU ( or [Copy over the README file for an explanation.] You may reach the members of the SR project electronically at: uunet!Arizona!sr-project or by surface mail at: SR Project Department of Computer Science University of Arizona Tucson, AZ 85721 (602) 621-2018 8. MAITRD (U.C. Berkeley/U. Wash) "The maitr'd software is remote process server that is designed to farm out cpu expensive jobs to less loaded machines. It has a small amount of built-in intelligence, in that it attempts to send jobs to the least loaded machine of the set which is accepting off-site jobs." `Maitrd' is available via anonymous ftp from ( as ~ftp/pub/Maitrd.tar.Z. There is also a heterogeneous systems rpc package `hrpc.tar.Z'. Contact Brian Bershad at U. Washington ( for more information. 9. PARMACS (Argonne) David Levine at Argonne National Laboratory tells us about a "generic package to do send/recv message passing" with "different versions (c, c++, fortran) [that] work on different machines." For more information, send email to, with subject (or body) ``send index from parmacs.'' For more information send email to or by uucp: {alliant,sequent,rogue}!anlams!levine. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 10. >From: Karen Tracey <> My implementation platform for this work is the ARCADE distributed system. If you are not familiar with ARCADE I can also give you references on it. The goal of the ARCADE project is to develop an environment which allows programmers to easily build distributed applications that consist of cooperating tasks which may run on heterogeneous machines. ARCADE contains a number of facilities (data transfer & sharing, inter-task control & synchronization) that simplify development of cooperative distributed applications. "ARCADE: A Platform for Heterogeneous Distributed Operating Systems", by David L. Cohn, William P. Delaney, and Karen M. Tracey, appeared in Proceedings of 1989 USENIX Workship on Experiences with Distributed and Multiprocessor Systems, Fort Lauderdale, FL, October 1989. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 11. >From: David Taylor <> I'm not sure about this, but I believe you may be interested in a system called Amoeba (sp?). I can't remember whether it's a true parallel-processing environment or simply an OS that distributes processes on a network, but it's probably worth looking into. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. >From : roman@CCSF.Caltech.EDU (Roman Salvador) We (ParaSoft Corporation) sell a system (parallel libraries, profilers, debugger, semi-automatic data-distributer, automatic parallelizer, ...) to do parallel processing on networks of workstations and most other parallel computers. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. >From: Joe Hummel <jhummel@ICS.UCI.EDU> The Univ. of Washington has such a system, Amber. It runs a single appl in parallel on a network of shared-memory workstations (e.g. Dec Firefly). See 12th ACM Syp on Operating Systems, Dec. '89, pp 1147-158. Also, take a look at Munin, at system from Rice Univ. They have it running on a network of Suns. See '90 ACM Sigplan PPoPP conference. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 14. We did some work at UCLA using PCs on an ethernet Felderman, R.E., Schooler, E.M., Kleinrock L., "The Benevolent Bandit Laboratory: A Testbed for Distributed Algorithms", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 7, No. 2, February 1989. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 15. "J. Eric Townsend" <> I would suggest you look at CalTech's "Cosmic Environment", which lets you write iPSC/2 code and run it on a network of workstations. is who you need to talk to. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 16. >From: Andy Newman <> Get in touch with AT&T and get some information on their Concurrent C product. They have a version that runs on multiple machines in the network and others that run on actual multi-processors. Its basically C with Hoare's (sp?) CSP constructs added to it (a sort of super-Occam). ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 17. >From: About 2 years ago I was involved in a project which given an Ada program with (logical) site annotations converted it into a set of Ada programs which could be compiled using existing compilers and the code run on separate machines connected by an ethernet. There was a set of utilities which invoked our convertor, followed by the Ada compiler/linker etc. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 18. >From: Paulo V Rocha <> The PYGMALION Programming Environment, a ESPRIT II project, uses a multi-workstation environment (up to 3 workstations if I am not wrong) to run neural network applications. It uses remote procedure calls to communicate. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 19. >From: We're currently working on a system called DagNet which will allow the programmer to specify subroutines and their dependencies and then have the subroutines scheduled around the internet. In DagNet the data distribution is precisely associated with the dependencies. We currently have a prototype working but the the system is still going through changes. I also developed a system called Phred which allows the visual specification and analysis of parallel programs. Currently I'm working on designing an execution system which will actually execute Phred programs over a network of machines. Unfortunately the executioner is still on paper at this point. Phred does have interesting properties for sharing data among parallel processes which might interest you. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 20. >From: Meiko (from Bristol UK -- don't have actual address but somebody on the net must) sell a product called CS-Tools which will run jobs over a network of Suns (SPARCstations and SLC etc) and their own boxes. Don't know how well it works. (I use it every day but I only run on Meiko's Computing Surface so can't verify its behaviour on the Suns.) -------------------------------------------------------------------- 21. >From: Ozalp Babaoglu <> Paralex: An Environment for Parallel Programming in Distributed Systems One of the many advantages of distributed systems is their ability to execute several computations on behalf of a single application in parallel, thus improving performance. In fact, at a certain level of aabstraction, there is little difference between a distributed system and a losely-coupled multiprocessor computer. We cannot, however, treat distributed systems as if they were uniform multiprocessor parallel machines due to the following characteristics: o High latency, low bandwidth communication o Presence of heterogeneous processor architectures o Communication link and processor failures o Multiple independent administrative domains. Thus, if we can address these issues, a distributed computing resource such as a collection of workstations could be viewed and used as if it were a poor man's ``super computer.'' To make a distributed system suitable for long-running parallel computations, support must be provided for fault tolerance. Many hours of computation can be wasted not only if there are hardware failures, but also if one of the processors is turned off, rebooted or disconnected from the network. Given that the components of the system (workstations) may be under the control of several independent administrative domais (typically a single individual who ``owns'' the workstation), these events are much more plausible and frequent than real hardware failures. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 22. >From: (Greg Eisenhauer) I'm not sure if it's exactly what you're looking for, but you might look at my old work on Distributed Ada. The idea was that you took a single application (program) and gave it to a compiler along with a specification of how you wanted parts of it to be distributed across a distributed memory architecture. We did most of the development here on a network of Suns and eventually moved to an Intel iPSC/2 Hypercube. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 23. >From: Ralph Noack <mdaeng!> We've bought a package called Express by ParaSoft. It runs on sun workstation networks and pc or macs with transputer cards. It has two different modes of programming for parallelizing a task. 1) cubix: a single executable with appropriate calls to library routines to: find id number, exchange data between nodes, etc. I've written a small program with solves a simple pde on multiple nodes. So it works. I could not get the main application running do to problems with their current preprocessor(it translates fortran write statements to subr calls so all io plays through node 0). They say a new version of the preprocessor will be released soon. 2) host + node executables. A single host task communicated/controls multiple tasks running a different executable. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 24. from (Richard Wolski) About a week ago I posted a request for reference information on partitioning and scheduling for heterogeneous systems. I am pleased to say the the response has been almost overwhelming. While I haven't completely digested everything I have received, here is a summary of what I think is pertinent. Dr. Shahid Bokhari at icase suggests: ------------------------------------- Author = "Shahid H. Bokhari", Year = "July 1979", Journal = "IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering", Number = "5", Pages = "341-349", Title = "Dual processor scheduling with dynamic reassignment", Volume = "SE-5", Author = "Shahid H. Bokhari", Year = "November 1981", Journal = "IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering", Number = "6", Pages = "583-589", Title = "A shortest tree algorithm for optimal assignments across space and time in a distributed processor system", Volume = "SE-7", Author = "Shahid H. Bokhari", *** RECOMMENDED *** Title = "Partitioning problems in parallel, pipelined and distributed computing", Journal = "IEEE Transactions on Computers", Year = "January, 1988", Number ="1", Volume="C-37", Pages="48-57" Author = "Shahid H. Bokhari", Title = "Assignment problems in parallel and distributed computing", Publisher = "Kluwer", Address = "Boston", Year = "1987" Author = "Patricia J. Carstensen", Title = "The Complexity of Some Problems in Parametric Linear and Combinatorial Programming", Year = "1983", Institution = "Department of Mathematics, University of Michigan", Author = "K. W. Doty", Author = "P. L. McEntire", Author = "J. G. O'Reilly", Title = "Task allocation in a distributed computer system", Journal = "Proceedings of the IEEE Infocom 82", Pages = "33-38", Year = "1982", Author = "Dan Gusfield", Title = "Parametric combinatorial computing and a problem of program module distribution", Journal = "Journal of the ACM", Volume = "30", Number = "3", Pages = "551-563", Year = "July 1983", Author = "Robert E. Larson", Author = "Paul E. McIntyre", Author = "John G. O'Reilly", Title = "Tutorial: Distributed Control", Publisher = "IEEE Computer Society Press", Address = "Silver Spring, MD", Year = "1982", Author = "Virginia M. Lo", **** RECOMMENDED **** Title = "Heuristic algorithms for task assignments in distributed systems", Journal = "Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Distributed Processing Systems", Pages = "30-39", Year = "May 1984", Author = "Janet Michel", Author = "Andries van Dam", Title = "Experience with distributed processing on a host/satellite system", Journal = "Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH Newsletter)", Volume = "10", Number = "2", Year = "1976", Author = "Camille C. Price", Author = "Udo W. Pooch", Title = "Search Techniques for a nonlinear multiprocessor scheduling problem", Journal = "Naval Research Logistics Quarterly", Volume = "29", Number = "2", Pages = "213-233", Year = "June 1982", Author = "Gururaj S. Rao", Author = "Harold S. Stone", Author = "T. C. Hu", Title = "Assignment of tasks in a distributed processor system with limited memory", Journal = "IEEE TC", Volume = "C-28", Number = "4", Pages = "291-299", Year = "April 1979", Author = "Harold S. Stone", **** RECOMMENDED **** Title = "Multiprocessor scheduling with the aid of network flow algorithms", Journal = "IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering", Volume = "SE-3", Number = "1", Pages = "85-93", Year = "January 1977", Author = "Harold S. Stone", Year = "1977", Number = "ECE-CS-77-7", Institution = "Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Massachusetts, Amherst", Title = "Program assignment in three-processor systems and tricutset partitioning of graphs" Author = "Harold S. Stone", Title = "Critical load factors in two-processor distributed systems", Journal = "IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering", Volume = "SE-4", Number = "3", Pages = "254-258", Year = "May 1978", Author = "Donald F. Towsley", Title = "Allocating programs containing branches and loops within a multiple processor system", Journal = "IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering", Volume = "SE-12", Pages = "1018-1024", Year = "October 1986", Author = "Andries van Dam", Author = "George M. Stabler", Author = "Richard J. Harrington", Title = "Intelligent satellites for interactive graphics", Journal = "Proceedings of the IEEE", Volume = "62", Number = "4", Pages = "483-492", Year = "April 1974", >From Alessandro Forin at CMU: @article ( IEEECOMP, key = "Agora" , author = "Bisiani, R. and Forin, A." , title = "Multilanguage Parallel Programming on Heterogeneous Systems" , journal = "IEEE Transactions on Computers", publisher= "IEEE-CS" , month = "August" , year = "1988" , ) inproceedings ( BISI87G, key = "bisi87g" , author = "Bisiani,R. and Lecouat,F." , title = "A Planner for the Automatization of Programming Environment Tasks" , booktitle= "21st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences" , publisher= "IEEE" , month = "January" , year = "1988" , bibdate = "Fri Aug 28 09:44:54 1987" , ) @inproceedings ( DBGWKSHP, key = "Agora" , author = "Forin, Alessandro" , title = "Debugging of Heterogeneous Parallel Systems" , booktitle= "Intl. Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Debugging", publisher= "SIGPLAN Notices, V24-1 Jan. 1989", address = "Madison, WI", month = "May" , year = "1988" , pages = "130-141", ) @techreport ( ASMREPORT, key = "Agora" , author = "R. Bisiani, F. Alleva, F. Correrini, A. Forin, F. Lecouat, R. L erner", title = "Heterogeneous Parallel Processing, The Agora Shared Memory" , institution= "Carnegie-Mellon University" , address = "Comp. Science Dept." , type = "Tech. Report" , number = "CMU-CS-87-112" , month = "March" , year = "1987" , ) Dr Michael Coffin at Unoiversity of Waterloo suggests: ------------------------------------------------------ AUTHOR = "Michael H. Coffin", TITLE = "Par: {A}n Approach to Architecture-Independent Parallel Programming", SCHOOL = "Department of Computer Science, The University of Arizona", MONTH = aug, YEAR = "1990", ADDRESS = "Tucson, Arizona" } Dr. David Skillicorn at Queens University suggests: --------------------------------------------------- TITLE = {The Purdue Dual {MACE} Operating System}, INSTITUTION = {Purdue University}, KEYWORDS = {Abell1}, YEAR = {1978}, MONTH = {NOV}, } @ARTICLE{bib:002, AUTHOR = {Guy T. Almes and Andrew P. Black and Edward D. Lazowska and Jerre D. Noe}, TITLE = {The Eden System: A Technical Review}, JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering}, PAGES = {43--59}, KEYWORDS = {Almes1}, YEAR = {1985}, MONTH = {JAN}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{bib:003, AUTHOR = {D.E. Bailey and J.E. Cuny}, TITLE = {An Approach to Programming Process Interconnection Structures: Aggregate Rewriting Graph Grammars}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of PARLE '87 Parallel Architectures and Languages Europe, Volume II}, PAGES = {112--123}, ORGANIZATION = {Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, ADDRESS = {Eindhoven, The Netherlands}, YEAR = {1987}, MONTH = {June}, } @ARTICLE{bib:004, AUTHOR = {A. Barak and A. Litman}, TITLE = {{MOS}: a Multicomputer Distributed Operating System}, JOURNAL = {Software: Practice and Experience}, KEYWORDS = {Barak1}, LENGTH = {725}, YEAR = {1985}, MONTH = {AUG}, } @ARTICLE{bib:005, AUTHOR = {A. Barak and A. Shiloh}, TITLE = {A Distributed Load Balancing Policy for a Multicomputer}, JOURNAL = {Software: Practice and Experience}, KEYWORDS = {Barak2}, LENGTH = {901}, YEAR = {1985}, MONTH = {SEP}, } @ARTICLE{bib:006, AUTHOR = {? Bartlett and et al}, TITLE = {A NonStop Kernel}, JOURNAL = {PROC of the 8th SOSP}, KEYWORDS = {Bartle1}, YEAR = {1981}, MONTH = {OCT}, } @ARTICLE{bib:007, AUTHOR = {M.J. Berger and S.H. Bokhari}, TITLE = {A Partitioning Strategy for Nonuniform Problems on Multiprocessors}, JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Computers}, VOLUME = {C-36, No.5}, PAGES = {570--580}, KEYWORDS = {rectangular partition with uniform workload}, YEAR = {1987}, MONTH = {May}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{bib:008, AUTHOR = {Andrew P. Black}, TITLE = {Supporting Distributed Applications: Experience with Eden}, JOURNAL = {PROC of the 10th SOSP}, KEYWORDS = {Black1}, YEAR = {1985}, MONTH = {DEC}, } @ARTICLE{bib:011, ***** RECOMMENDED ***** AUTHOR = {Shahid H. Bokhari}, TITLE = {On the Mapping Problem}, JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Computers}, VOLUME = {C-30}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {207--214}, KEYWORDS = {grecommended,}, YEAR = {1981}, MONTH = {March}, ABSTRACT = {This paper is important because it points out that the mapping problem is akin to graph traversal and is at least P-complete. Also see ICPP79. Reproduced in the 1984 tutorial: Interconnection Networks for parallel and distributed processing by Wu and Feng.}, } @ARTICLE{bib:015, AUTHOR = {W.W. Chu and L.J. Holloway and M.T. Lan and K. Efe}, TITLE = {Task Allocation in Distributed Data Processing}, JOURNAL = {Computer}, PAGES = {57--69}, YEAR = {1980}, MONTH = {November}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{bib:018, AUTHOR = {J.G. Donnett and M. Starkey and D.B. Skillicorn}, TITLE = {Effective Algorithms for Partitioning Distributed Programs}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Seventh Annual International Phoenix Conference on Computers and Communications}, PAGES = {363--369}, YEAR = {1988}, MONTH = {March 16--18}, } @MISC{bib:025, **** RECOMMENDED **** AUTHOR = {D.A. Hornig}, TITLE = {Automatic Partitioning and Scheduling on a Network of Personal Computers}, INSTITUTION = {Carnegie Mellon University, Department of Computer Science,}, YEAR = {1984}, MONTH = {November}, ABSTRACT = {This Ph.D thesis describes the development of a language Stardust in which indications are given of the running time of each function. The run-time evironment then schedules the functions based on the costs of message passing and load balancing. There is some discussion of granularity. The language contains no explicit partitioning.}, } @ARTICLE{bib:027, AUTHOR = {P. Hudak and B. Goldberg}, TITLE = {Distributed Execution of Functional Programs Using Serial Combinators}, JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Computers}, VOLUME = {C34, No.10}, PAGES = {881--891}, YEAR = {1985}, MONTH = {October}, } @ARTICLE{bib:031, **** RECOMMENDED **** AUTHOR = {F.C.H. Lin and R.M. Keller}, TITLE = {The Gradient Model Load Balancing Method}, JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering}, VOLUME = {SE-13, No.1}, PAGES = {32--38}, YEAR = {1987}, MONTH = {January}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{bib:037, AUTHOR = {L.J. Miller}, TITLE = {A Heterogeneous Multiprocessor Design and the Distributed Scheduling of its Task Group Workload}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of 9th Annual Symposium on Computer Architecture}, PAGES = {283--290}, YEAR = {1982}, MONTH = {April}, } @ARTICLE{bib:042, AUTHOR = {D.A. Padua and M.J. Wolfe}, TITLE = {Advanced Compiler Optimizations for Supercomputers}, JOURNAL = {Communications of the ACM}, VOLUME = {29, No.12}, PAGES = {1184--1201}, YEAR = {1986}, MONTH = {December}, } @ARTICLE{bib:043, AUTHOR = {Michael L. Powell and Barton P. Miller}, TITLE = {Process Migration in DEMOS/MP}, JOURNAL = {PROC of the 9th SOSP}, KEYWORDS = {Powell1}, LENGTH = {110}, YEAR = {1983}, MONTH = {DEC}, } @ARTICLE{bib:044, AUTHOR = {G.S. Rao and H.S. Stone and T.C. Hu}, TITLE = {Assignment of Tasks in a Distributed Processor System with Limited Memory}, JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Computers}, VOLUME = {C-28, No.4}, PAGES = {291--299}, YEAR = {1979}, MONTH = {April}, } @ARTICLE{bib:046, **** RECOMMENDED **** AUTHOR = {C.-C Shen and W.-H. Tsai}, TITLE = {A Graph Matching Approach to Optimal Task Assignment in Distributed Computing Systems Using a Minimax Criterion}, JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Computers}, VOLUME = {C-34, No.3}, PAGES = {197--203}, YEAR = {1985}, MONTH = {March}, } @ARTICLE{bib:054, AUTHOR = {H. Widjaja}, TITLE = {An Effective Structured Approach to Finding Optimal Partitions}, JOURNAL = {Computing}, VOLUME = {29, No.3}, PAGES = {241--262}, YEAR = {1982}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{bib:055, AUTHOR = {E. Williams}, TITLE = {Assigning Processes to Processors in Distributed Systems}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of 1983 International Conference on Parallel}, PAGES = {404--406}, YEAR = {1983}, MONTH = {August}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{bib:056, AUTHOR = {F. Ercal and J. Ramanujam and P. Sadayappan}, TITLE = {Task Allocation onto a Hypercube by Recursive Mincut}, BOOKTITLE = {Hypercube Conference}, YEAR = {1988}, } @article{, author = {J.-L. Gaudiot and J.I. Pi and M.L. Campbell}, title = {Program Graph Allocation in Distributed Multicomputers}, journal = {Parallel Computing}, volume = {7}, year = {1988}, pages = {227 -- 247}, } David Hudak at the University of Michigan writes: ------------------------------------------------- "Performance Evaluation and Prediction for Parallel Algorithms on the BBN GP1000", F. Bodin, D. Windheiser, W. Jalby, etc., ACM International Conference on Supercomputing, 1990, pp. 401 - 413. "The Impact of Synchronization and Granularity on Parallel Systems", Ding-Kai Chen, Hong-Men Su, and Pen-Chung Yew, International Symposium on Computer Architecture, 1990, p. 239 - 248 Also: for interesting work on dynamic partitioning, check Polychronopou los' article, (IEEE Computer, '86 I think) on Guided Self-Scheduling Really, the guys you want to read about are: Jalby, Polychronopoulos, Dennis Gannon, Sameh, Windheiser, and, of course, me. (Oh, Reed had an IEEE paper '87 on stencils and program partitioning, and Vrsalovic had a good tech report from CMU.) Bill Schilit at Columbia suggests: ---------------------------------- Parallel Processing: the Cm* experience, Edward F. Gehringer, et. al. Digital Press Dr. David Finkel at Worcester Polythecnic Institute writes: ----------------------------------------------------------- "Evaluating Dynamic Load Sharing in Distributed Computer Systems", Computer Systems: Science and Engineering 5 (1990), 89 - 94. "Load Indices for Load Sharing in Heterogeneous Distributed Computing Systems", with David Hatch,Proceedings of the 1990 UKSC Conference on Computer Simulation, Brighton, 1990, 202 - 206. Zbigniew Chamski ( suggests: ------------------------------------------------------ @string{IEEES = "IEEE Software"} **** RECOMMENDED **** @string{ECEDOSU = "Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Oregon State University"} @article{ KrLe88, author = "Kruatrachue, B. and Lewis, T.", title = "Grain Size Determination for Parallel Processing", journal = IEEES, year = 1988, volume = 5, number = 1, pages = "23--32", month = jan} @phdthesis{ **** RECOMMENDED **** Krua87, author = "Kruatrachue, B.", title = "Static Task Scheduling and Grain Packing in Parallel Processing Systems", school = ECEDOSU, year = 1987, address = "{Corvallis, OR, USA}"} @PhdThesis{ElRe89, author = "El-Rewini, H.", title = "Architecture-Independent Task Partitioning and Scheduling on Arbitrary Parallel Processing Systems", school = "Department of Computer Science, Oregon State Universi ty", year = "1989", address = "{Corvallis, OR, USA}", month = nov} I would also add the following recommendations: McCreary, C., and Gill, H., "Automatic Determination of Grain Size for Efficient Parallel Processing", CACM, September 1989, pp. 1073-1078. Van Tilborg, A., Wittie, L., "Wave Scheduling -- Decentralized Scheduling of Task Forces in Multicomputers", IEEE Transactions on Computers, 33:835-844, September 1984. Berman, F., "Why is Mapping Hard for Parallel Computers?", Proceedings of the IEEE Parallel/Distributed Computing Networks Seminar, Jan. 31, 1990. Sarkar, V., "Partitioning and Scheduling for Execution on Multiprocessors", Ph.D. dissertation, Stanford Tech. Report No. CSL-TR-87-328, April 1987. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- =========================== MODERATOR ============================== Steve Stevenson {steve,fpst} Department of Computer Science, comp.parallel Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634-1906 (803)656-5880.mabell